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Posts posted by DM07

  1. “I’m confident that the Mu Pa boys will grow up to be excellent citizens of the country and work for the benefits of the country’s future and reputation,” wrote Dr Pak Loharnchun in a Facebook post"


    Blahblahblah...nationalistic sugarcoated claptrap...

    4 of the boys are not even citizens yet, because Thailand's abysmal politics when it comes to the hilltribes and refugees of all kinds!


    And what is the base for this assertion?

    That they were trapped in a cave?


    I am really happy, they are out and I am really sad for the life lost!

    But I don't get the hype!

    Sorry...I don't!

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

    Why would they want a party in Bangkok for an event that happened in Chiang Rai?


    If they're going to have a party, then have one huge party that allows everyone to be at the same location, and not split venues according to assumed class.


    Ridiculous to even entertain different venues IMO.

    ...because Bangkok is the only part of Thailand, that matters!


  3. On 7/15/2018 at 6:00 AM, RocketDog said:

    Apparently you and I are not thinking clearly. I posted that I thought him negligent for allowing them to enter.. I was barraged with comments opposing this view. The silliest was a guy stating that I should ponder long on why so many people disagreed with me..implying that I must be wrong since the herd did not agree. Please consider me duly chastised for my brash assumptions about lynch mobs all being in agreement. I see now that they to should be considered heros.


    I continue to hold my opinion but did have pause to think when somebody in this forum said that the boys went in by themselves and called the coach afterwards. In that case it was not his poor judgment and he is a hero.. We'll have to see how this plays now that all boys are rescued.. (today is July 14, and I'm catching up on old forum in my mail)

    The later part of your post was debunked many times, by now!

    They went in together and he (the responsible adult) made that big error of judgement.


    I also found the herd mentality here on TV "weird", to say the least!



    • Thanks 1
  4. 12 hours ago, grollies said:

    You've never run a kids football team have you? Kids can be very pressurizing, try to imagine 12 of them egging you on, to go somewhere they'd been many times before, after footy practice, what's the harm?


    Too many judges on here for my liking.

    In fact: I have been!

    No luckily, there are not too many caves in the area of the town I lived in, but here is the deal: as an ADULT, you should make some decissions, that are not liked by the kids!

    That is, why you are the ADULT there!

    But then again: where I come from, people DO forward planning, thinking ahead an take responsibilty for their actions (or are held accountable).

    I know...ridiculous nanny-state, right!?

    11 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

    The guy took some kids back into a cool ass cave in a country where all any kids do is sit on phones and got to siam paragon. 


    I don't care what happened, the country needs more coaches like this. 

    I don't care what happened

    ...and that pretty much sums up, what too many people are thinking!

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    So because it’s been stated many times, it’s true?

    What was shown in photographs?

    Where is your proof the coach led them  in and he is responsible for them being in there? 

    You can read, right?!

    As fat as I am concerned, that is what was widely reported!

    Sure- things could have been different: Aliens might have captured the boys and the coach went after them, disregarding his own life and safety or the kids bound and gagged him and carried him into the cave and when all 13 are out of the cave, we will get the final version of what happened.

    Until then, I go with what I have!

    So do you!



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  6. 3 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    “Give the man a medal” Show me where you are quoting me from. 


    “Matter of looking at a situation and drawing conclusions from it” 

    “doing an abysmal job getting them into the cave “

    All your conclusions are based on what? None of the facts have come out as to how or why the boys went in there, but you and others still know best. “

    As I said before, typical self righteous attitude thinking you know everything when in fact no one knows the true facts only those involved and maybe the parents who choose to show compassion towards him. 


    Yeah I’m pretty tired of TVF know all’s who know very little but least it gives them a few minutes of attention they so badly need. 

    Keep your insults to yourself, because if I am a fame- whore...so are you!


    All my conclusions are based on what I read and heard and have seen about this case, but mostly: 13 PEOPLE ARE TRAPPED IN A FLOODED CAVE UNDERGROUND!

    He was the ONE ADULT in the group and he thought, it was a good idea NOT to keep the group from entering a cave, that regularly floods in rainy season...which is right about NOW!

    It's been said, that they have been to caves several times and that they knew the caves- well...obviously not good enough!

    And obviously, they never heard of them being flooded, when it is raining...which it did for the last several weeks!

    And plaese spare me the "the sign said July"- rhetoric!

    Things don't start being dangerous on July 1st and are not dangerous a few days before that!


    But if you didn't arrive in Thailand yesterday, we all know, how this plays out anyways: no one will be held responsible and nothing will be learned.

    So yeah...you are right, of course!

    You and the face saving practice in this wonderful country!

    Have a nice weekend!


    • Like 1
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  7. 24 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    The difference is Farangs always want to blame someone, all part of the “where’s the blame , there’s a claim “ culture. 

