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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Sorry about that JB.........wanted to use both quotes but yours kept "disappearing" and it was the only way I could get your great words in my post (copying and pasting).????


    PS. I use Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition and occasionally it causes strange things to happen.......then again, it could be me!

    My fault. I read “I find the above post and quote absolutely disgusting“ thinking you were talking about my post.

    I misinterpreted. On the plus side I now know what it’s really like to be a Trumper. 

  2. On 11/9/2019 at 2:25 PM, xylophone said:

    AND "Trump just got fined $2 million dollars and has been banned forever from running a charity for stealing money from kids with cancer. Part of that court decision was he HAD to admit guilt".


    I find the above post and quote absolutely disgusting. That this POS has stolen from all of the above charities and organisations makes him a figure that should be loathed and despised and he should be locked up now. This esp as he admitted he was guilty!!!


    Yet the supporters of this crook remain very "vocal" about the support they have for him.........perhaps time for a look in the mirror to see what the reflections portray. 

    Not sure if you meant to use my quote but my post actually agrees with you. Did you quote the wrong person?

  3. On 11/6/2019 at 11:12 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Well, I really wish they'd get on with it and stop waffling.

    Sooner impeached sooner cleared by the senate sooner get on with the election campaign, sooner 2020 to 2024.

    Thanks Dems, you are really helping with the re election of someone you claim to despise.

    This is also the same person you too have claimed to despise in previous posts. This unwillingness to accepts Trumps many, many indiscretions and downright criminal activity purely because of your hatred for the Dems does not bode well for your argument. As I've said to you many time before, disliking the Dems AND holding Trump to account are not mutually exclusive. But the need to hold him to account goes to the very foundation of US democracy and surely that's the important part here?

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  4. 18 hours ago, kingdong said:

    So how do these illegal immigrants survive? Through crime,working illegally,in the black economy?although I feel sorry for anyone who wants to better themselves but Britain has it's own problems,food banks,poverty,homelessness,poor state pension.So let's get our own house in order,and who were the guys who bailed out the banks at our expense?why the Labour party.genuine refugees should seek sanctuary under the haIg. convention in the first safe country they set foot in not trek half way across the world.Britain is no longer a world power just a skint little laughing stock so perhaps we should stop punching above our weight,I would like to see a comparison on the immigration-asylum policy compared to the los,s

    And your point is?

    You are just regurgitating well worn diatribes heard from every Brexit apostle or far right lunatic. 

    No one is questioning that illegal immigrants shouldn't be allowed into the country (the clue is in the word 'illegal') but the UK ranks WAY behind other countries in asylum seekers never mind illegal immigrants thanks to a narrative that demonises them all. Do you really think that, food banks, poverty, homelessness, poor state pensions are really the doing of immigrants? 10 years of austerity is why there is food banks, poverty, homelessness and poor state pensions and that my friend has nothing to do with immigrants and everything to do with a Tory government that has convinced you to vote against your own best interests with a not so subtle narrative that blames immigrants for all your problems rather than them. 


  5. On 10/26/2019 at 1:46 PM, Orton Rd said:

    Not true I know from personal experience illegals have gotten public housing and health care. Getting free health care you are not entitled to in the UK is child's play, when was the last time you heard of any ID being asked for? When I took my NHS card into the surgery to update the address they said they had never seen one and not to bother. Not being entitled to and what really goes on are two different things, too many with 'compassion & empathy' only makes the situation worse.

    I'm calling BS on this one.

    How do you get anything in the UK without a NI number? You might be able to get the odd bit of medical treatment but that's it. You might be conveniently mixing illegal immigrants up with asylum seekers (two VERY different things) but again this goes to the heart of many of you when commenting on these issues; you hate people you have never met, for reasons you don't understand because you have been programmed to blame them for all your own, self-inflicted problems.

    I'm sorry you life sucks but it's not Abioye's or Ahmed's fault. They're just trying to make a better life for themselves. Don't blame them, blame the guys who inflicted 10 years of austerity on you, who stopped building social housing, who are now leading you down a disastrous economic path just so you can wallow in your petty jingoistic nonsense. 

    Open your mind to where the REAl problem is.     

  6. 4 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Quite sure forensics will determine the time of death for the poor buggers and I did say work 'with' the EU not fob anything onto anyone.

    What's your next made up point?

    Your whole post was about fobbing it off; either sending the bodies straight back to China- '.....repatriate the bodies to China and let China deal with it from there' and fobbing off our legal responsibilities with a 'No need for a long long court case, to determine why the poor bas--rds died.' 

    Granted you mentioned working with the EU but since you were fobbing everything else off to everyone else, it also sounded like you were looking to fob that bit off as well, but I will stand corrected.

    Your whole post sounded like it wasn't worth the time, effort or expense because they were 'only' 39 dead Chinese people. 

    That's MY point. 

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