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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 10 minutes ago, kevvy said:

    What is the difference between a rock spider , a rapist or a sadist ? why does the rock spider have to have his name withheld . So , you live in a street and there is a rock spider living next to you , are you ok with not knowing he is a rock spider, because his name is withheld? the police check their computers , their actions , witnesses  etc etc , before charging them.  yes you are the idiot

    Okay...what is so difficult to understand about the term "wrongly accused"?

    So...YOU live in a street and someone MISTAKENLY thinks, YOU are a rock-spider!

    Of course you are innocent, but local news and social media are now making your name and address public...until...surprise...you get exonerated!

    In the meantime, enjoy one or two weeks of social shaming, maybe loosing your job...



    The system of putting names out, bares the risk of naming and shaming INNOCENT PEOPLE!

    Is that so hard to understand?



  2. 10 hours ago, kevvy said:

    are you a member of that idiotic society  , with such stupid comments .

    Okay, so let me get that straight: you are for the idea, to let TV- hosts and social media blurt out names of child- molesters, because....no one ever in the history of anything got wrongly accused and you have no regards for the reputation (or rather: ruining it) for those people, so you can have your "revenge" on rightly accused kiddie- fidlers!

    So you have the lives of the kids ruined and on top of that, are willing to risk ruining of more lives!

    Got it!

    And I am the idiot?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Cancerian said:

    No i can read and i adressed your stupid comment WE HAVE DNA THESE DAYS. Prehaps you should read again. What i do understand is idiots like you should not speek you only make folls of yourself 

    You know...you are right!

    I am an idiot and a c$$nt!

    But at least, I understand, that there is a difference between an accusation and a condemnation/ guilty verdict and I understand, that the one thing can come waaaaaaaaay before the other thing!

    And with today's use of social media, some people get wrongly accused of all kinds of $4!t everyday and turn out to be innocent, before it comes to any kind of DNA!

    "Speeking" about making "folls" out of oneself!


  4. 1 hour ago, poohy said:

    Boys still trapped, from what i read no clear rescue plan   so it could still all go wrong! ( i sincerely hope not)


    And above all they are planning a tourist attraction sadly so incredibly Thai! .....absolutely amazed 

    Oh don't worry: if it goes wrong, it will also be turned into a tourist attraction.

    With a slightly morbid touch to it!

    (Before someone goes off on me: no, I don't hope that it goes wrong, I don't wish, I don't want...I hope, it will all be fine and the guys get out alive and well!)

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Cancerian said:

    They deserve no protection.Try and think of the poor victim for once some who will go on to commit suicide. You inconsiderate c$$t.

    Ive never heard of a innocent kidfy fiddler before no such thing.

    DNA solves alot. And this guy married a 11yo GUILTY THE DECISION IS FINAL


    I asked: what about those, who are WRONGLY ACCUSED?
    You do understand the words "wrongly accused", don't you?!

  6. 12 minutes ago, kevvy said:

    There are no pedophiles  in Australia ...The government make sure of that as the media cannot print their names .Derryn Hinch a radio reporter   is notorious for his campaigns to name and shame pedophiles and he was jailed in 1987 for outing a Catholic priest as a pedophile against a judge’s suppression orders..This is how the legal system works in the nanny state 

    ...and how about people who get wrongly accused?

    How about their protection?

    Let me guess: screw them!

    Just let any Harry, Dick and Tom shame alleged kiddie- fiddlers, no matter if they actually are guilty or not!

    That is how things are done in an idiotic- society!

    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Just making an observation that Thailand has good relationship with many of the 54 or so Arab/Muslim countries around the world but none has offered assistance in anyway, none from the middle east, not even a pretend to want to come and help, except one,... so by now Thailand should have an inkling as to who are their friends in need and deed....


    That is your take away from this?

    Of the 160 odd nations from around the world, only very few (I counted 3, but it may be 5 or 6) sent any form of help!

    Maybe due to the fact, that Thailand is not really known to ask for help from others, maybe due to other reasons!

    But of course, someone couldn't help himself and make this a "Muslim vs Rest of the World"- issue!

    To quote the great American philosopher DJ Trump: "Sad!"

    • Like 2
  8. I don't believe all Thais are bad, as much as I don't believe all cabbies are bad!

    I don't believe the opposite, either!

    What get's on my nerve and makes me very suspicious, it the regularity in which these stories pop up!

    Some person takes a cab, looses a treasure-chest full of jewels and cash, honest and kind cabbie returns it, big fuss is being made...

    I just a) don't buy it and b ) think it should not be news! 

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