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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Anecdotes are not proof of anything, but they are a valuable source of information. Our legal system would collapse without personal anecdotes. My brother went to a gym regularly. The owner of the gym's brother died less than 24 hours after being injected with the vaxxine. It's not known which vaxxine was injected. Coincidence? Sure, could be. Causal? Sure, could be.
  2. OK the taxi mafia on Pooket is corrupt, but these idiot passengers are total idiots, they watched way too many MMA pay per views. Suck it up sissy boys.
  3. In my humble opinion it was the insincerity of Volkswagen that really undid the German economy. What happened to great German companies like Braun? You find one of those electric shavers from the mid 90s on ebay, grab it. The crap coming outta China now just suxxx. Cheers
  4. The passengers are just another set of entitiled narcissistic Tik Tok generationists corrupted by violent videogames, heavy mettle music, vape chemicials and corrupt TV stories. Throw the book at 'em.
  5. It's those damn drugs and violent videogames again. BRONSON!!
  6. Oh yeah? Eels is gonna stitch a computer into your brain put you in a new Tersla and Steve Bannyens done what..... ?
  7. There appears to be some man in black and wearing sunglasses smiling in the background. There appears to be a cop (blocked by the woman in colorful dress) with an expression on his face that suggests a smile. The posture of the standing American does not jibe with the posture of one in grief and shock who just ran over a pedestrian and killed them. Given the above, the prostrate American might be acting. That is not a verdict - only conjecture. Inconclusive till further evidence is produced.
  8. Look at me . . . I'm famous ... on Tik Tok. Anything for clicks. Generation of narcissists.
  9. I would argue just part of an immense 'business' plan dating back decades. I mean, things just don't happen by chance. Nothing this big anyway. The intent is to fade out the so called useless eaters. Everything's going A.I. anyhow right? Who needs humans? Gen X or older with half a brain cell can see how things have shifted for the worse in the last 25 yrs or so, but particularly since 9Eleven and Corvid. We are this close to transhumanism. With any luck I'll be long dead by 2050. No nightmarish 'hyper-inclusive A.I.-enhanced' cities for this guy! Cheers buddy
  10. Violent videogames, heavy metal music, too many Red Bull and possible even mariujuana cigarettes, you mix all that with teenage boy hormones and you're going to get trouble. Just sad and unnecessary.
  11. None of these heinous tube crimes woulda happened under Rudy's watch.
  12. Too much Red Bull, cigarettes violent videogames and possibly Yabba?
  13. Maybe the futsal table? Put in a pinball machine instead.
  14. ... Well, that could be coming with the next plandemic. Or climate lockdown.
  15. Nothing wrong with buses in TH. I've taken Cherdchai Tour probably 10 times between BKK and Trat. Exceptional. Free Coke, biscuit and onboard toilet.
  16. Why is the Norwegian provoking the taxi man? He could've just walked away. Idiot. Deserved the tuning.
  17. Uh-oh another crazy. Good to see the cops upped their game from last week having blown it dealing with the Belarusian madman in his underpants. Visa-free entry process working nicely!
  18. The perp thinks life is a video game. Laughing... mocking them all... all the way out of prison once the cash is paid. And why is the cop laughing in the photo? 🤮
  19. She is an incredibly stupid person.
  20. At the risk of going off topic, do you see an influx lately of Westerners setting up camp in SR? Are the rents increasing as a result of demand?
  21. Mr Elon can solve this with self driving cars on Thailand's roads. It can't come quick enough. Also - driver definitely should not smoke pot and drive.
  22. Looks like he's going to puke in that photo. As long as Thailand keeps promoting this "free lifestyle" lifestyle, there will be more troublemakers arriving... and staying.
  23. Another C-I-A / Mossad / MI5 production?
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