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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. The best product that this company make are their Nan breads though I wish they did a Peshwari Nan as well, I havent tried the product that you are talking about but I have had the misfortune to try the Chicken Tikka Massala which as I mentioned on another thread was easily one of the worst cheap frozen curries that I have ever eaten, it tasted like a cheap Tesco value Madras from the UK, with the smallest and most tasteless pieces of chicken in it that I have ever encountered, I know that in Pattaya we have a few Indian restuarants but again most of the chefs have never been anywhere near a UK curry house and turn out curries that taste nothing like what they are supposed to be, there are a couple of exceptions here but the prices of their curries are ridiculously high given that the cost of labour and ingredients in LOS is far less than the UK.

    Ae we to believe that curries are an "English" speciality " ?? Dear me and I thought the many times I visited India i was eating local food, how stupid of me ! I do now believe that one of us is a total dipstick and geographically challenged. The curries offered in the UK are very tasty but like Chinese food there, bastardised to suit the local taste.

  2. Beer Chang became more popular when that disgusting football team who play in blue had it printed on

    their shirts.Even though I like the beer I'm gonna have to make a point of trying Leo.

    Total <deleted> comment, In 77 Chang, Klosters and Singha ruled the waves bugger all to do with Everton. if your going to posts keep it fact factual.

    recently I read on here about Cheers Extra. after trying the original Cheers I gagged atthe thought of another Cheers product but lo and behold I was impressed. Usually i am a leo drinker

    Are you trying to say that Chang "ruled the waves" back in '77? Hardly so, since it was first produced in March 1995 :D ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThaiBev ).

    When I came to Thailand for the first time back in 1984, I only encountered three brands of (local) beer: Singha, Kloster and Amarit.

    Incidentally, the posters that claim that only farang drink Chang must have their facts somewhat twisted. Chang supposedly has ~60% market share, which would mean that Thais hardly drink any beer at all :)

    / Priceless

    Who had the <deleted> comment? :D

    I hold my hand up with apologies I got confused with what must have been Amarit, however still stand by my views that Chang is a <deleted> brew

  3. Beer Chang became more popular when that disgusting football team who play in blue had it printed on

    their shirts.Even though I like the beer I'm gonna have to make a point of trying Leo.

    Total <deleted> comment, In 77 Chang, Klosters and Singha ruled the waves bugger all to do with Everton. if your going to posts keep it fact factual.

    recently I read on here about Cheers Extra. after trying the original Cheers I gagged atthe thought of another Cheers product but lo and behold I was impressed. Usually i am a leo drinker

  4. No Sir this is not South African DSTV I assure you, If you look closely at the offered channels they are a world wide selection. Including BBC Entertainment. I agree the Supersport channels are included.

    I was offered the South african DSTV system but I didnt think their offered channels were what I wanted.

    If this SA package is Available in Thailand at 300 Baht a month, why are people not flocking to it instead of bitching about UBC ?

  5. There have been postings after postings on the popularity (or lack of) with UBC and yet very few people have found a viable replacement option. Now i am far from an expert in this field, but my own dealings with UBC over 8 years in Thailand gives me the impression that they have a monopoly and as such dont care a dam_n about their customers or PR.

    After moving to Kunming three months ago, I now suspect UBC are not the only satellite company that are able to offer a service. Let me explain.

    The satellite/cable TV service in China is very much a grey area, but the general concensus is that if its being viewed by foreigners its sort of OK. hence a wondergul array of dishes on most rooftops!!!! In the three months I have been there, I have been quoted by at least five suppliers, I selected one that offered the Philippine Dream Package, but sadly, through no fault of the Chinese Supplier, the Philippines cut the channels I most wanted, such as BBC, ESPN and Star Sports. So I was forced to go hunting again.

    I have just been quoted by another company who uses the Dreambox (not to be confused with Dream TV) which needs Internet Broadband to regularly change the required codings that I think change every 15 seconds. Their only stipulation is that I have access to an area where they can insert a small dish that can face South West (the current Dream Phils faces South East).

