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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Everybody who calls Thailand even close to safe, should get their head checked!

    Boats get overloaded on a daily basis, with not nearly enough (working) safety equipment on board.

    All kinds of vehicles would NEVER be allowed to be operated in ANY of our home countries- be it buses, boats, trucks, cars or even planes!

    Emergency exits in all kinds of buildings are blocked, turning these buildings into deadly traps in the case of a fire!

    Lawlessness and corruption win everyday over safety!


    Yes- I take my chances in Thailand too...but just because there is NO alternative!

    Not because I like, risking my life on a daily basis!


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  2. "In the afternoon, a Lanna cleansing ritual was held ahead of a Lanna cave closing ceremony. Both are believed to remove any ill-intentioned spirits from the area and protect others from losing their way in the cave."


    Yup...that'll do!

    Not my plan with the safety measures, the total locking of the caves from May to November and other worldly stuff!

    Just a bit of hocuspocus and shubby-dooby and everybody should be safe!


    Now, back to the rain- making!



    P.S.: for all who say "safety measures will come later...just a nice tradition..."...please don't insult my intelligence and remind yourself, of the simple fact, that this is Thailand!

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  3. 11 minutes ago, johng said:

    It was shown in the Thai TV news this morning....she was simulating oral sex....another university made the news a couple of years ago for the same reason
    (They where 20 something year olds not teens)
    More much ado about not much at all.

    I take it as a given, that you either have  a) no daughter or b ) no objection, if someone forces her into pretend- oral sex, to please the onlooking masses?!

    In the later case, let's talk again about "much ado"...

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