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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

    I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :D

    what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

    Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

    I am not sure what is a bigger miss, R Keane or Jo. 38 million pounds between them :D

    i think it's still juan sebastian veron at 28m to be honest. adjusted for inflation that's probably about 45m now.

    yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

    As good a signing as he was, you can't live off that forever :D

    true, CR was a good one as well! but please come back with something more when you win something :o

  2. bkkjames - do they have live music? If so is it too loud or OK?

    yes they did in fact, although my back was to them, it was a local band doing covers of pop hits and the like. as for the volume, we were reasonably far away from the stage so it wasn't that bad (the volume I mean). :o

    I must say, in terms of value for money, very good considering the high quality fare (order the deep fried sea bass in soy!)

  3. I'm no expert on the philosophy of TV advertising but I first noticed when I visited the USA last year that much of the TV advertising there seemd to be based on fear. The tube was dominated by adverts for health insurance, property and personal security and religion.

    I did a quick survey of what is advertised on Thai channels of the TV, as well as on the BTS in BKK. In order of popularity, the adverts content was about:

    1. Junk food - often deep fried westernised shit, especially Pizzas and other indescribables.

    2. 'Health' and 'beauty' products.

    3. Technology, especially phones, computers and cars.

    The style of the adverts also seems 'full of fun', trivial and unoriginal, although a couple are quite funny.

    Does this tell us anything about Thai society, apart from the obvious focus on pleasure, fun, consumerism and appearance?

    Does the content and style of TV adverts in your home countries differ from these? And if so, why do you think it is?

    Please stay focused - I'm not looking for a Thai bashing session.

    Although packaged differently, pretty much the same back home Cars, Computers, Insurance, Pizza, Beer

    But for a country so concerned with exposing its youth to bad influences of alcohol advertising and the like, they sure dont appear to care about subjecting their kids to non-stop chocolate covered this and that commercials - take a look sometime on saturday morning on the local channels.

  4. city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

    I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :D

    what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

    Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

    I am not sure what is a bigger miss, R Keane or Jo. 38 million pounds between them :o

    i think it's still juan sebastian veron at 28m to be honest. adjusted for inflation that's probably about 45m now.

    yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

  5. Everyone said prices would go down but they are staying steady through this entire crisis.

    It took 10 years for houses prices in France to double (97-2007).

    It took 15 years for houses prices in UK to double (91-2005).

    So... relax, set back and enjoy the show.

    The crisis is mere 2 years old... Don't be so impatient. :o

    And of course, if you think that Thailand is "different"... just read this.

    No insulation blabla, no decoupling myth... full blown freaking global crisis.

    Condos, houses will follow in Thailand, whether people and CB Richard-Ellis want it or not.

    Nice stats about housing prices in France and UK, but what about condominium prices, did 2nd hand condos double in price in that time?

  6. Prices remain high. What about sales? :o

    I will wait till prices fall 30% and the baht drops to 45 / dollar.

    You will be in for a long wait then - on both counts!!! :D:D

    Can you explain what makes you think a 30% fall is not possible ?

    In real world terms lets say the baht goes to 45 (haha), but let's say it does. According to the post above the poster says he is waiting for a 30% decrease and the baht to drop as well to 45.

    What comes first, devaluation of the currency? if it does a condo worth 1,000,000 is now how much 1,200,000? Ok, then you knock 30% off that and you are at how much 840,000?

    I think one would be better off getting 15% off the price now and not sit and hope the currency goes to 45 anytime soon. But hey, I am no finance guru :D

  7. city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

    I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :D

    what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

    Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

    I am not sure what is a bigger miss, R Keane or Jo. 38 million pounds between them :o

  8. slightly wrong with the date...

    27 Jan - West Brom away (League)

    31 Jan - Everton home (League)

    8 Feb - West Ham away (League)

    14 Feb - Derby or Nott'm Forest away (FA Cup)

    17 Feb - Fulham home (League)

    21 Feb - Blackburn home (League)

    24 Feb - Inter Milan away (Champions Lge)

    01 Mar - Tottenham (Carling Cup final)

  9. Back to football, not real happy that LP and Everton drew, as it has caused a schedule change meaning we are no longer playing Everton on the 2nd but rather the 29th of this month if I am not mistaken.

    We are the walking wounded a few extra days would have come in handy.

  10. Give the OP a break. He does have a point.

    70Baht a beer to sit in the street is taking the p*ss.

    See how many are sitting there when the weather gets hotter.

    Maybe just call it 'Charlie's Bar' from now on

    Obviously you havent been to soi 8 bar in the evening, outside area is packed with people drinking 70 baht beer, try cowboy until 830ish, outside areas full because of the same reason.

    Yes, full of old men.

    The refreshing thing about Charlie's (I think they dropped the word 'Cheap' from the sign, correct me if I'm wrong) is that you get farang of all ages, and not just men.

    sorry, define old, do you mean 30-50 professional expats? seems like the same crowd at cc's last time I passed by there.

    50-70. And virtually no women other than bargirls/hookers.

    well, sorry to disappoint you but I am not close to that demographic, as for women, what kind of classy fems were you hoping to impress at CC's anyway :o

    Do you sit down the Cowboy impressing the girls at night then?

