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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. And as for me, note that I'm talking about my ex! Her laziness is 1 reason why she is 'ex',. not 'current':)!


    Yeah, I thought so.

    Perhaps if you took the time to read the title of the thread and in particular the portion in (), you might actually clue-in that what is being written here about our spouses is purely humorous in nature. :o

  2. Sorry to say but all of the people commenting badly about their partner (or ex) are really wrong. Shame!!! How can you be then with a person you have an aversion to so much, or why in the world would you like to be with someone who's not able to do stuff on their own. Because they got vaginas? Shame, shame, and more shame. A good healthy partner would ever talk behind his wife's gf's back.

    are you really this naive? yesterday you were asking for reasons why a 16 yr old girl would jump off a building (like it makes any difference - cause its too late to do anything about it) and today this drivel above.

    sarcasm: google it.

    I know what sarcasm is, and is totally not talking bad about people, and definitely not behind their backs. So I guess the one that has to Google here is YOU. Do you always put your nose in places where you haven't been call? I would like you to stop going behind my post, since I find you quite dense. Thanks!

    A guy who talk bad about a woman, especially his may be call many things but sarcastic. :o

    Fortunately pop-corn, many of us are in relationships where we are close enough to our partners to be able to see the lighter side of things. And this works both ways of course, no doubt my wife has a good laugh with her friends over my efforts at speaking Thai for example.

    What a sterile relationship it could be otherwise.

    I hope I never get to do something like that to my partner, I would ever talk behind his back, if he have any mistake or bad side I tell him directly :D .... But I wouldn't dare to gossip about someone I love. It's sad.


  3. Greed, loopholes and cash will keep the owners and those responsible from being prosecuted...

    Greed, loopholes and cash will allow others to continue to sacrifice safety in favor of a fast buck.

    But times are changing, I was hoping perhaps that if anything this might act as a catalyst for the change necessary to see safer entertainment venues..

    Glad to hear about Bed, hopefully other clubs will follow suit and I can tell you I will make sure to frequent them more as a result.

    now if we can only get the taxis to stop catching fire and blowing up.

  4. found this site regarding who's hurt and for how long...


    Excellent site , well done. I see Owen Hargreaves has "jumpers Knee' what the h-ell is that ? Another name for tendonitis ?

    yes but how reliable is it, Anderson carried off on a stretcher with suspected broken ankle and no mention on this list???

    Jumpers Knee - not sure what that is but thought I got that once while trying to do the mrs on the carpet.

  5. Sorry to say but all of the people commenting badly about their partner (or ex) are really wrong. Shame!!! How can you be then with a person you have an aversion to so much, or why in the world would you like to be with someone who's not able to do stuff on their own. Because they got vaginas? Shame, shame, and more shame. A good healthy partner would ever talk behind his wife's gf's back.

    are you really this naive? yesterday you were asking for reasons why a 16 yr old girl would jump off a building (like it makes any difference - cause its too late to do anything about it) and today this drivel above.

    sarcasm: google it.

  6. Neuro linguistic programming aka NLP is a tool used by the very top salesmen and the best perverts, their chat only leaves one answer “YES” telling you that you had blocked energy and that he wanted to put his finger in your mouth, :D

    please who would fall for that load of sh1t. he wasn’t in the top 20 of NLP users. :o

    do you have a point?

  7. As you all already know we have had success in getting the FA cup on here.... I also received this e-mail from stuart turner yesterday...

    Hi Clive

    The FA are still in the final rounds of negotiation with a couple of interested parties in Thailand but to ensure that we do not miss another weekend of FA Cup action, we have arranged a stop-gap measure which will see ESPN Star Sports carry 8 live games this forthcoming weekend. We trust this eases your concerns.

    Rest-assured, we are working hard on a permanent resolution for the benefit of all Thai fans and I look forward to be able to communicate this to you in the fullness of time. In the meantime, enjoy this weekend!



    Well done to everyone for jumping on the bandwagon. Enjoy the footy this weekend!

    i feel like i should buy you a beer but with a name like bangkokblue....nah :o

  8. This was printed in The Nation a couple days ago, but I did not see anything about it on this site.. I gave it a couple days, but still: nothing.

    So what gives?

    well, only for tourists and considering that 85 odd countries don't require one to visit here, minimal impact IMO.

  9. I'm hoping to hear back from anyone who has any experience of skiing in Korea.

    I'd be traveling from Thailand and wish to go somewhere as close as possible for a quick +/- 5 day trip.

    I've recently come back from the Alps and don't expect Korea to be up to that standard, however I've read that Muju resort is a decent enough alternative.

    I've read through the web sites etc and have some base information and now I'd be grateful to hear from anyone with their own experiences, travel, costs, accommodation etc



  10. More money than sense - Part 2 of the ongoing Chronicles...


    MANCHESTER CITY amazingly handed Hamburg £19million for Nigel de Jong despite knowing he would cost just £2.3m at the end of the season.

    The Dutch midfield enforcer, dubbed the vacuum cleaner because he Hoovers up in front of the back four, has signed a four-year deal.

