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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Have to say I actually loved TD's post. I don't agree with the sentiment at all, but it was so beautifully brutal, flippant. And it made Jamesey boy throw his toys out of the pram, so it had to be good.

    Thanks PC for that, coming from you I will take it as a compliment.

    As for the poser in question, if you look at all of his posts, they are all the same..

    a few paragraphs demonstrating his superior thai language skills, and then one or two lines belittling the locals. personally, I believe it's not so much an attempt to impress us, moreover, some insecurity issues that have caused the poster to turn on the country and its people. sad actually.

    But PC, I am sure you have figured that all out on your own.

    Regarding chilis, great stuff for a stuffed-up head.

  2. James, you're your always whimsical self...

    I'd love to give Crossbar's lasagna a try, if it was any good... But, without any hard feelings, I'm afraid I won't be going back to Crossbar as long as they maintain the same smoking environment.

    I don't begrudge smokers the right to have some place to smoke and eat. But I do begrudge an establishment that only caters to smokers and does literally nothing to provide a smoke free environment for those who prefer it. And, in this case, the law is on my side, not the pub's.

    As to other establishments, every restaurant and pub lives and dies every day by the things they do either well or poorly. And I judge everyone by the same standard, what did you do on the visit in question.

    Interestingly, though I'll save the details for another post, I wanted to go to Bully's the other day for breakfast (for the first time), and popped by about 10:30 am, only to discover they don't open for breakfast or anything else until 11 am...

    So, we ended up going down the street toward my home and stopped at the Landmark Hotel terrace for breakfast... Saving all the details for another post, I'll only vouch here, as someone who had a great Thanksgiving dinner there a year ago, the breakfast experience the other day was very bad both in terms of service and some aspects of the food provided.

    So, based on that limited experience, I'd find myself beginning to concur with others on TV who lately have reported something having gone downhill with the food service and quality at the Landmark, which previously had been widely considered very good.

    I mention this because of what I said above about places living and dying every day... And, likewise, what I said about judging by the day at hand. A year ago, I thought their Thanksgiving was great. This week, I thought their breakfast sucked... Enough said... MTC...

    PS - 15 minutes for a simple hamburger when there's no other business for the kitchen seems a bit long. And likewise, it took them that same time to produce a simple plate of pad thai... gotta wonder, what they were doing back there... Maybe the chef had gone out for a quickie???

    I will agree with you about the Landmark since new F&B management took over. Don't want to go on about it, but 15 mins to recieve your order is pretty standard at most pubs - it's not McD or BK. I wonder, if they had brought out the pad thai in 5 mins, would you have complained that you didn't get served both mains at the same time? :o

  3. Give the OP a break. He does have a point.

    70Baht a beer to sit in the street is taking the p*ss.

    See how many are sitting there when the weather gets hotter.

    Maybe just call it 'Charlie's Bar' from now on

    Obviously you havent been to soi 8 bar in the evening, outside area is packed with people drinking 70 baht beer, try cowboy until 830ish, outside areas full because of the same reason.

    I think they're doing that in soi 8 as they can't smoke inside.

    'Cheap Charlie's' has always been an outside bar and so the

    punters can light up without a thought.

    As for 'Cowboy', I'm sure it's the same reason. . . . smoking.

    I just think that the OP has a point when he says that said bar

    should lose the 'Cheap' from it's handle. I tend to agree.

    Sorry, but in Soi 8 bar you can smoke inside. Some people like to sit outside and just watch the world go by.

  4. If you pay any money supporting your Club like i'd assume you do, then you contributed to paying my Club 14m for Bellamy the other day so you're alright in my book J&D.. :D

    If you pay any money putting petrol in your vehicle like i'd assume you do, then you contributed to paying my Club so that we could pay your club 14m for Bellamy the other day. So you're alright in my book Singhy :o

    It has already been documented that <deleted> all of their oil comes to our shores, this was cleared up when they took over.

    Really? Your in denial Red. I could search all day but here a just a few examples. Enjoy and don't forget. Keep your tank full Okay :D

    From thePrime Ministers speech 3 November 2008:-

    "Britain is proud of its close and historic relationships with Abu Dhabi and with the whole of the Gulf. Trade was the initial spur of our relationship, but as our knowledge of the region has deepened our partnership has become stronger. Our ties have become more numerous and our commitment, I would say our mutual commitment, to each other has become more profound."

    Full speech http://www.number10.gov.uk/Page17360

    or this:-

    "Abu Dhabi National Energy Co., or TAQA, on Monday completed the acquisition of Canada-based Talisman Energy's non-operated oil and natural gas assets in the Brae area of the U.K., the company said in a statement." Source:- http://www.rigzone.com/news/article.asp?a_id=54641

    And why would the following company set up in the UK if it wasn't selling petrol there?