    I am told that most of Thailand cannot receive the Dream TV package from the Phils or if they can, then they need a huge dish. BUT as BKK for Example is SOUTH WEST of Kunming and the new supplier in kunming needs a SW facing dish, then surely BKK could pick up this signal. It only needs the equipment and know how. OK UBC will selfishly claim that they are the sole supplier of many channels they show. But if you get your own equipment and set up then you are not stealing from them but using a readily available satellite.

    For your information I copy the list of channels, requirements and charges offered in kunming.


    2.mnet Action

    3.Africa Magic

    4.Arirang TV

    5.BBC Entertainments

    6.BBC Lifestyle

    7.BBC world



    11.celestial movies


    13.CH O (O-Xpress)

    14.Cartoon Network



    17.DD Bharti

    18.DD India

    19.DD News

    20.DD Sports


    22.DM Digital World

    23.Disney Channel


    25.Fashion TV

    26.Go Channel


    28.Hallmark Movie

    29.hillywood movies

    30.History Channel

    31.India TV





    36.Mnet Starts

    37.Mnet West

    38.Mnet East


    40.National Geographic Channel

    41.Noor TV

    42.Rhema TV

    43.rainbow movies


    45! .MNet Serie

    46.Sky News

    47.Super sport 1

    48.Super Sport 2(Cricket)

    49.Super Sport 3(Fifa World Cup)

    50.Super Sport 3Ni(Soccer Live)

    51.Super Sport 5(golf and more )

    52.Super Sport 6

    53.Super Sport 7 (SS7 is the home of England Premier Soccer League and Italy Soccer League)


    55.TV5 Monde Africa


    57.Zone Reality

    58.View Asia



    61.Al Zajeera





    66.PGA tour

    68.solar sports


    1).South West Direction

    2).your home have ADSL or Broadband

    The Total Cost :RBM 2000,00 (including all Equipments and one year subscription charge)(approx 10,000 Baht_

    expected you enjoy the satellite TV program !

    best regards

  6. Just had this quoted to me in Kunming. All they askl for installation is access to place a dish facing South west. Now BKK from kunming is South west, so wonder why t5his is not available in BKK


    2.mnet Action

    3.Africa Magic

    4.Arirang TV

    5.BBC Entertainments

    6.BBC Lifestyle

    7.BBC world



    11.celestial movies


    13.CH O (O-Xpress)

    14.Cartoon Network



    17.DD Bharti

    18.DD India

    19.DD News

    20.DD Sports


    22.DM Digital World

    23.Disney Channel


    25.Fashion TV

    26.Go Channel


    28.Hallmark Movie

    29.hillywood movies

    30.History Channel

    31.India TV





    36.Mnet Starts

    37.Mnet West

    38.Mnet East


    40.National Geographic Channel

    41.Noor TV

    42.Rhema TV

    43.rainbow movies


    45! .MNet Serie

    46.Sky News

    47.Super sport 1

    48.Super Sport 2(Cricket)

    49.Super Sport 3(Fifa World Cup)

    50.Super Sport 3Ni(Soccer Live)

    51.Super Sport 5(golf and more )

    52.Super Sport 6

    53.Super Sport 7 (SS7 is the home of England Premier Soccer League and Italy Soccer League)


    55.TV5 Monde Africa


    57.Zone Reality

    58.View Asia



    61.Al Zajeera





    66.PGA tour

    68.solar sports


    1).South West Direction

    2).your home have ADSL or Broadband

    The Total Cost :RBM 2000,00 (including all Equipments and one year subscription charge)

    expected you enjoy the satellite TV program !

    best regards


  7. Might get a bit of a grilling if it's a young woman and she is entering on her own, my gf did but was still allowed in.