    But City's pursuit of the 24-year-old has made them a laughing stock as De Jong had a clause in his Hamburg contract stating he would be available for just £2.3m this summer.

    So if the Eastlands mob had waited four months they could have bagged him for a staggering £16.7m less!

    yes, but will turn out to be City's best buy of the window by far.

  11. Stones are from London. Beatles are from Liverpool. I've been to Liverpool. It was the place I felt most like home in all of England. I don't know why, but it's true. My best memories from England are there. That's what led to me following Liverpool in the first place.

    I'm entitled to have my opinion, so yes, it bores me to see all those obsessed with seeing Liverpool fail spill their excrement in this thread.

    yes mate, i know stones are from LP.

    as for being obsessed with seeing LP fail, not totally accurate. In fact, I would like to see them have their best EPL finish in years - this year - 2nd place.

    Typing error there Jimbo... :o

    no it wasn't, it was a test to see if anyone was paying attention. two gold stars for you ms and an extra scoop of ice cream on the weekend.

  12. hmm. bunch of underhand, crooked, disliked corporate whores. AIG are a horrible bunch as well as it goes.

    by the way ms, what is your shirt sponser exactly?

    as for our new ones, i doubt it will be some betting.com company, names like sahara and saudi telecom come to mind, but considering our owners, i doubt the latter is an option.

    I've heard Tampax are taking over as sponsors :o

    Well it will be Saudi Telecom or Sahara from India or LG from Korea. Don't be surprised if it comes from an energy company or IT such as Google, yahoo or Apple. Personally I can't see it being ST because whats the upside for them - they get to promote their services to people who can't use them?

    Anyways MS, it's guaranteed to be the biggest deal ever and most likely with a global company unlike other teams. I must admit though, have no idea what KAROO is but it looks good on Hull's shirts.

    Our Shirt Sponsor's global, they're is based in the Phillipines & the Isle of Man, jing jing... :D

    by the sounds of them, they seem to be a better fit for Harry and co. :D

  13. Aside from the family and friends of the victims it seems that the whole tragedy of zantika is already being forgotten...

    I went to high school in Thailand and have recently returned hoping to work here but currently enjoying a vacation and I love Thailand. The last couple of years Zantika was the place to go for my friends and I on a Friday or Saturday night(yes at the time we were all underage), in fact we were going to go on new years as it was the last night but luckily decided to go with a larger group to Narz. After the fire I realized how much danger I was in each time I went there for fun, without even being slightly aware of it. Now I am going to places and only seeing the lack of safety (narcissist is deathtrap, that main dance floor; which i have seen with easily 200+ people on it, has a fence around it with a two narrow entrances both up several stairs....) After the fire I was hoping to see some changes that would restore my personal confidence in safety here for when I am out having fun but now it seems to be becoming an issue of the past already. I am concerned with the lack of follow ups or investigations into the current laws or maybe I am just poorly informed I am not sure, hence posting.

    It is all well and good prosecuting those responsible for the tragedy but I would like to see more about safety laws and actually making businesses compliant.

    Anyone able to alleviate my concerns? Or have an opinion on what they think will happen or not happen as a result of this tragedy?

    well, in the BED topic in the Bangkok page, someone did mention that they were undertaking steps to ensure everything was up to standard. No doubt other well known establishments are following suit.

  14. Stones are from London. Beatles are from Liverpool. I've been to Liverpool. It was the place I felt most like home in all of England. I don't know why, but it's true. My best memories from England are there. That's what led to me following Liverpool in the first place.

    I'm entitled to have my opinion, so yes, it bores me to see all those obsessed with seeing Liverpool fail spill their excrement in this thread.

    yes mate, i know stones are from LP.

    as for being obsessed with seeing LP fail, not totally accurate. In fact, I would like to see them have their best EPL finish in years - this year - 2nd place.

  15. hmm. bunch of underhand, crooked, disliked corporate whores. AIG are a horrible bunch as well as it goes.

    by the way ms, what is your shirt sponser exactly?

    as for our new ones, i doubt it will be some betting.com company, names like sahara and saudi telecom come to mind, but considering our owners, i doubt the latter is an option.

    I've heard Tampax are taking over as sponsors :o

    Well it will be Saudi Telecom or Sahara from India or LG from Korea. Don't be surprised if it comes from an energy company or IT such as Google, yahoo or Apple. Personally I can't see it being ST because whats the upside for them - they get to promote their services to people who can't use them?

    Anyways MS, it's guaranteed to be the biggest deal ever and most likely with a global company unlike other teams. I must admit though, have no idea what KAROO is but it looks good on Hull's shirts.

  16. Was walking by Soi 11 yesterday and hadn't been to Cheap Charlie's in about 6 months, so decided to stop in for a beer. Before ordering I looked up at the drink menu and they had covered the old prices with new prices. Now 70 baht for all local pisswater! No air conditioning, horrible splintering tree stump seating, a toilet where " you can pee but no shit". I voted with me feet and will not soon return.

