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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. hmm. bunch of underhand, crooked, disliked corporate whores. AIG are a horrible bunch as well as it goes.

    by the way ms, what is your shirt sponser exactly?

    as for our new ones, i doubt it will be some betting.com company, names like sahara and saudi telecom come to mind, but considering our owners, i doubt the latter is an option.

  2. Hello!

    I been trying to look for news of a 16 years old girl who jumped off her condo at sathorn Yenakart, she was in the french school. As far as I know this was on monday 19th. I just knew today by a friend who was teaching her, and I started to research more info and nothing. Is it jumping off a building so common here that there is no news about it at all? is it maybe in Thai? Someone knows something?

    Interesting, you say a friend of yours that was teaching her told you about it - be that the case, what additional information were you hoping to find. perhaps a quiry to her schoolmates at the school?

    as for your second question, while these types of things unfortuneately happen all too often pattaya involving farangs and get picked up pretty quickly by the local media there, the occaisions that they occur in bangkok involving locals is hard to put a finger on. i suspect it happens much more than ever gets reported.

  3. Can I buy ping pong at Patpong?

    No, but I hear you can buy Ping from Pong in Pat Pong.

    You can, but Pongs Ping are ting tong in pat tong.

    (say that ten times fast)

    I heard that Pongs Ping are ting tong from a ling ling in pat pong...am I wrong?

    paritally correct, actually The pings you get from Pong in Pat Pong do have slight ring. However, the one's that Ling Ling sells are not in fact not pings at all, they are pongs made by a guy name pat in beijing. I hope this clears up any confusion as to the quality of the pings and pongs on offer in Soi Pat Pong.

  4. Have you ever been to Sweden? :o Females not asking you where you are going? Swedish women tend to have massive control. If you have a Swedish girlfriend you are not able to even make the slightest movement without her saying "where are you going?" Everytime. It is like they have a motionsensor. Besides, most of them (who are bellow 30) have a character that reminds me of Paul Gascoigne

    I would love to experience Korea though.

    Korea, the land where protests began (in case you were wondering). Oh yea, they make good TV's.

  5. After years in and around se asia and asia, ive just discovered the joys of som tam, and fully understand why many thai women say its the food they miss and crave when out of the country.

    I fear i may also now have this problem!

    What is it about this simple culinary street delight that makes you have to induge in it at least twice a week!

    Why did i not discover this on my previous stints in LOS, maybe the language barrier as they seemed to always put the crab in it even after clearlyi pointing and saying MAI AWO...lol

    I belive its due to my improved ability to order food in thai.....that i now enjoy this addictive dish.

    some people get a thrill out of running around complaining they have an upset gut and the shi*ts

  6. When you get an hard on,in a gogo bar/beer bar and you have checkbinned,do you just walk out with a big stiffie showing or discreetly stick your hands down your shirts and hide it away.

    I just walk out with a big grin on my face to a round of applause lol.

    well, the katoey's do like a show mate. :o

  7. <deleted> me, i dread to think what the Man City Boys are gonna think of me

    City... They cant even buy fans so I am sure they appreciate your interest.


    Who needs to buy fans. It is well known that we have some of the best fans in football and our away support is second to none. We are happy to keep just our loyal support, thank you very much. I quite like Liverpool ( i used to live on Walton Breck Road and then moved to Aigburth) and have a good rapport with alot of Liverpool fans. However, guys with your kind of attitude can quickly take the edge off.

    As for others posting in different teams threads. Who made you the moderator? We have had some good banter between the different supporters, since this forum was started. Many of us meet up as often as we can and carry on the banter in the pub, including the OP of this thread. Long may it continue and if you don't like other supporters coming in here, i suggest you start your own thread. Although i imagine you will be pretty lonely in there.

    :D you see your just as bad... Listen, Mr Chelsea Sea-Spot came on the Liverpool FC thread calling us Bin dippers! and then suggesting I hadn't even been to Anfield. Which is just typical comment by some one trying to get attention since Chelsea aren't in the spot light anymore and cant handle that.

