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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Or just lying/laying back and saying mai bpen rai as their country implodes?

    I'm curious: What does protesting against Chang Beer being listed on the Thai stock market have to do with the country imploding? Is there a rational connection I'm overlooking somehow? Or are we being just a wee bit melodramatic? :o

    As one of the heaviest drinking per cap countries in the world, interesting that so many would protest a stock listing. Is it not a chance for them to support their own interest.

    kinda like, The more Chang I drink, the greater the sales and my chances of getting a .08 baht dividend per share at the end of the year increases :D

  2. Indeed, this free market stuff is really interesting, especially from learning from Guru James that:

    1) There's only one valid definition in the world of "rip off", and it comes from Wiki.

    2) A super free market freak is someone who has an MBA

    3) There's only one valid definition of "free market" and it's from... oops, dunno if it's from either Wiki or Guru James! Either way, Guru James is the greatest!


    It only took you two posts to get something right. Two stars for you and an extra cookie after your nap. :o

  3. Did you get your welding job done?

    Not trying to be a smart arse, but I can't think of a spot in Bangkok, or any other Thai city, where I couldn't find a welder within a kilometre in any direction.

    Places to look are:

    Machine shops (look for lathes, crank grinders, power hacksaws near the entrance)

    Exhaust pipe/muffler shops

    Car repairs, service centres

    Shops making fences, wrought iron gates, roller doors etc

    Construction contractors

    Hardware stores selling steel and pipes will generally have a welder. If not, they will tell you where to go.

    Good luck.


  4. According to Shari'ah (sp) law, Islam companies are not allowed to make a profit

    Not true. Although it's complex, a for instance is 'Mufawadha' which are part of Contractual Companies and the partners have equal shares in the company as well as equal rights and benefits in profits and management.

    It's interesting that Etihad would go this route

    Etihad are based in Abu Dhabi, our owners are from Abu Dhabi. Not a surprise really, that this may happen.

    West Ham is there waiting and would be a better deal

    :o That was a joke, right?

    surely they could buy out AIGs deal with United. :D

    We're richer than your debt ridden club, why would they want to bail you out. You can keep your skint sponsors :D

    Regarding SH Law ....

    Under Sharia Islamic law, making money from money, such as charging interest, is usury and therefore not permitted.

    Wealth should be generated only through legitimate trade and investment in assets.

    But investment in companies involved with alcohol, gambling, tobacco and pornography is strictly off limits.

    Guess you won't be selling advertising to www.punters.com or selling beer at the games now. :D

  5. Recession. What recession!!

    From the Guardian:-

    'Shirt deal to eclipse United's £56.5m'

    Manchester City hope to strike a record sponsorship deal with Etihad, national airline of the United Arab Emirates, after opening talks about an agreement that would recognise their position as the richest club in the world.

    Although talks are described as very early and several other companies are also in the frame, Etihad's links to the Abu Dhabi United Group, the club's owners, have established the airline as the frontrunners to replace Thomas Cook.

    The new agreement could be the biggest in English football, beating Manchester United's £56.5m four-year deal with AIG.

    Meanwhile, City have expressed a mixture of anger and bemusement about a newspaper story that Mark Hughes was threatening to resign as manager because he did not have complete control in the January transfer window. "As Mark has said himself, you can only surmise that people have an agenda against the club," his assistant, Mark Bowen, said.

    According to Shari'ah (sp) law, Islam companies are not allowed to make a profit - it seems City is well-covered in this respect.

    It's interesting that Etihad would go this route when West Ham is there waiting and would be a better deal - London Team - Media Darlings etc, Guess they (Etihad) are going for the wow factor of being associated with further big name signings at City over TV exposure in contending for the title and playing in the champions league - surely they could buy out AIGs deal with United. :o

  6. Ok I rescind my offer of help.

    Good luck getting welding done when you can't answer a simple question.

    Jesu* H Chr*st dc aren't you a touchy one.

    Perhaps a bit more info other than "a guy up the street" would help before I ask for your help mate, for all I know you live in Chonburi.

  7. I get a kick out of people who take a shot a companies that charge more than others. It's called supply and demand. BA or Qantas or any other airline flying out of Heathrow can charge whatever they want. If you want to do a milk-run to Ams or Frankfurt to here to save a few pounds, go ahead.

    Nobody is forcing you to pay a fee you are not comfortable with.

    I get a kick out of pseudo free market freaks who think they're free market proponents who toss around concepts like "supply and demand" (wow! they're even smart enough to know those 2 words), but who don't understand themselves that one of the main principles of the free market is the freedom and even encouragement to complain and "take a shot" at companies as long as it's within truth; and to search for better options through many channels, including a now new channel called a "blog".

    Not smart enough to figure out your point, but I am guessing there is one inside this ramble somewhere :o

    I'm a firm believer of a super free market myself, and I vehemently disagree with any government's attempt to use laws and regulations to stifle that so called "supply and demand" (wow! I know it too!).

