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Everything posted by SiSePuede419

  1. Mahidol road is...Downtown? Is the riverfront "downtown"? Usually, "downtown" is the oldest, most densely populated, center of the city. Which would be the old city, inside the walls.
  2. So you're happy that a mechanic did something stupid, just because you asked? No legitimate mechanic anywhere checks brake systems by "road testing". That's just idiotic.
  3. As do people who refuse to exercise, overeat bad food, smoke and drink excessively. None of those things are illegal. ????
  4. Speculation. But if true, this would be good news, as Omicron symptoms are much milder than normal. Not all mutations are more harmful. Maybe we will get lucky, but... They'll be a new mutation in 6 months. Nobody is 100% safe until everyone in the world is vaccinated. ????
  5. According to the SoAfrican Doctor who discovered the presence of this variant says it's more transmissible, but not more virulent. Fatigue? Headache? Sounds like my August breakthrough infection. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-29/doctor-who-saw-omicron-early-says-symptoms-different-to-delta
  6. Apparently you haven't noticed that Hollywood has been dying actors and actresses hair BLACK for decades? They even do it to blonde blondes Why? The majority of the people in the world have black hair. More relatable.
  7. I'm flying Turkish for Christmas to BKK. Best price of any airline now. ????
  8. Ah, the insane Qanon theory that COVID is intentional, allowing governments to "control" people... By asking them to wear masks and get vaccines for their benefit. Whaaaaat? Totally absurd. But lots of ignorant, uneducated people believe that. ????
  9. So, the average tourist spends as much in 2 weeks as I do in 3 months. Let's say $3000USD. But I typically stay 6 months or more. So, I end up spending more money than a tourist per trip. ????
  10. Seems to be "Uncles on the Beaches With Nude Faces" theme. Staying dry, staying dry. ????️
  11. Obviously the alleged criminal's tattoo alleged "artist" went berzerk first. ????
  12. Says the person who bragged about going to a horse racing track, which must be one of the more stupid ways to lose money on the planet. ????
  13. This is something you can do in person at the airport. Local flights are never full and can always be booked last minute.
  14. One. A hothead party girl. She broke up with me 5 times in 6 months. After her, I said never again. But I came back 15 years later and met my wife. Didn't need to meet anyone else because I could tell they were all inferior in some way. We got married 4 years later and now have a 2 year old child. Marry the smart, educated ones not the massage "therapists" or party girls, 555.
  15. Remove these. Nissan used to be good when they were Datsun. And I tried to interest my wife in a Mazda. She said the appearance was nice, like a BMW. But she noted the rapid decline in value, unlike Honda which holds its value better. I'd say look for a used version of the rest, driven by a rice farmer only on Sundays and to the temple/Big C. And no Bangkok cars, accordingtomy wife--they're probably driven like crazy by people crazy enough to drive in Bangkok. ????
  16. If pesticides were water solvable, then wouldn't they wash off the plants at the first hard rain long ago? Washing produce with water removes organic bacteria and dirt but not non-water based chemicals.
  17. Broccoli is out of season. It grows in cool weather. My MIL just planted some. Probably 50-60B for the seeds. Should yield many kilos in a few months. Of course if you live in a concrete jungle like Bangkok, you're rich and can pay any price. ????
  18. Learn something new everyday. Pattaya is a foreign country. And it's so far from Bangkok, you take a plane there, not a bus. ????
  19. Early warning sign of Cardiovascular disease. Eat more vegetables and Rice berry (whole grains), tofu, beans. Fish isn't bad, either. Cut down on beef, chicken and pork. You'll be slimming down within months.
  20. Since you guys are telling stories about the "good Ole days" when the infrastructure in the UK was like a third world country... In 1985 I tried to make a landline phone call in London, England. The phone made a busy sound before I even dialed. Couldn't even get a line out. ????
  21. Yeah. Buying my Xmas ticket tonight. Will probably cancel in December after this scheme falls apart. JAL is fully refundable. Don't know what I will do for insurance for one week?!?
  22. I hope they have a sink where you can wash your hands before you eat.
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