    Now at Soi Cowboy happy hour can be had for as little as 40 baht a beer, sitting in air condition comfort surrounded by dancing damsels. See ya " not so cheap charlie's"!

    hmmm, what was their price before? 60 baht mate? Unlike bars at Cowboy, CC and the like are reliant on booze sales for a profit.

    I wonder how you reacted when the taxi fares went up for the first time ever a few months back - do you now use your feet?

  17. Would appear to be good news that the games will be shown and we will know in the early hours of Saturday morning with the early game.

    (Derby vs. Forest 2:45am Sat morning Thai time)

    Congratulations are in order in particular to Bangkok Blue(BB) for initating this thread and his subsequent efforts.

    So I nominate BB for a Special Award.

    Cannot give him an Oscar as one C.Ronaldo has that.

    The Noble "piece" prize?

    Well West Ham are not bad so will not want to kick bits out of one of their players.

    So I nominate BB for the Thai Visa Football Person of the Month, January 2009.

    He faces opposition of course:

    Darren Bent for his heading abilities in helping Porstmouth get a point; and all of those at Manchester City who despite offering Kaka 500,000 pounds per week could not persuade him to go to Manchester.


    Well Done BB!

    Dont forget Zaki, his miss was worse

  18. Anyone tried the Latitude Lounge in the Banyan Tree? It's on the 51st floor. You have to go through the Saffron restaurant to get to it. It's mainly drinks with no food of it's own, but it's a nice place to chill :o

    This is a place I'd like to check out.... I've never been, just passed it and just now looked it up. Is the floorspace large? Lighting bright or dark? A pic seems like it's outdoors, maybe on a terrace of sorts... If it was nice and dark and private a la 360, definitely worth checking out. Any idea on drink prices?

    And somebody else mentioned Indigo - nice food and I rather like the atmosphere, but it doesn't have wow-factor or the privacy that these other places can have...

    I like this thread. Hopefully we can have more contribute... it is after all in the Bangkok forum, and with so many ThaiVisa millionaires on this site, I can't believe that so few have been out to sample the finer places... maybe they are just too pre-occupied with their chinese hi-so wives. Not.

    I am in fact.

  19. winding up is generally supposed to be based on wit and intelligence, or maybe a bit of sarcasm, rather than seapok's dull and unfunny attempts. i don't really see anyone getting wound up so much as bored by him.

    anyhow, pennant's off the payroll at least, preferring portsmouth to madrid and milan apparently. good riddance.

    I agree with Stevie, nothing wrong with banter mixed with a bit of actual comments about the teams / matches. No need for name calling - yet. :o

    I'm shocked to see BKKjames jumping on the bandwagon...the self proclaimed glory hunter just can't help himself. I'm sorry StevieH doesn't like what I've been saying but I've achieved

    what I set out to do and that was get a bit of banter going amongst rival fans...intelligent or not! :D

    isnt it nice to see that a lucky last minute win against stoke gets old seapok back in the game again, thought you were a bit like Mig16, missing in action.

  20. BIG NEWS ! ! !

    I just received this email from Stuart Turner at the FA:

    Many thanks for your advice.

    For the record the contracted party The FA had in place have a strong track record and have distributed both European Championships and World Cups in Thailand for the last 8 years. However due to the economic and political climate in Thailand, the party was not able to meet its financial obligations to The FA and we have therefore sought alternative partners. These discussions are on-going but to ensure that we do not miss another weekend of FA Cup action, we have arranged for ESPN Star Sports to carry 8 live games this forthcoming weekend. We trust this eases your concerns.Unfortunately, I’m not able to reveal who originally bid for The FA rights due to confidentiality reasons but rest-assured we are working hard on a permanent resolution for the benefit of all Thai fans.

    Kind regards

    Stuart Turner

    good work to all who pushed them! now hopefully it will happen as mentioned in the letter.

  21. Korea lost all its culture?

    Is this the same culture that is so hot among Thai teenagers?

    As for TV on the skytrain, uniquely thai perhaps but that's because unlike other cultures, there is very little fear of them being stolen, damaged etc.

    Anyways, don't understand this korea vs thailand debate on a forum about thailand. seems to me that those pro korea have a personal axe to grind with thailand or are in denial about how much they miss living here.

    carry on...

    The teeny bopper culture(like the pretty face Rain) is nto what I meant. Perhaps I should say the culture

    became massively westernized. The point aboyut the sky train TV is that is one of those annoying things done for business at the expensive of peace of mind. This is a trend that I have seen increase even in the four years since I first came to Thailand as a tourist.

    well, we could go back do things the way of the taliban?

  22. Korea lost all its culture?

    Is this the same culture that is so hot among Thai teenagers?

    As for TV on the skytrain, uniquely thai perhaps but that's because unlike other cultures, there is very little fear of them being stolen, damaged etc.

    Anyways, don't understand this korea vs thailand debate on a forum about thailand. seems to me that those pro korea have a personal axe to grind with thailand or are in denial about how much they miss living here.

    carry on...

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