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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. That’s too bad. If anyone deserves the death penalty, then it would be this POS.
  2. “Highway police get award for work on road accidents…” ???????????????? That’s like the captain of the Titanic receiving a Master Mariner’s Award.
  3. That would be the common sense wisdom, but, then again, Thai drivers would just ignore them.
  4. An ex-gf of mine tried to do the same thing with a very substantial overpayment by a U.S. bank. First, she bought a brand new car. Then she skipped town with the rest of the ill-gotten loot and made her way to another state. Next thing she knew, the FBI was breaking down her door at 3 am and carting her back to the state where the fraud was committed. U.S. banks don’t play when it comes to that sort of thing.
  5. “Top prosecutor in Red Bull heir hit and run case dismissed from service…” …but not before collecting a whole lot of really fat brown envelopes.
  6. 1. Immigration 2. Drivers 3. Immigration 4. Immigration
  7. It’s the ultimate “get out of jail free card.” Not unlike those churchgoing folks in the West who “did some terrible <deleted>, but Jay-sus forgives me.”
  8. Aside from the presence of umpteen million shrines and temples, I fail to see anything Buddhist about this country. The Buddha seems to serve as little more than a good luck charm for a people whose chief concerns are money and social status.
  9. That's where you messed up. Rule #1: In any disagreement between a Thai and a falang, the Thai is always right - even when he's dead wrong. Nothing is more important to a Thai than appearances, social status and "face" (except perhaps money.)
  10. I have to confess I've only visited Pattaya (and Walking Street) once. That was in 2014, and, back in those days, it appeared as if the entire scene was controlled by Russian gangsters. Didn't much care for the vibe, so all of my subsequent "safaris" have taken place in Bangkok.
  11. Maharashtra: Where the men are men and the lizards are scared.
  12. My take (based on the Buddhist concept of anatta) is that there's no reincarnation in the popular sense, i.e., transmigration of the "soul" - only liberation from the illusion of the separate "self."
  13. You could just as easily argue that it's not impossible for unicorns or leprechauns to exist. Bottom line: there's no evidence for the existence of either of these things, and no compelling reason to assume they do exist.
  14. I order online/for delivery from these guys: https://bangkokdrugstore.com/ Always great service and quick shipping.
  15. All I know is that my wife takes her hands off the steering wheel to wai every one of them she sees, and it makes me nervous. ????
  16. Sounds like no one ever taught the author that two wrongs don't make a right.
  17. Last report using the new system was approved within 24 hours. However, this time my application was rejected for no apparent reason and without any explanation. I submitted the application within the required time frame, and all of my information was entered correctly. There is just never any rhyme or reason to anything these idiots do - which is why I will not be renewing my visa when it expires. Enough of being treated like a criminal on parole.
  18. The whole idea is predicted on the notion that there’s some kind of permanent self or soul which exists independent of the body and which transmigrates to a new “host” after death. Needless to say, there’s no empirical evidence - or even sound reasoning - to support this.
  19. Yep. Thai women are far less interested in the dimensions of your schwantz than the girth of your wallet.
  20. Was working fine for me also - until today. Now the option to pay by credit card is no longer available.
  21. Does Lazada still accept payments via international credit cards? I've used my U.S. card for payments for many years now, but when I tried to place an order today, the CC option was grayed out.
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