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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 19 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    And perhaps you can point us as to why EU passport holders should have free movement and can come and settle in the UK putting an unnecessary strain on housing, employment and other essential services.

    They can’t. The EU was going to allow the UK to not grant social services to unemployed EU citizens. The UK was looking for 4 years which was upheld by the EU courts. Obviously this would have happened IF the UK was still part of the EU. It’s a moot point now. 


    This has been pointed out to you before so please stop bringing up an easily refutable point. 

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Slip said:

    Gentlemen, whilst everything you have said in the above 2 posts is entirely correct, I fear you are completely wasting your time.

    I agree.

    It's not the first time these points have been raised especially to the likes of Yogi100 but here he is again, spouting the same anecdotal nonsense when time and time again he has been proven incorrect in his assumptions and completely wrong with his facts. 

    There's banging your head against a brick wall and there's doing facts with a Brexit fan. Both are bound to give you a headache.  

    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

    I'm with the leavers.  When I don't know where I am going, I carry on, hoping the road is going to go somewhere.   I might from time to time look at a map, but I don't pay them much heed, and I would certainly never listen to my wife, as women have no sense of direction, nor ask a stranger.  Luckily, so far, I've always been able to make a U-turn (or at least a 3-point turn - or 11 points...) when I've reached an impasse.


    I am sure, like Napoleon, Boris won't want to embark on the long road back from Moscow, but sometimes we have no choice.  (That was two analogies, by the way).



    So even if you are completely lost with no idea of where you are going, you would rather remain lost and 'hope for the best' rather than take some guidance from someone who can help you get where you need to go?

    Got to love you Brexit guys. 

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    We worked on a casual basis getting paid cash in hand as is often the procedure in the building trade.


    Back then in 2004 such an arrangement was common and there was rarely any need of industrial tribunals. You went to work and when the work dried up you sought work elsewhere.


    Casual workers are still often unofficially paid on the same basis. Courts do not take the side of such workers.


    When you sat on a tribunal did you actually describe someone's losing their job as a 'tale of woe' directly to their face?


    If not perhaps you should exercise the same discretion on here and similarly if circumstances prevail that bring you into direct contact with someone who's lost his livelihood.


    You might think you're being smart but those who've lost their jobs will not if you attempt to mock them.






    So by your own admission you worked 'cash in hand' which means you definitely didn't pay tax or NI. Were you also claiming benefits at the same time?

    You have an issue with foreigners taking your job...... your black market job? The job that encourages people to defraud the tax man and possibly the benefits system?

    I have no sympathy for you. If your job was so low skilled that any Johnny Foreigner could come and take it so easily from you then you only have yourself to blame.

    But as we have seen so many times from your posts, that doesn't stop you blaming everyone else BUT yourself does it?   

  5. On 9/6/2019 at 1:57 PM, beautifulthailand99 said:

    There is no plan anymore - just a driverless bus led by a bleeding blind man amongst a bus full of terrified opportunists screaming and fighting amongst each other like rats in a sack  as they try to get off whilst an appalled nation and world watches with horror and disdain as how it was allowed to come to this monstrous impasse. 


    And this man is PM - watch the horror  as he (reportedly drunk) goes full Alan Partridge in front of impassive police in front of whom he had planned day one of his ever so clever election campaign. The ditch is waiting.....



    There was never a plan. There was a lot of promises and wishful thinking but never an actual plan. 

    No great surprise then theres still isn’t one apart from the no-deal, commit economic hari Kari cracker that Brexiters are now willing to accept.  

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

    Thank you, I know when the dark ages were. Our ancestors can be mapped genetically going back quite a way - I wasn't pretending to know their names. And unless you've checked the Ordnance Survey map for the year 500 AD, I stick by my assumption that Britain was largely bog and forest at that time. Much of Scotland is still bog and forest - though mainly bog. Boom boom.

    Of course he knows all this because he's a high brow intellectual who uses words such as 'pusillanimity' in his everyday language.

  7. 13 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

    I meant Scotland should get out of the Union.


    Well, tell you what... as Ronnie Corbet was Scottish - and we all love Ronnie -  you can stay.

    I need neither your permission nor your condescension. 

    I get that you're trying to be funny but I think the problem is you're about as funny as syphilis.


    P.S. I know what you meant and again we don't need your permission IF we decided to go that route. 

    • Like 2
  8. 24 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    How is saying that Britain is full of aliens being 'racist' especially when many of these aliens are Eastern Europeans who are of the same race as the rest of us.


    Throwing the 'R' word about when it's not an accurate perception of the situation helps render the word meaningless.


    It's just like me accusing you of being racist towards myself when you don't even know what race I belong to.

    For once I am agreeing with Yogi.

    You weren't being racist, you were being xenophobic.

    This of course already adds to your established Islamophobia but no, no way are you racist.  

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