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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. Sounds like no one ever taught the author that two wrongs don't make a right.
  2. Last report using the new system was approved within 24 hours. However, this time my application was rejected for no apparent reason and without any explanation. I submitted the application within the required time frame, and all of my information was entered correctly. There is just never any rhyme or reason to anything these idiots do - which is why I will not be renewing my visa when it expires. Enough of being treated like a criminal on parole.
  3. The whole idea is predicted on the notion that there’s some kind of permanent self or soul which exists independent of the body and which transmigrates to a new “host” after death. Needless to say, there’s no empirical evidence - or even sound reasoning - to support this.
  4. Yep. Thai women are far less interested in the dimensions of your schwantz than the girth of your wallet.
  5. Was working fine for me also - until today. Now the option to pay by credit card is no longer available.
  6. Does Lazada still accept payments via international credit cards? I've used my U.S. card for payments for many years now, but when I tried to place an order today, the CC option was grayed out.
  7. 1. Thai drivers. 2. Thai drivers. 3. Thai drivers.
  8. Yep. However, according to the slow kids in the red caps and their cult leader, AGW is nothing but a "Chinese hoax."
  9. What's that? Never existed in LOS, and probably never will. Feudalism is too deeply ingrained in the culture.
  10. The site wouldn’t allow me to create an account without the Thai national ID number. There was no option to provide a passport number.
  11. Not digging the new site either. First problem I encountered was that I couldn't access my old account - had to create a new account just to place an order. Managed to get around the Thai National ID requirement when creating said new account by using the wife's ID. Finally, most disappointing of all, I was unable to use the same international credit cards I've been using for the past six years to pre-pay.
  12. Thanks. I realize it's always a <deleted> shoot when dealing with TI, but I thought I'd check to see if anyone had experience with this particular scenario.
  13. Has anyone had experience with using the new 90 day report site after receiving a new passport? I was issued a new U.S. passport about a month after I submitted my last 90 day report. I'm wondering if I should use my old passport number or the new one next time I submit a report? I've already been to CW to have my visa and entry stamp transferred to the new passport, if that makes any difference.
  14. Aren’t airlines still requiring pre-flight RT-PCR testing? If so, then this is just another meaningless gesture.
  15. That’s not “fair” at all. In fact, it’s a meaningless gesture, given that most airlines still require pre-flight RT-PCR tests.
  16. If these people refuse to get vaccinated, then why allow them to dictate the terms of the reopening? Makes about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.
  17. Sounds like the FDA in the U.S. is recommending the second booster shot for people 50 yrs and older starting four months after the first booster.
  18. Is Moderna available in Bangkok now, or do you have to wait a long time for an appointment? How long between registration and appointment? Edit: I see question was already answered.
  19. Also, citations are needed for his suggestion that 20K died on the roads in the U.S. during the same six month period.
  20. I’m already paying 4.5 baht/unit, so I’m not sure what this means for me.
  21. Perhaps if the victim wasn’t a foreign national or if his father was someone higher in the Thai pecking order.
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