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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 25 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    When you cannot use reason, logic, evidence or facts to support your arguments then attack the source.  Is that your strategy, Eric?  If it is, it's feeble.


    Also, the link I provided is to actual documentation.  No story lines, no narrative, simply hard, cold facts.  John Solomon uploaded them.  Are you suggesting that he made these documents up?

    That's exactly what we are suggesting.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    But I thought there was no evidence of Biden corruption?  You guys have been swearing to it for over a month.  Why, you guys would even link to MSM pieces that called it a conspiracy theory.  Don't tell me you guys are giving up on the "no evidence" claim so easily.

    You providing a random bank statement does NOT constitute evidence. As has been requested , please provide a link for this before you get yourself too excited.


  3. 32 minutes ago, Catoholic said:

    clearly the response of someone suffering from TDS.


    Divorcing your wife then marrying your dead brothers wife, right after he died no less, and there are children from both marriages is perverse.  And then you're father says "we're a close family"? It's bizarre. Those are gonna be some really messed up children.



    You don't get sarcasm I see.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    Funny how when you hit the lefties with facts, logic, and honesty things start to get real quite on these threads.

    If Trump fans were required to use facts, logic and honesty then it'll get even quieter as you lot won't be able to post anything.

    Anyway, it's always fun hearing your thoughts (even though we all know your bias blinds you to the truth) and I look forward to debating you over the next few days/weeks as the live show hits town.

    As they say though 'buckle up boys, you're in for a bumpy ride!' 






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  5. 29 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

    other than Sonderland, who specifically said there was no squid go pro, who else did he actually appoint?

    It gets a bit boring having to do all you Trumpers work for you, so for one last time:-


    Fiona Hill, former Russia expert for the National Security Council described a July 10 White House meeting with Ukrainian officials in which Gordon Sondland pressured Ukraine for a political investigation in exchange for a meeting with Trump (this is quid pro quo) and insisted Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney had agreed to the plan. Hill said she saw, "Ambassador Sondland, in front of the Ukrainians, as I came in, was talking about how he had an agreement with Chief of Staff Mulvaney for a meeting with the Ukrainians if they were going to go forward with investigations. Following the meeting, Hill said John Bolton, the president’s national security adviser, told her to tell the president’s legal adviser “that I am not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up.” 


    Michael McKinley, former senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he was disturbed by a push to use U.S. diplomatic missions "to procure negative political information for domestic purposes," (quid pro quo) as well as a "failure" at the State Department to support the American diplomatic corps.


    Bill Taylor, U.S. charge d’affaires for Ukraine told Congress that "it was becoming clear" to him that a meeting between Trump and the Ukrainian President "was contingent upon the investigation of Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 elections.”  Taylor confirmed that “Ambassador Sondland told Mr. Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation,” (quid pro quo)


    Decorated army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, director of European affairs for the National Security Council- who was listening to the call - said he had “no doubt” that Trump was pressuring Ukraine to investigate his political rival, according to the transcript. He also said he reported his concerns to the National Security Council’s top lawyer because he was so “concerned.” (quid pro quo).


    Which leads to the most damning of the quid pro quo accusations, which as you rightly point out was Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union who, in a dramatic u-turn, testified that he personally delivered the message on Sept. 1 to a top Ukrainian official that U.S. military aid was contingent upon the country’s ability to launch an investigation that Trump wanted after he “refreshed” his recollection. 


    Now you are more than welcome to dispute any of these with hard facts (for a change) but they are sworn testimonies and if not true, would mean that all of these people are lying to congress, which is perjury and carries a 5 year prison sentence.

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  6. 3 hours ago, riclag said:

    Cooper is another opinionated second hand source that contradicts her self. "Well I'm not a expert on the law" referring to a meeting with deputies ! And then at another meeting she claims, she told national security attendees there was two legal avenues! But she isn't a expert! Sad day for America when unelected officials start interpreting law!



    Apparently the dems and the media don't find this POTUS has any right to freeze foreign aid to countries who have been under recent suspicion of corrupt dealings such as in the investigation of Russian collusion starting back in 2016 and the Ukraine involvement . As POTUS he is responsible  for overseeing foreign policy . For many years the office of the POTUS has instituted  self imposed duties and at times uses their interpretation to impose them according to this article on the duties of the POTUS.

    "In fact, much of what the president does today is self-imposed. Nothing in the Constitution says he must light the White House Christmas tree or even get involved in the nitty-gritty details of legislating. But the reality of today’s presidency is that it’s an all-encompassing role, and the personalities driven to run for president do not shy away from imposing themselves in all arenas once in office".


    "The president not only decides the direction of American foreign policy but also plays an important role in carrying it out". 




    And what about Sondland? Is he “ another opinionated second hand source that contradicts” himself? 

    Now we know he contradicts Himself (on pain of perjury of course) but is he just another opinionated second hand source or did he actually testify that he personally delivered the message on Sept. 1 to a top Ukrainian official that U.S. military aid was contingent upon the country’s ability to launch an investigation that Trump wanted? 