    I have nothing against City but it was banter between Msingh (note all on the Liverpool thread) Have I been on your thread and gone to wind you up NO... maybe I will from now on and talk about your club, that not only can they not buy fans but cant even buy players for the love of money :D

    By the way... I have even been to Cities old ground a few times in the past (Main Road) to watch you get thrashed by Liverpool as it was always a good bet that it would be a high scoring win for Liverpool :D and worth the trip.

    As they say 'People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'

    a couple of things, bin dippers, glory hunters etc etc are all fair game.

    Chelsea not in the spotlight - they are in your rear-view mirror and looking straight at you. as far as not being on our threads, nobody is stopping you but keep in mind that others of your ilk have, so if we come on the lp thread and take the piss about rafa and co, doesn't mean it's directed at you.

    I gave up living in glass houses long ago - my neighbors couldnt stand the sight of me walking around naked with a remote in one hand and a John Terry voodoo doll in the other.

  8. Can I buy ping pong at Patpong?

    No, but I hear you can buy Ping from Pong in Pat Pong.

    You can, but Pongs Ping are ting tong in pat tong.

    (say that ten times fast)

    what is amazing about this area, even when I come out of foodland on soi 2 with my hands full of grocery bags, the tuk tuk guys still ask me if I want a massage. to which I reply "thank you no, but would you mind holding these while i flag down a taxi"

  9. <deleted> me, i dread to think what the Man City Boys are gonna think of me

    City... They cant even buy fans so I am sure they appreciate your interest.


    Who needs to buy fans. It is well known that we have some of the best fans in football and our away support is second to none. We are happy to keep just our loyal support, thank you very much. I quite like Liverpool ( i used to live on Walton Breck Road and then moved to Aigburth) and have a good rapport with alot of Liverpool fans. However, guys with your kind of attitude can quickly take the edge off.

    As for others posting in different teams threads. Who made you the moderator? We have had some good banter between the different supporters, since this forum was started. Many of us meet up as often as we can and carry on the banter in the pub, including the OP of this thread. Long may it continue and if you don't like other supporters coming in here, i suggest you start your own thread. Although i imagine you will be pretty lonely in there.

    bj, ms, sw and all, feel free to come over to the utd thread and kick around the banter - unlike others, we don't mind the mind games ... reminds of a joke...

    Little boy goes to court regarding child abuse in the home.

    Judge goes, "son, do you want to live with your mommy" - son replies, "no she beats me", what about your dad? "same same" the son replies, judge qwips back sharply, "well who do you want to live with!" the boy retorts" I want to live with Liverpool because they don't beat anybody" :D

  10. Is a bit boring to read all the other fans' posts here. I'd rather it just be Liverpool fans talking amongst each other. Just as I'd find it boring to go to another thread and try to wind people up. Interesting seems there are lot of Liverpool haters when Liverpool have had such a long drought. C'mon, other fans, let's unite in our hatred of Man U...

    Your idea would make the whole thing rather boring. If you want a sanitised version where thre is no banter, then go to a designated Liverpool forum.

    Most of the guys have a playful dig at each others teams (it's called banter or British humour), it's the unreasoned "hatred" that that I find particularly boring.

    don't blame jimjim for being a sour puss, he is in the usa and all they know about LP is that it is the place the Stones came from :o

  11. I'm glad its not just me. I thought maybe I was being tight.

    I'm in Ban Chang, near Rayong. I told the instructer it was way to much. He informed me that Fairtex charges 1500 Baht. I'll not be going again anyway.

    For that kind of money, did you at least get to kick him before you paid him?

  12. this soi reminds me of something I would see on animal planet.

    dozens of antelope lining to take turns taking a sip from the golden pond, all the while the predators lay and wait for the weak (minded).

    that being said, it is the kind of place you must see once - not as exhilerating as bungy jumping, but still an sense of risk none the less.

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