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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes and no. There really is no domestic base (not including Russian and Iranian spies, etc.) for throwing the Kurds under the bus. Not from the right, left, or center! 45 has basically impeached himself in the house and brought them to a point where they really have no choice but to impeach. With this development, it's beginning to feel like he's starting to beg to be convicted by the senate as well. It's well known that senate support of 45 is mostly transactional. We'll put up with your bizarre antics as long as you give us what we want (trash Obamacare, tax cuts for the rich, right wing judges, etc.). But one of things the republicans senators want is to not throw the Kurds under the bus. This is giving them an excuse to jump ship from the Trump Train. 

    I don't disagree but my comment was more about changing the media coverage than anything else. 

    We all know Trump is great at re-directing the media and since this does not make any sense whatsoever (to include your reasons) one can only surmise it's to change the narrative.

  2. 6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    You are making your case worse by saying this. So democrats ask Germany(a foreign power) to investigate Trumps banking. But that is OK and normal? Democrats ask Chris Steele(a Brit) to compile a dossier to attack Trump. But that is OK and normal? Democrats have been talking with the Ukrainian govt desperate to dig up dirt on Trump, and that is OK and normal.

     It seems to me Trump has done nothing out of the ordinary, yet is being hounded. A clear case of being guilty of governing while orange.

    Which in itself should be a crime. He’s just lucky the Fashion Police haven’t caught up with him yet. 

  3. 19 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    You have already mentioned you don't care about the poor


    Please show where I used those words, or just the usual leftie practice of taking things out of context. 


    Look at construction sites and tell me who's swinging those hammers, chances are they're neither white or black. Families not staying together could possibly be a reason for some hardships.


    Our whole education system needs to be revamped where a young person getting out of high school has the experience of an entry level trade. Not everyone is college material. Trade schools and apprentice ship programs made more available.

    Scream about cost of a good education and I'm there with you. But don't tell me the younger generations aren't getting lazier. No more winner and losers in sports, now all are getting ribbons and trophies.


    But, everything will be better when the bad orange man is out of office. Good news for you is you've only got a little over 5 yrs to go.

    In another post referring to people who are less fortunate than you, your exact words were 'They're not less fortunate, just lazier. I worked hard for what I have'.


    I think your opinion of poorer people (and now younger people by the looks of it) being in their situation simply through 'laziness' is lazy thinking on your behalf.


  4. 2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    When a UK MP colludes with the EU to undermine the UK government's position, that is traitorous.  


    I know you Remainers love to try and control the language that others can use, but my description is entirely accurate. I'm sure you hate the phrase "surrender bill" as well. The reason Remainers hate these words so much is because of their unerring accuracy. The truth hurts.


    I will add one more. Remainer MP's are cowardly. They don't want an election because they know they will lose their seats. They pretend it's because they don't trust Johnson with the election date when they know full well a one line bill could set the date of the election to be before Brexit. Which makes them liars as well. If they thought they'd win the election, Corbyn would call one.


    The lib dems and Labour MP's were voted in on manifestos to honour the result of the referendum and now they have changed their minds. Is that anti-democratic or dishonest? Let's go for both.


    So yes, this Parliament is a disgrace. It's dysfunctional. Even the speaker is biased. I'm not sure how you claim it is respected. Most of the country is aware that it's a complete shambles and has nothing but contempt for it, and that includes a lot of Remainers.

    Well I'm convinced.

    • Haha 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    So that is your angle, coming at it with maximum spin and tenuous connectivity.

    This is how the other side will spin it. Trump, in a person to person phone call, brought up the subject of Biden's blackmail and interference in the government of the Ukraine. Biden, who bragged on stage about this blackmail was making a very obvious interference of a foreign countries affairs to protect his son's fake position at Burisma. Trump wanted to get some information about that. As it should be the right of a president to investigate the crimes of the former VP. No threats or blackmail were made. It was an open and understandable conversation.

    Apparently the way in which this occurred was the wrong process to request information and on that technicality Trump gets impeached.

    This is a far cry from Watergate, or Clinton in his rape trials and diddling Monica in the oval office. It was a procedural error. The lamest excuse ever to impeach a president. But we know the dog has its bone and it will never let it go.

    This has been gone over sooooo many times I really can't be bothered going into it all again with you. Just watch the news and you'll see for yourself

    • Confused 1
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