    Abu Dhabi Petroleum Company Ltd.

    International Private company

    Brettenham House, 1 Lancaster Pl., London, WC2E 7EE, United Kingdom

    Here's their number so you can call em and ask for yourself :D

    ()44 020 7379 7611, 44 020 7379 7626 fax,

    Quite simple actually, they set this up to ensure that it loses money in order to avoid paying any taxes in the UK - not that city are going to be making any money anytime soon.

  5. I'll chime in here... re the Crossbar...since much of this thread has focused on it.. And indeed, there has been much positive comment about it..in various TV threads... So the other night...after a late lady derailed our plans to dine at Chokchai steak house (10 pm closing and not taking anyone new at 9:45 pm), we walked across the street to Crossbar for dinner about 10 pm on a Tuesday night. And it was my first time to visit/eat/drink there, and I thought sure it would be a good alternative, having read what I had read.

    Unfortunately, that turned out NOT to be the case in a variety of ways....

    As we walked in, the first impression I had was thing had to be the brightest lit pub in BKK I've ever see... about the same as the lighting in Siam Paragon or any mall... very bright inside.. That's a bit different than most pubs around these parts... But..I wasn't looking for dark and dingy...so no problem there.

    Inside, there were maybe at that hour 3 or 4 occupied tables of small groups, mostly drinking and smoking cigarettes... (Did someone repeal the BKK law about no smoking in enclosed air con establishments without telling me). Now..neither I nor my lady that night are smokers, and we're both a bit bothered by it.. So we tried to find a table somewhere out of the fumes... But no luck about that..

    We are all aware of your anti-smoking stance, thankfully, the owners of this other such places rely on more open-minded customers

    So at that point, we asked... is there an upstairs floor or any separate place for non smokers... And the answer was, of course, NO... So finally, we fled our table to the corner of the bar near the air con unit trying to escape the haze... Not very good, but not quite as bad as sitting at any of the tables. So, we're not off to the greatest start here.

    Then, I order the bacon and cheeseburger for dinner at 220 baht and the lady orders pad thai at 100 baht... And as I mentioned, no one around the bar much was eating, just drinking and smoking at that hour. So the kitchen couldn't have been too busy... But nonetheless, our orders must have taken a good 15 minutes to arrive from the kitchen... a bit mystifying under the circumstances... So still not off to the greatest start...

    15 mins for a burger - no you are kidding, shame on them! :o

    Once the food arrives, the pad thai is OK, my lady is enjoying it, and then a few minutes later my burger arrives, and I discover it's a hamburger topped with some kind of bacon patty... not the bacon strips that Americans (and I think most others) would expect on a bacon cheese burger... But OK... Still, the burger was OK... nothing great... a small store type bun... regular burger patty size, but nice fresh lettuce and onion on the side, and some tasty cole slaw.



    At that point, the manager (owner) pops by... and as we're sitting eating at the bar, I ask him... Gee, this is a nice place, but is there any place to go to escape the smoke. And he looks mystified, and points upward to the ceiling, saying he had just installed a couple of air exhaust vents/units above the bar to help about the smoking issue. Well, I hope he didn't pay too much. Because whatever he installed, was next to worthless in doing anything to clear the air. But he was very pleasant and congenial in our conversation.

    So, maybe this comes down to one of these smoker vs. non-smoker things... Anyone who prefers to avoid smoking definitely won't find any suitable environs at the Crossbar. On the other hand, smokers should love it. And the burger, while OK, certainly was nothing exceptional in the range of burger offerings available in BKK...

    So, I'd give Crossbar maybe 5 on a scale of 10... and less if you add in the pub's blatant flaunting of the BKK smoking law.

    BTW, next time try the Lasagna JFC< very very good!

    But then again, if it was Bully's, it would have all been perfect right?

  6. Give the OP a break. He does have a point.

    70Baht a beer to sit in the street is taking the p*ss.

    See how many are sitting there when the weather gets hotter.

    Maybe just call it 'Charlie's Bar' from now on

    Obviously you havent been to soi 8 bar in the evening, outside area is packed with people drinking 70 baht beer, try cowboy until 830ish, outside areas full because of the same reason.

  7. Great post Maigo, I would only add that I believe this envy runs beyond what you've mentioned to a whole bunch of issues relating the the fact that the 'Backpackers' are at the start of their life, wealthier, broader horizons, better travelled and better educated than the bitter old men who bitch about them so much.


    well I guess we know now who has been giving you all those stars on your profile :D

    back to backpackers - nothing more to add, they are here to stay - like it or not. now what's for dinner?