    One if the reasons many of us farangs want to be here is to get away from the self righteous condescending attitude of many who somehow think because they live in the “1st world” they are somehow superior and can sit on judgement of others. 

    Once again the majority of Thai people have shown more humanity than many Westerners.......I for one am not surprised at all. 

    I am really getting tired of posts like this one!

    If I say "Thais are generally not the best at planning, forward thinking and taking responsibilty", I get drawn and quartered for doing "Thai Bashing"- yet it is totally okay, to come with "farang this, farang that"!

    I really don't give a hoot, what anyone says about the coach!

    MY opinion is, that he has been doing an abysmal job, getting the kids into the cave and he (it seems) did a good job, keeping thm alive until rescue arrived. 

    Although I hope, everything will be fine, may I also state: they are not out yet!


    For myself, I can not understand, why anyone would say, the guy is a hero!

    That is my personal opinion!

    The parents may think about that in another way!

    YOU might be thinking about this in another way!

    I know Thais (PLURAL!) who think he is no hero, but an idiot and some don't!

    It is a matter of perspective and I have claerly a different one, than many other people...and the same as many others!

    Since when, have matters of discussion become a question of right or wrong, depending on what the majority thinks?


    Even on this thread, there are people who I agree with on many subjects- not on this one, though!

    Do I think, these guys are morons?

    No...we agree to disagree!

    It is not a farang vs Thai- thing!

    It is not a good vs evil- thing!

    It is a matter of looking at a situation and drawing conclusions from it!

    Yours are "give the man a medal"- mine is "Yeah...let's not do that"!

    End of!

    • Like 1
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  8. 5 minutes ago, yrag said:

    I agree should be praised...The  sign at entrance says July not enter ( Warning ) , they went in June 23rd...why crucify the coach . Maybe coach was a  little  stupid for taking in there in the first place, ..Their were NO intent of harm….But He saved them...Just think what if he had not been there? ? He is presently the one in  the worse condition, gave all food and water to the boys. He saved those boys lives, , further more officials should have Gated the entrance  knowing the risk...They be the ones should be held accountable...

    ...and by posting the same 5 lines over and over, you hope to achieve exactly...what?

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  9. 1 minute ago, duanebigsby said:

    There is also the story that he didn't lead the kids into the cave.

    They went in by themselves and when they were late returning home the parents phoned the coach.

    He went in searching for them and became trapped along side of them.

    Don't you guys read news?

    That story has been proven false by now!

    That was the headcoach, who was informed by the parents, but could not get into the caves anymore, as they were flooded already!

    • Thanks 2
  10. 19 minutes ago, vogie said:

    He obviously hasen't got your superior intelligence.

    And by general concensus he is very much a hero.


    I don't give 2 hot you-know-what about the general consensus!

    I have an opinion, I though about it and it obviously isn't your opinion!

    But if you want: i'll bite !

    I never brought people under my care into any life-threatening situation, soooooo......

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  11. 40 minutes ago, Myran said:

    Why should I provide sources if you've already decided it's BS? The fact that it was hyperbolic by design seems to have completely gone over your head as well. I usually don't stoop to having discussions with clueless individuals such as yourself, but I'll make an exception since you seem completely unable to do the most basic of research yourself.


    To start off we have the very much infamous "If you're married to a child" brochure which was released a while back, listing do's and don'ts if you're married to a child: https://www.thelocal.se/20180329/swedish-agency-backtracks-following-child-marriage-brochure-storm


    Then we have the fact that husbands have been allowed to live with their child brides even though the government knows they are married: https://sputniknews.com/europe/201709251057665752-sweden-migrants-child-marriage/


    Then we have the ruling Social Democrats Party voting against a proposition to not recognize marriages with children that have been carried out in other countries: https://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/03/26/swedish-parliament-ban-child-marriage-resistance-government-parties/


    Maybe you should think before posting and not write like a neanderthal, lest you make a fool out of yourself again. I'm done here.


    Yes...you are absolutely done here!


    You know what: let me elaborate on this a bit more!

    Your original statement was, that the Swedish Government has no problem with the matter at hand...and then you provide a link to an article, that quotes a brochure, that clearly says "you are not allowed to marry an underaged girl in Sweden" and "you are not allowed to have sex with an underaged girl in Sweden" and they also state, that it doesn't matter, if in the country of origin, all that may be allowed!

    Maybe I am not getting the point - after all you already stated that I might be a bit stupid- but how is saying "you are not allowed to do this or that" actually the same as "not caring about an issue"?

    In the other article, it was stated, that although separation of underaged girls from their "husbands" is difficult, the Swedish Government will continue to try and do so!

    Now I am not a lawyer (or Swedish) and I have no idea why these difficulties arise (I assume, because it is a relatively new situation, which has to assessed thoroughly), but again: how is dealing with this situation the same as "not caring"?

    So I stand with my first comment: BS!


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