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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. “Thai tourism emphasises its neutrality in the Ukraine war…” Translation: “Just want to reassure you all we’re still for sale to the highest bidder.”
  2. Playing army, or, air force, in this case, is an expensive hobby.
  3. Couch cushion change, to be sure, but give credit where due: It’s a miracle they’ve even heard of Ukraine, let alone have any awareness of the situation there.
  4. Yep. A more intellectually incurious lot you’d be hard pressed to find. Traveling abroad is just for prestige points and selfies. After all, why bother to learn anything about other cultures when you already live in the center of the universe?
  5. USD - THB 31.18 at time of post. Where is the ceiling for the Baht?
  6. All those bureaucrats have to justify their existence somehow. ????
  7. It never ceases to amaze me how they pedestal luk khruengs in soaps, films, beauty pageants, etc., while simultaneously looking down on Thai women who choose a farang for a partner. That's some major league cognitive dissonance at work.
  8. Because they're "not sending their best." I know it's become a cliche, but, seriously, I see more attractive women walking the malls and the markets every time I go shopping.
  9. Follow up: As I mentioned in my last post, I jumped the gun and submitted my report two days early on the new reporting site. Amazingly enough, I still got approved anyway. No rhyme or reason, but I’ll take it! ????
  10. I was thinking about trying the same thing as I jumped the gun and submitted my application (status now showing as "pending") a couple days too soon. I wasn't aware you could cancel a report and do a new one - thanks!
  11. Invited her to frisk me. “Is that a deadly weapon in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?’” she inquired.
  12. The only problem I’ve ever had using my Capital One CC on Lazada is on Capital One’s side, i.e., the stupid security challenges that require a response to a SMS sent to a U.S. mobile number. Lately, I’ve been using my IGH Traveler’s CC (issued by Chase Bank) as Chase doesn’t play that idiotic security challenge game (bank will even accept international phone numbers as contact numbers.)
  13. The article omits an important fact: There’s no path to permanent residence or citizenship for retirees - even those who have invested in real property, etc.
  14. For a minute there I thought he was actually going to recommend doing something to stop the polluters. Then I remembered where I was…
  15. Never gonna happen. Put a stop to the endless photocopying and how will immigration officers feel important?
  16. Amazing, isn’t it? When it comes to soap operas and beauty pageants, Thais place luk khrueng on a pedestal. However, those Thai females who choose a farang as a partner or a spouse are almost invariably looked down upon. #Land of Contradictions.
  17. When such an outlook is combined with the prevalent "keep up with the Joneses" mentality, where money and social status are the only basis for respect, you have a recipe for fiscal disaster.
  18. “Plummets?” How is that even possible? Apparently, rock bottom has a basement.
  19. Bingo. First rule of Dunning-Kruger Club: You don't know you're in the club. ????
  20. I was about to suggest something similar, but I know I'd be wasting my breath as the Thai way is always the best way.
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