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  1. As a consequence, if the teacher does not know the answer to an unlikely question then there is a loss of face issue thus demeaning the teacher in the eyes of the students. This incident is entirely culturally offensive and is to be avoided at all costs. Solution? The teacher should avoid consequential retaliation in the form of ridicule or sarcasm etc but should encourage the curiosity of the student by admitting that the answer does not come readily to mind but an attempt will be made to provide the information during the next lesson
  2. Biologically males have an inherent urge to be aggressive warriors. To this end, fathers of yore encouraged their sons to participate in harsh physical activities i.e. hunting, fishing, competitive sports particularly sports involving fierce bodily contact. Some of the specimens in uniform could not climb out of a foxhole, thei only form of bodily contact being that of self pleasure.
  3. Read the fine print between the lines. Could this be the trojan horse whereby casinos will be introduced to slake the thirst of Chinese gamblers? Thai politicians have form on their obsequious intentions and with the economy on a precipice, they could use gambling to assuage their failures.
  4. Thailand soon to be China's vassal state? Observe the demise of car manufacturing factories in the last 2 years as a result of the establishment of Chinese electric vehicle dealerships all over the country. They are proliferating the market to the detriment of employment opportunities to those workers who have been made redundant by complicit government authorities. The emerging middle class bears the distress and I predict an outpouring of protests as the queue of unemployed grows exponentially
  5. The gig economy where everyone of enterprise and initiative can be an entreprenurial marvel! Not! Whilst enthusiasm can take you to great heights, a modicom of economic wisdom enlightens one to the reality of running a business. On its face, the opportunity of realising a turnover which is far and away an enormous improvement on a lowly wage, is so very obvious, what also must be considered are the fixed costs, running costs and a reasonable return on investment after factoring in depreciation. Taking the taxi industry as an example if one were to consider joining the throng and invest in the enterprise without scrutiny, then one would be doomed to failure. simple question: what would the cost to the business be in providing a trip from Jomtien to Pattaya? At 79 baht there is very little profit margin. In fact, most probably a loss. My point is that there are so many folks now joining this gig economy that , because of their business illiteracy, are doomed to failure and exploitation. Indded, the travelling public are treated to cheap fares but at the expense, eventually , of a deleterious service and lowering of standards. You think taxi drivers are disgruntled? wait until reality bites and regula tion has to sort out the wreckage
  6. Looks like granny had a problem with the bottle. A nasty piece of work taking out her craziness on her grand daughter who, at 14, would have been having emotional problems of her own when her unfortunate history is observed
  7. Experienced the stab in the back routine some years ago in PKK province whilst en route to Hat Yai. I was tail end Charlie waiting for a road maintenance crew to allow me to proceed when a ten tonner was required to join the stationery queue. Unfortunately his brakes were not cooperating, at least that was his claim but when he alighted from his cabin he was seen to be pulling up his trousers and adjusting his dress. It could be claimed, if one were so enlightened that the man was pleasuring himself with gay abandon, who is not a person only a desciptor. So we have noted another likely reason for these acts of god which occur so frequently on the roads of this country.
  8. Trump effectively dismembered the corpse and now there are obvious signs of decomposition on what remains of the cadaver
  9. 3 words to summarize for those afflicted with TDS: "Watch the polls" - there's the verdict!
  10. It would be remiss of me to neglect to mention that Pridi was the driving force behind the establishment of Thammasat University - the conscience of the Thai people
  11. Pridi - all respect to the man. A leader, along with Pribul, of the revolution in 1932 (?) which ended the absolute monarchy but, unfortunately, not the lesse majeste injustice. During WW2 Pribul sided with the Japanese while Pridi led the opposition. Deserving of more recognition of his place in history. His only failure was to be his inability to curb the power of the military and the hi so faction of Thai society which, to this day, has been the millstone around the nation's neck
  12. The French Volkswagen only more betterer
  13. These super cars have an enormous power to weight ratio and throttle control is critical if one is to harness the car's potential. An inexperienced driver can overpower the rear wheels provoking a power slide the correction of which requires skill and adroitness. It seems the driver was found lacking in both, is my assumption.
  14. With respect, my reference primarily was regarding ASEAN, not specifically Thailand
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