    "Super free market freak" are you? DO you have an MBA to prove it or is it just a hobby?

    As for calling it a "ripoff", well, if we define a "ripoff" as an act of cheating which a government should ban... then yes, the OP's post is an attack on the concept of supply and demand.

    But if the OP merely used the word "ripoff" in an informal sense meaning "a significantly disadvantageous deal for a consumer" and made no reference to a government banning or regulating it, then there's no inconsistency at all against the so called "free market" and/or "supply and demand".

    As a super free market freak, I would have thought you could have figured out the difference between Airlines "Ripping Off" and Airlines "Charging alot, outrageously high, over the top"

    Here is a definition I found for Rip Off on Wiki for your reference..

    A ripoff (or rip-off) is a bad deal. Usually it refers to an incident in which a person pays too much for something. A ripoff is distinguished from a scam in that a scam involves wrongdoing such as fraud; a ripoff, on the other hand, is in the eye of the beholder. A scam might involve, for instance, a scheme in which a person pays $20 for a startup kit related to stuffing envelopes for a living, but the kit never arrives; upon receiving the money, the recipient flees. A ripoff, on the other hand, might be a business opportunity in which a person pays $375 for bulk vending machines worth $75. The fact that the advertised product actually arrives – even though it is worth far less than the purchase price – makes it a ripoff, not a scam.

    In fact, one of the main principles of "free market" is that all buyers have complete knowledge about best prices and deals of all sellers in order to make the supply and demand process efficient... and that seems to be consistent with what the OP is trying to achieve by posting his question on this blog.

    Free Market Definition

    Where buyers and sellers can make the deals they wish to make without any interference, except by the forces of demand and supply.

    Key takeaway from this definition is bolded. The OP wants one price, the seller wants another.

    Wow this economics stuff is really interesting.


  8. What ya hanging?

    If speakers / TV / LCD monitors go to NPE in ban moh

    Thanks for the replies, actually it's a couple of custom bar / brackets that are to be bolted to a four inch diameter steel pipe.

    On one i need to weld two pulleys (one on either end) and then bolt this on to the poll.

  9. I use to be a chav (punk!!) but I'm toutching 40 so think a change is in order. Anyone from adimin reading?? :D

    <H3 id=siteSub>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</H3>Jump to: navigation, searchChav is a slang derogatory term applied to certain young people in the United Kingdom. The stereotypical image of a chav is an aggressive white teen or young adult, of working class background, who wears branded sports and casual clothing (baseball caps are also common) who often fights and engages in petty criminality and are often assumed to be unemployed or in a low paid job. The term appeared in mainstream dictionaries in 2005

    Hmmmm......not too much punk about that :o

    As for mine, it means a statement of irrefutable logic, from the latin: quod erat demonstrandum

    And all this time I thought you were named after a ship.

  10. I am going to Blackpool UK for the Christmas, going to eat lots and lots of turkey and christmas pudding with cream. I packed my Balaclarva ready, i think i am gonna be needing it.

    Funniest post of the day, the clock was ticking but you made it just under the wire!!!

  11. We have had rats on/off in my ceilng (between first and second floor) for the past year or so. We have trapped them, but more rats find a way in.

    The problem is that they must have dropped a huge amount of feces and urine, and now it is starting to stink the house up. Can anyone reccomond a cleaning company/exterminator who would be able to clean this mess up. I think there are some health concerns if there is some prolongued exposure to this type of thing.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Mate, if you rent, move out!!! If you own, invest in cats.

  12. After 7-8 Christmas' here in Thailand, Im going back to the UK this year...Just never felt the Christmassy feeling over here!

    I know what you mean, I miss the 24/7 drizzel (sp) cold temps and pis* warm beer - nothing like Xmas in the uK :o

  13. I think though, are Thai wives of farangs worried more about their man going with other Thai women? Because, if he married Thai, that means that he likes Asian women and that means that he will be more likely sedused by other Thai women. For some men Asian women are not their cup of tea, so their western wives are not as worried, isn't that true?

    feeling insecure now are we?

    Calm down, james....

    Calm down, any calmer and I would be asleep.

    Back to the point you raised, I think a farang wife married to a farang guy would be more worried about him being attracted to asian women, and justifying his 3x a year trips to the land of happy endings.

  14. Hi

    I know there have been some problems around Klong Toei market due to a change in Land Management etc.

    A while back there was a bomb or grenade thrown from the bridge over head.

    I have seen the campaigners camped outside the market protesting resulting in the road being closed.

    Today the road going the other direction up to Asok past Queen Sirikit station is now closed. Does anyone know why? :o

    Ratchadphisek, Rama III road is the name I think?

    It's likely more of the same or the protesters at the SET regarding Thai Bev wanting to list on the exchange.

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