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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Steve. You are dead right abut one thing. The "investor" they are looking for would be (ideally) a BKK expat who is tied into the 9 ball scene & has experience setting up a pool bar & will watch his investment like a hawk.

    I see Ball in Hand manager every day at Bully's so something is up for sure.

    Do you mean the singaporean guy that manage time's square Alan I think was his name, nice guy.

  2. How old are you again?

    well he has a point- i love animals too, believe me, but rats cause a lot of problems in the wild. it's not possible to round them up and take them away, and if you manage to get all of them they will likely come right back anyway. i don't want the diseases they spread or the snakes they attract, they also do a lot of damage to electric wires and other things, leave foul smelling urine etc... drowning them is quick, it takes less than a minute. i hate to do it but if it is between me (and my dogs) and a family of rats, i am gonna win. i would have to hit them on the head just right to kill them and that seems more barbaric to me than drowning.

    I have a neighbor who keeps cockroaches as pets, guess I shouldn't kill them either :o

  3. For only 500 baht you can drop by and I will break your nose, and your big toe won't seem to hurt as much :o

    Ok but its been broken to many times before, I used to be champion heavyweight boxer in the army. Where do u wanna meet james?? :D

    how bout your jaw then mate? :D

    I dont have one james, It got blown off from a roadside bomb that went off in iraq whilst i was in a gun battle with hundreds of the enemy :D

    With all the injuries and scars you have mate, it's a good thing you are not an old horse.

  4. For only 500 baht you can drop by and I will break your nose, and your big toe won't seem to hurt as much :o

    Ok but its been broken to many times before, I used to be champion heavyweight boxer in the army. Where do u wanna meet james?? :D

    how bout your jaw then mate? :D

  5. Glue traps are one of the most cruel ways to kill an animal

    that's why i drown them as soon as i catch them. i made the mistake of not at first and totally regretted it. rats scream. :o

    Rats can swim, so I imagine being stuck to a glue trap and not being able to swim to the surface would be equally horrific. I keep pet rats and I know how intelligent and affectionate they can be and to think of the methods people use to kill them makes me feel sick. If you really must kill them, quickest and most painless way is probably a sharp blow.

    I have an idea, since you seem to love them so much why don't you volunteer to go to the OP's house and round em up and take them home.

  6. Nong Nooch Gardens in Jomtien hosted a wedding ceremony this week involving a Russian Couple who wanted to renew their vows.

    Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Marina Molchanova were married in 2007 but, at the time, they were unable to have a proper wedding ceremony. They decided that Thailand would be an excellent location for their dream wedding ceremony and they chose Nong Nooch Gardens as the venue to renew their vows.

    A Christian wedding ceremony was organized by the popular tourist attraction and the wedding took place.

    Mrs. Molchanova is 6 months pregnant and told us, after the ceremony, that this was the best day of her life. We wish the happy couple all the best for the future.

    Pattaya One News

    A slow news day in Pattaya or just trying to conform with the authorities request only to cover good news?

  7. case and point, on sawadee.com they mention a special rate so i checked it out...

    They have rate up to the 15th at 5730

    Then up to the 27th 9750

    28th-Jan2 12900

    This is just one bangkok hotel, others like the hyatt, sukothai, oriental are not changing rates at all exept upward surcharges for new years

    I hope they all sit empty.

  8. Either this says something about my libido, that the second leg is not that rare around here, or that Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is valid (my stomach is rumbling as I write this), but I would somewhat rather have that first leg about now.

    Personally if John could arrange both I might make the trip there more often. First for a little ham then for a little dessert.

  9. good 4 her. thai girls knoe where the moneys at. and it aint at hawking beer for 4 baht a can. now if there were only better alternatives for them than tending bar.

    The beer hawking is the first step in their career as a pretty. Then they graduate to Motor Shows, Cosmetics and if they are really lucky can even grow up to be a company ambassador.

  10. Just saw this on the nation -

    Auto parts workers block road to demand yearend bonus

    Some 800 workers of Yarnapund Plc blocked the inbound King Kaew Road in front of their factory Friday morning to demand five-month yearend bonus.

    The protesters also demanded the company to employ workers, who have been working for one month, on full-time employment basis and give them Bt500 salary increase.

    The workers sent 15 representatives to negotiate with the management but no agreement has been made yet.

    The protest caused traffic congestion near the Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

    The Nation

    Reminds me of a true story back home about two rival grocery store chains - one group of employees and union leaders went on strike to demand the same wages as the other store was paying its workers.

    They essentially closed the store down for a month. The owners then decided to close the store permenently and 300 striking workers out of a job. The Union Reps however, kept theirs.

  11. The new venue above Bully's sounds as though it is going to be rather flash. The pool tables they have imported are Brunswick Competition Gold Crown V, considered the finest competition table having been used in Pool Tours since 1961. The new pool lounge at Bully's will open in the first quarter of 2009 with an investment in excess of 12 million baht.

    Are these the same tables from the "ball in hand" at times square at the time of their 'fire' sale or are they brand new?

  12. If this was the Uk would the need to announce your GF's background be so necessary?

    I think not.

    If this was the UK.... but it's NOT. Last time I looked it was thaivisa.com - not ukvisa.com.... :o

    I think Mr. Fishsticks needs to realise that 75% of posts on here contain varying degrees of sarcasm , bs or both.

    If he is looking for the facts and only the facts - I recommend he visit www.nationmultimedia.com

  13. Interesting comments from someone who is / has just signed a really big extension contract ..

    Rafael Benítez has effectively written off Liverpool's title chances even though his team lead the Premier League after 16 matches in which they have lost only once. Benítez's side have defeated both Manchester United and Chelsea during a promising opening to the season as they chase the club's first championship since 1990 but the manager is downbeat about their chances of lasting the pace.

    "For us to win the league we need Chelsea, Man United and Arsenal to mess up their season," he was quoted by the Sun. "It is very rare that three teams all mess up. So there's no point waiting for our direct adversaries to slip up because it won't happen. They all have a lot greater financial means than us."

    Would be interested to get the thoughts from LP supporters. Is it just a case of him trying to take some pressure off the squad or do you read more into it - like Torres injury is more serious than being reported and hence the gloom and doom?

  14. Regarding SH Law ....

    Under Sharia Islamic law, making money from money, such as charging interest, is usury and therefore not permitted.

    Wealth should be generated only through legitimate trade and investment in assets.

    But investment in companies involved with alcohol, gambling, tobacco and pornography is strictly off limits.

    Guess you won't be selling advertising to www.punters.com or selling beer at the games now. :o

    As you well know, Sharia varies vastly in Muslim countries.

    In countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and Sudan etc. it is applied quite strictly.

    However, in the majority of Muslim countries it is applied selectively. Some countries adopt only a few aspects of Sharia law and others apply it to the full.

    We pop down to Bahrain or over to Dubai quite regularly for a tipple of "you know what". :D

    Etihad serve alcohol on their planes, so i think we'll be ok at Middle-East Lands :D

    In my time in the ME, I heard a rumour that the 'you know what' consisted of only through the back door - therefore not violating any rules? Can't substantiate that though.

    Hilarious, Bahrain has got to be the biggest Bro8hel in the ME.

    I guess it's like religeon all over the world, it only applies when its convenient. So is Hughes' going or staying?

  15. I am not sure whether I should post this in the Thai food section or the western one. I am sure that the leg of ham is farang. My guess is that the server's leg is Thai. :D

    although the leg of ham looks good .. the other leg looks even better :o

    It's probably a good thing your Mrs doesn't use the internet John :D

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