    Correct the HK immigration can be very hard on unacompanied girls, as can Korea. If she is travelling alone and you are in HK already, make sure she knows the address of where she is staying and your telephone number so as Immigration can contact you. If you are travelling together then make sure you are with her at Immigration. But one thing I must point out, the HK Immigration are not racialkists but very professional, so what ever the circumstances, I would suggest that she dresses relatively conservatively, wink wink, you know what i mean !

  8. Just arrived back in Kunming from Chengdu. After participating in this forum I decided to have a look at what was parked up at jetways in Chengdu airport. Answer 1 x 737 700 series. 2 x 737 800 series, 2 x A330s, 13 x A320s and 2 x A321 series. and one in the distanmce that I think may have been a 767. Took a lot of walking tho

    Rather revealing I thought

  9. Found something of interest. I use Elong the online Chinese travel agency (who by the way are very good) go to their site and look at any domestic flight. Just recently they have started to announce the make/model of aircraft used on the route you are wanting.

    I wonder why they would do that if the general mass chinese travellers didnt care a hoot for the aircraft they would be sitting in. Maybe the times are a changing

  10. ^I agree. The reports do not sound exaggerated or hysterical, and are not saying this happens to everyone but rather that there is a nonzero chance of it happening. The risk is stated; the chance is up to individual families to take- depending on whether they'd gamble their children's health against the "rubbish" news.

    On some travels I took recently at least one country (not China) was also quarantining people in a radius around "suspicious" (i.e. high fever) individuals scanned on planes, BEFORE people on the plane were allowed to deboard.

    I live in Kunming and travel regularly, yes on my last TG flight from BKK, health officials boarded the plane on landing and screened everyone on board INCLUDING cabin crew. Happily everyone passed the temperature test and were allowed off only to run in to another medical check prior to immigration. Last weekend I flew to Shenzhen and crossed the border into HK, again screened on arrival in HK and again when checking into the hotel. On the return journey two screenings crossing the border back to Shenzhen after filling out health decleration forms which included contact numbers in China, I eventually got back to Kunming. The following morning I was called by an English speaking police officer who gave me his contact number and told to call him if I felt unwell. I jokingy asked him if I was unwell what weould happen to me. He said for you no problem but you are not to leave your house for 7 days and I would have medical visits every day. For tourists he said that there was a 4 star hotel with top floor sealed off which would be used for quarantine purposes.

    Now that doesnt sound very draconian to me !!!! and for the record, its like security checks, they may be a pain in the rear end but rather that than having my aircraft bombed out of the sky

  11. Sorry I am lost, why has the decision by Airbus to build in their Tianjin Plant, the A320, the ability to affect Thailand and surrounding countries ???

    This makes perfect corporate sense, Tianjin is an Aerospace company, With huge technical support from Airbus they are able to produce this aircraft at a much lower price that the Euro countries. I humbly suggest you put your Jack Daniels down and get yourself into China and travel a number of domestic routes to feel for yourself the boom in air travel in China.

    I know, I do at least 4 internal flights a month, and boy has it changed over the last 20 years, modern aircraft good cabin crews and for quite a number of airlines non Chinese captains. Also interesting to see the ever increasing number of small Airbus models in use now, much to the annoyance of Boeing.

    A final note, did you read the Boeing explanation for the 2 year delay in the Boeing Dreamliner, this was because they outsourced most of the required components and some of these were from China !! and Boeing couldnt control the logistics !

    So maybe Airbus has got it right where Boeing has got it wrong

  12. Some useless information. This Bulwark is the seventh warship to carry the name, like this one the previous Bulwark made a name for herself by evacuating foreign tourists from the North Cypriot coastal town of Kyrenia when the turks invaded. A pick up on a typo, Bulwark is Plymouth based and the Port is named Devonport.

    And one final piece of useless information, the Captain Wayne Keble has shot himself in the foot by refusing the ship to take on Brussel Sprouts as he hates them and calls them the "devils Vegetable". This has caused a rather strong backlash in the British Press.

    Told you useless information

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