    Then shoot off once happy hour is over . . . . . . . . . alone, or

    with a well impressed 'chum' in tow? :D

    fortuneately or un, i head home to my wifey :D

  11. FA Cup fifth-round draw:

    Sheff Utd v Hull

    Watford v Chelsea

    West Ham v Middlesbrough

    Sunderland/ Blackburn v Coventry

    Derby/ Nottm Forest v Man Utd

    Swansea v Fulham

    Liverpool/ Everton v Doncaster/ Aston Villa

    Cardiff/ Arsenal v West Brom/ Burnley

    Ties to be played on 14/15/16 February

    Fourth round replay dates:

    Tuesday, 3 February

    Arsenal v Cardiff (1945 GMT)

    Burnley v West Brom (1945 GMT) Wednesday, 4 February

    Aston Villa v Doncaster (1945 GMT)

    Blackburn v Sunderland (2000 GMT)

    Everton v Liverpool (2000 GMT)

    Nottm Forest v Derby (1945 GMT

    All very interesting....but unless the FA sort out the problem here in Thailand its all academic is'nt it

    Not academic, the games will go on but I concur with your sentiment.

  12. I have lived here 2 years now and I go out every night, so here is the hot-list.....

    #1 MumAroi - take a bathbus and say "Mum-Aroy Soi 4" and he will take you to the end of Naklua road to a fantastic restaurant right on the beach with some of the best Thai food Pattaya has to offer

    #2 Mantra - Go down to the roundabout where Amari hotel is, and walk a bit down to their Mantra restaurant at the corner of Beach Road - this is the most upscale place in Pattaya with 6 different kitchens and great food

    #4 Mama Duck - Opposite Woodland and a bit up the road is a little place with a german hand-written sign outside. It looks like a crappy little restaurant with tables setup all the way out to the street, but the food is awsome and its almost always full

    #5 Across from Woodland is World Sports Restaurant, they got a good range of foods and make great Thaifood also.

    These are the places I usually go.

    Just as a follow-up, the Mrs and I made it to number 1 on this list on Saturday night. Overall, rate it 9/10 for the food: excellent seafood!

    This is a big restaurant that is very popular with Thais, Chinese tourists from what I can tell. I am sure it seats 1000 people.

    Ambience 6.5 /10, yes it's on the beach but not the kind of place you take a date and share a bottle of wine and dine for a couple of hours for the above reasons.


    Considering the hustle and bustle, our server was excellent. 8.5/10

    We took the baht bus too the restaurant without any complications, getting back however can be a bit of challenge because it's not the busiest area of the city and from what we experienced, baht buses were few and far between.

    Thanks to all that gave their input.

  13. You mean that place out near the old airport?

    Anyways, the best Sunday brunch buffets are Sukhothai and Marriot Riverside.

    bkkjames, do you recon that the Sunday buffet at Marriott Riverside is better than the JW Marriott buffet or same-same?


    marriot riverside, do a quick search on here for an old thread on this topics with pics, aroi!

    BKKJames, I did find a lot of older treads about buffets, but none with pictures. Do you have the link?


    Found the site again http://www.pbase.com/alfredso/bkskt two thumbs up to the photographer, great job!

  14. we're in a bit of a rut and have been since spanking newcastle. needs shaking up a bit and we need torres to get back among the goals. i didn't think we played that badly last night, everton defended really deep and very well. most teams would have struggled to break them down.

    that's probably the end of robbie keane by the way. had a barney with rafa on monday night after he was subbed off and was told to stay at home last night. stupid boy.

    we will take him off your hands for 5 million. ok?

  15. Whos getting that last place ?

    As a Villa fan my heart says Villa but brain says Arsenal.

    Villa, the team is positive, looking forward will nip the Gunners because of the exact opposite reason.

  16. slightly off topic but please bear with me.

    FA Cup will be shown on ESPN Star this weekend, does the local cable operator have these or do I need to find a bar that has UBC?


    What proof have you that they are showing the FA Cup?, look on the listings on Truevisions and they are not listed, it's no good looking on the StarESPN website as it does not apply to Thailand, since UBC grabbed the Premiership there is not much love lost between the two companies it's amazing that we still get the Champions league here, only hope that I can see is a last minute change of heart or some of the Thai stations grabbing a couple of the games but even then don't bank on English commentary, anyone heard any different please let us know.

    come to the football forum Gaz - some of the guys have been hard at work securing this weekend's games! :o

  17. Give the OP a break. He does have a point.

    70Baht a beer to sit in the street is taking the p*ss.

    See how many are sitting there when the weather gets hotter.

    Maybe just call it 'Charlie's Bar' from now on

    Obviously you havent been to soi 8 bar in the evening, outside area is packed with people drinking 70 baht beer, try cowboy until 830ish, outside areas full because of the same reason.

    Yes, full of old men.

    The refreshing thing about Charlie's (I think they dropped the word 'Cheap' from the sign, correct me if I'm wrong) is that you get farang of all ages, and not just men.

    sorry, define old, do you mean 30-50 professional expats? seems like the same crowd at cc's last time I passed by there.

    50-70. And virtually no women other than bargirls/hookers.

    well, sorry to disappoint you but I am not close to that demographic, as for women, what kind of classy fems were you hoping to impress at CC's anyway :o

  18. sawasdee kha!

    am rather new here in BKK and while i am a bit into clubbing, am more into the rock music and i would like to discover the music scene here. would you recommend good places where i can listen to some nice indie pop or ska or even thai rock? also would appreciate if you can recommend some art bars where i can chill out.

    thanks in advance for all the suggestions! :D

    PS i am getting the hang of thai pop nowadays too!

    Pick up BK Magazine or GURU in today's Bangkok Post. Thai Hip hop :o

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