  8. personally, i think Jstar should re-name this thread....

    City Bid 100 Million Euros for Kaka and got turned down

    'kaka tells city to come back when they're a big club - so do david villa, thierry henry, gianluigi buffon and robbie savage'.

    that's hitting below the belt.......and i like it!

  9. Sadly there is NO shortage of either; the small thai chili (พริกขี้หนู) for the unenlightened; "prik kee nuu" or "mouse shit pepper" and/or MSG (which is also provided for the equally unenlightened) as (ผงชูรส) "phohng chuu roht"; which translates roughly as "dust that enhances taste". ..

    You will find no shortage of either at ANY thai food stand on any soi, in any city, in any province, that you may care to visit in this pissant developing third world country also known as the glorious "Land 'O Thais".

    Just so we are clear, it is not that I am disparaging thais; believe me, I tolerate them, because I happen to live in their country, but. .. .. just telling the truth.

    Isn't it nice to get people coming on the board when they feel they can roll out their expertise on all things Thai, and in the very next paragraph &lt;deleted&gt; all over it. I think it must cause the poster serious issues: on one hand, taking the time to master the language of somewhere he truly hates, probably all the while chewing on tom yum khung pizza while watching cnn 24/7 in a 4000 baht a month apartment overlooking a klong filled with garbage.

    Perhaps TD can enlighten us as to from where he hails from so we can take a few pot shots at his culture / or lack there of because.......

  10. Guys I have friends from Canada over and we are looking for a nice beach area that has jet skii, parasail etc for a little excitement for the adults but must be fairly clean as we have many young children also. Any suggestions please for eastern seaboard area? Also a nice medium priced resort/hotel suggestion would be appreciated.

    all beaches in and around pattaya have these things. millions of hotels, www.sawadee.com and take a look

  11. Normally when you book flights for children below the age of 12, they get a 25% discount on the adult fare. For the Thai Airways promotion to Melbourne (THB 17,800) there is no child discount. I can understand that. The fare is already quite cheap. However, Thai Airways is charging my son the same taxes as me! Everyone knows that in Australia, children below the age of 12 are exempt from the international departure tax. So Thai Airways is collecting the tax from me but they don't have to the the Australian authorities! This is illegal!

    So what can I do? Of course I tried to talk to Thai Airways but as you might have guessed, I didn't get anywhere. Anyone knows if there is a consumer protection board in Australia I can contact?

    send a letter to the bk post letter section

  12. hmmm interesting deep thinking stuff this.

    so in summary if I ask the following questions and your reply yes it means you are likely to buy something

    "Hello my friend, I can tell you are a lucky person" Yes / no

    "Take a look sir take a look" yes / no

    "Happy hour drinks 60 baht, no cover charge" yes / no

    "Massage...massage, handsome man" yes / no

    "Do you think this is all bs?" yes / no

    I see your point, I answered yes to 4/5 questions and right now I feel like having a beer in my local tailor shop before getting my palm read at the massage place.

    Powerful thing - the mind is. Use it carefully.

  13. So if the Eastlands mob had waited four months they could have bagged him for a staggering £16.7m less!

    yes, but will turn out to be City's best buy of the window by far.

    I concur. We can't afford to wait until summer. We need shoring up at the back now.

    I think this specific obscene abuse of money insinuates you can... :o

    I thought Kompany's looked good though when i've seen him & has been one of your better Players ths year, & these 2 play very similar games don't they ??

    I always thought Kompany was as CB first? maybe with dj there, he can go back to his old spot?

  14. there was a time when I was one of those scary people (aka backpackers).

    nowadays, when I see them walking around with guide book in hand, looking lost, excited, paranoid:

    it brings back memories and sadly reminds me of how I have lost the romance of discovering places a new.




    and then I snap out of it and realise that staying in nice hotels, eating good food is much nicer.

  15. And as for me, note that I'm talking about my ex! Her laziness is 1 reason why she is 'ex',. not 'current':)!


    Yeah, I thought so.

    Perhaps if you took the time to read the title of the thread and in particular the portion in (), you might actually clue-in that what is being written here about our spouses is purely humorous in nature. :o

    I ownder if they would laugh... :D:D

    i am too lazy to go ask her. could you do me a favor and call her to see if she has gotten off her arse and did the laundry yet?

  16. Well done to everyone for jumping on the bandwagon. Enjoy the footy this weekend!

    i'll enjoy it so long as we put everton in their bloody place mate. :o

    here are my tips for this weekends action.

    LP 2-1 over Everton (you are due)

    MU 3-2 over Spurs - both teams are hurting at the back but we owe Harry big time, should be fun to watch.

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