    Now be careful. He was handpicked by Trump!

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  7. 21 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    USA Today got the story from the Washington Post who got the story from Newsweek who got the story from the New York Times who got the story from the CIA.  Yep, that story has been gone over a lot.


    The Week is an unapproved source so they don't count.


    I've posted links to information which refutes what you just posted but it gets ignored by the left who claim they don't dismiss facts.  I share your frustrations, johnny.

    How can you 'share my frustrations' when you are my frustration?


    Yuriy Lutsenko, who took over as Ukraine's general prosecutor after Shokin, told the BBC on Monday that there was no evidence that Biden, or his son, acted improperly.

    "I don't know any reason to investigate Joe Biden or Hunter Biden according to Ukrainian law," Lutsenko said. He also explained that any "possible embezzlement" at Burisma was alleged to have occurred "two or three years before Hunter Biden became a member of the board." (Is the BBC on your 'don't believe' list?)


    And here's one that you might actually listen to:-

    Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano explained that prosecutors in Ukraine and the United States dismissed unsubstantiated claims pushed by President Donald Trump and his supporters that former Vice President Joe Biden acted corruptly within the Eastern European country.

    "If you talk to [Trump's personal lawyer] Rudy Giuliani, he's got a lot of evidence of inappropriate behavior by the former vice president [Biden] and his son," Napolitano told the hosts of Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Tuesday. "Yet the prosecutors in Ukraine and even prosecutors here in the United States say there's no there there," the former New Jersey Superior Court judge pointed out.



    I've also gone to great lengths to show you how the story originally started (Peter Schweizer) which you conveniently ignore. I've also quoted Trumps own people who have sworn in congress that there was indeed a QPQ. 

    Your willful ignorance is my frustration. 



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  8. 38 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    What hiding?  he published the transcript voluntarily whereas your side held all hearings in secret - unprecedented!!!  God help Dems when, one day, GOP gets back in power - they will show you no mercy after this charade. Should have followed the precedent with Nixon and Clinton now this has happened US politics will be even more hateful.

    In secret?

    Well apart from the 48 Republicans who were present throughout the whole proceedings. Which is not unprecedented as that's what happened with the Benghazi hearings and is common when dealing with foreign issues due to privacy and secrecy issues. The Watergate hearings and the Clinton impeachment were both public because the impeachment reasons were domestic (breaking into political opponents offices and a BJ), rather than foreign.

    Facts are important. Try using them once and a while.

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  9. 24 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Whilst I have got your attention JB, and referring to the quote of yours which I mistakenly posted, I would like to ask you a question as you seem to be much more knowledgeable in the workings of things like the impeachment process and how other things work in the USA.


    If it is true that Trump has been found guilty of "stealing" funds from a children's charity, then surely he is guilty of theft/misappropriation of funds/fraud and he should be prosecuted or removed from office.


    Now, whether or not that falls under the "impeachment process" I'm not sure, and even if it doesn't, how on earth can a president of the United States remain in office once found guilty of this?


    Maybe there are other things in the pipeline which prosecutors are looking at, like tax evasion, illegal payments and so on, but the question again is........can he be removed from office for the theft of funds from a charity?


    To expect a lying, vain narcissist to step down because of this would be far too much to ask, because he has no conscience in this regard, but being removed from office would send a message to the rest of the world that American politics are not as corrupt as Trump himself.

    The issue with the charity fraud is that prosecutors have agreed a 'deal' with Trump that says he has to dissolve the charity, give whatever funds still remain to other charities and pay the $2 million fine to avoid a criminal prosecution. However it does not stop the lawsuit the AG’s office has filed against the foundation, which if proven, could bring criminal charges, but until then it's just a slap on the wrist and a hefty fine. This is the stumbling block to removing him from office for the theft as the 'theft' hasn't in fact been proven or prosecuted.

    The interesting one though would be that impeachment is not a criminal process but a political one and The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, can be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. The issue here of course is that this blatant act of defrauding a charity is certainly not treason nor bribery and it would be hard to argue it as 'high crimes', so since it then falls into 'misdemeanors' it then becomes too ambiguous to impeach and remove. Also, the U.S. Justice Department has a decades-old policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted, indicating that criminal charges against Trump would be unlikely. 

    Amazing eh? The President of The United States is proven liable for defrauding a charity and publicly accepts that he used the charity to promote his presidential bid, pay off business debts and purchase a portrait of himself for one of his hotels, yet not only does he get to keep his job, he also doesn't get criminally prosecuted (yet). 

    The Dems stand a much better chance of impeaching through the Ukraine scandal (actually committed a felony under campaign finance laws) which in turn could be said to be treasonous and perhaps bribery but is certainly a 'misdemeanor'. He is also guilty of obstruction of justice by blocking congressional subpoenas which the Senate (GOP run) may see as a step too far and very hard to justify an acquittal over.  The other things you have mentioned could be used but again the Dems have to be very careful as they need to pick their reasons well so if the Senate lets him off, they will have a VERY hard time justifying their actions to an increasingly disgusted electorate.  




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