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Posts posted by DM07

  1. On 6/5/2018 at 11:57 PM, AYJAYDEE said:

    Lol! all these  arrogant farang ridiculing thai construction methods, corruption, inspection methods and tight fistedness while the Grenfell inquiry is rolling right along in Britain!



    On 6/6/2018 at 4:20 AM, canthai55 said:

    Yep - either do not read the OP or fail to understand what is printed.

    Much easier to blame the workers when they are just doing as they are told, as in all jobs in all countries.

    This happens in no other country but Thailand ?


    Didn't take long, for the defenders of all things Thai, to crawl out of the woodwork!

    "Don't look here- look over there!"


  2. It is not only the massive use of plastic- bags...it is the stupid use of plastic- bags, that infuriates me!

    Not only do you get a plastic bag for every purchase you make...you get 2, 3 or 4 bags with a purchase.

    One bag for the food (mostly tightly wrapped in plastic), another one for toothpast and shampoo (aroma- sealed in plastic), the next for dishwashing- liquid and toilet cleaner (safely stored inside plastic bottles)....and so on and so forth!

    By now, I react very annoyed with the Tops Daily- cashiers, in the shop I frequent...well...daily..., when they start splitting up my stuff into 3 or 4 separate bags, not one of them even remotely full!

    I know...you should not show that you are upset in Thailand...I don't give a #$@% anymore!

    If you are honestly giving me a plastic bag for an icecream- sandwich, you have the intelligence of an amoeba and I don't care for your idiot feelings!


    Get this: one time I bought 2 cans of beer, a can of coke and a bottle of mouth- wash!

    I got handed 4 straws with that!


    You get 4 #$@%^&* plastic- spoons with every 4 -pack of yoghurt (tightly wrapped in plastic) and one with every yoghurt you buy in a shop!

    This country is not able to think!

    AT ALL


    ...end of rant...

  3. 17 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

    “The German authorities wanted time to examine the case. Normally that takes about two months. Thai authorities have asked them to complete it within three days,” Prawit said.

    The Thai authorities (Police) needed 4 YEARS to translate 1 page into English for Interpol on the Red Bull case and now they are telling Germany to finish a task which normally takes 2 months in 3 days??????????

    Why do Thai authorities look every day dumber to me?????

    Oooooh they can do in Thailand!

    Making a conclusive DNA- test here only takes a few hours....


  4. "The German authorities wanted time to examine the case. Normally that takes about two months. Thai authorities have asked them to complete it within three days,” Prawit said."


    Oh...you mean, like you do it in Thailand?

    Find a dead body- arrange the scene of the crime, in a way it fits your narrative- find 2 Burmese scapegoats- fiddle with the evidence - loose some evidence- hand out a prison sentence?

    Here is some news for you: this is not, how things are handled in countries, that actually have laws and follow them!

    Take a number and waaaaaaaait!

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  5. 11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    As long as Europe keeps accepting such arrivals by illegal means, expect more such tragedies.  Perhaps it's time to change to the Australian solution, which works.

    Please enlighten all of us: since these people are "refugees"...how are they to travel to Europe?  First class on a plane?

    It's always great, when people, who have nothing to fear, spout nonsense and inhumanities from behind their keyboard!

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  6. Nobody yet wants to counter what the police say?

    Make it about islam, although there is no sign of it?

    Maybe the 50 year old Australian had a Serbian grandgrandmother, who immigrated to Australia in the early 1900's and once shook hands with a Muslim woman in the mountain- village, she came from, which clearly makes the man a Muslim...?!


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  7. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The Irish were not brought to the US in chains.


    Far from it. The Irish journey to the US was one of hope and freedom, a journey for a better life.


    (Not unlike South Americans travelling to the US in search of work, opportunity and a better life).

    Just let it be!

    We constantly forget, how the Irish are gunned down by the police for traffic violations, how Irish get called every name in the book by US-politicians, how "Irish -on- Irish"- crime is mentioned everytime, an Irish- guy addresses gun violence and how Irish- people get called out for kneeling during the anthem in quiet protest!

    God, they got it rough, the Irish!

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