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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. That’s nice, but what do all the ordinary schmoes who spend their hard-earned dough in the sandbox get? A poke in the eye with a sharp stick? BTW, I wonder if ol’ Russell had to apply for a COE and do time in an ASQ hotel?
  2. Wait a minute… If they do this, then who will transport the million wealthy foreigners Thailand is expecting any day now? ????
  3. You mean no one wants to deal with the constantly moving goal posts and jump through the interminable hoops required to enter Thailand? Gee, who could’ve predicted that?
  4. Yep. These crooks have done and continue to do everything humanly possible to turn a global pandemic into a cash cow for their cronies and themselves. Money first - public health concerns a distant second.
  5. I can vouch for the stress level. The word is that COE applications approved before 1 November will still be honored in November. I applied for my COE on 7 October and I’m still waiting for final approval. My flight leaves on 11 November. However, I will need to leave home a couple days earlier in order to travel to the nearest airport, stay in a hotel long enough to get pre-flight PCR test, etc. So, in other words, the Royal Thai Embassy has basically left me twisting in the wind.
  6. From the embassy website: So, if I'm reading this correctly, the embassies will still be approving COE applications right up to Nov 1st.
  7. On the embassy website it says registration is expected to take up to seven working days. For those of us who applied for COE earlier this month and are still waiting for approval and scheduled to depart for Thailand around the first week or two of November, this is a disaster waiting to happen. That is to say, if your COE isn't approved before 1 November, and if you have to start from scratch and apply for the Thailand Pass, then your application might not be processed in time for your departure. Talk about a huge bite out of a giant <deleted> sandwich... ????
  8. All I know is that I have jumped through all the hoops they've set up, i.e., applied for COE, submitted all required documents, booked ASQ hotel, purchased the $100K worth of covid-19 insurance, booked a flight, etc., and I STILL have no idea whether I'll be able to enter Thailand on my early November arrival date. Why? Because COEs approved prior to 1 November will still be honored, according to the Royal Thai Embassy, but my CEO application has yet to be approved, and I have no idea where I am in the processing queue. If I have to start over from scratch on 1 November and apply for the Thailand Pass, then there's a good chance I won't receive an approval before my departure date as the registration process takes up to seven days, according to the embassy webpage. What a total cluster F.
  9. Any news as to when the Thailand Pass website is expected to be up and running/accepting applications?
  10. Well, the Thai embassy in Washington D.C. announced on its webpage today that COEs approved before November 1st would still be honored. The update also indicated that Thailand Pass applications would take seven working days to process. So, I guess that means they’re just going to leave those of us with pending COE applications and early November travel bookings twisting in the wind… What an absolute <deleted> show.
  11. I already purchased the $100K policy which was required previously. Will that satisfy them, I wonder?
  12. I certainly hope so as I already purchased the previously required $100K plan.
  13. $50K worth of medical insurance? Are they talking about covid-19 insurance?
  14. I thought the cost of tests was included with the ASQ hotel booking? I know I had to pay the affiliated hospital separately when I made my reservation.
  15. I got my second Pfizer shot on 7/27, and I'm planning to get a third before my return to Thailand three weeks from now. Upon the recommendation of a family member who is also an M.D. and an infectious disease/virology specialist, I plan to go to a local pharmacy and present myself as though I were getting my first dose. Your options would probably depend on what country you're in.
  16. Two days ago, my wife called the Thai language line at the Washington D.C. embassy to inquire, and she was advised that there were only two people processing the applications for foreign nationals, and that they were currently processing applications with October 27th departure dates.
  17. My (Thai) wife received her COE within 24 hours of her pre-approval notice. As for me, my application was pre-approved 11 days ago, I submitted my flight info and ASQ hotel booking confirmation letter on that same day, and I'm still waiting...
  18. "Planning?" What's that? Don't you know Thailand operates on a "mai pen rai" principle? ????
  19. I question their ability to develop such an app within the given time frame and to make it accessible to all travelers regardless of country of origin, type of device, etc. These quarter-wits don't even know how to build a 90-day reporting site that works.
  20. My flight departs November 11, and I’m still waiting for approval on my COE. I can’t change my flight date for a number of reasons, the least of which isn’t that I’ve already purchased the mandatory covid insurance (which becomes active on my predetermined arrival date) I really feel for those people whose flights arrive the first week of November and who have been left standing with their dicks in their hands. Anxious times.
  21. I would think this would depend on who’s developing the website. Let’s all hope it’s not the same geniuses who are responsible for the 90-day reporting site. ????????
  22. Used Dr. Donna for RT-PCR test (same day results) and FTF certificate before departing Thailand - but can she issue FTF certificates for inbound travelers to Thailand?
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