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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Makati is the business centre of Manila and although having a good number of bars and restaurants they are rather upmarket, but I dont get the feeling that is the action you are craving. I would suggest you have a look at the website for the Swagman Hotel which is located in Ermita which is an action type of place - if you get my drift. Just google swagman manila and see for yourself. As the name suggests its an Australian owned establishment but more importantly, they arrange free airport pick up and drop offs. By taxi from their location to Makati is only about 20 mins

  2. Would like to assist you, but need a lot more info before I can do so. Manila is a huge sprawling city with different areas obviously.

    Are you there on business ? if so where will you require to be ? Have you been to MNL before ? and although not naive, kindly elaborate on your comment about centre of action.

  3. Was in HK a couple of months ago looking for a bank to put foreign currencies. Went to Citibank with the South china Morning post under my arm, whilst waiting to be talked to, I noticed in the paper that Citibank were in trouble and were going tol shed thousands of jobs. I walked out and took my business to Standard Chartered.

    Could this be one of the reasons that Wells Fargo are involved ??

  4. I found during my visits there (for business) & some relaxation , everything seems to be in decay & crumbling. The only place I thought was up to standard was the Intercontinental in Manila. But even it seemed to need some refurbishment

    Angeles City reminded me of a old village with a false facade , like an old movie set.(Was considering buying there) No Way


    The Intercon in Makati has been the recipient of a number of uninvited guests in the past which turned the old lady into a war zone. No wonder it needs refurbishment

  5. For some reason I cannot explain, my remote decided to give up the ghost last night. Obviously action number one was to replace the batteries , but no still didnt work.

    Now instead of going the torturous route via True, who cannot even get my postal address correct, I am wondering whether or not these remotes are easily replaced.

    I remember on the previous old style boxes, remotes for them were available in places sujch as Fortune Tower, but does anyone know if the new/ish Topfield remotes are available there.

  6. Just returned from HK where with the full documentation, I attempted to obtain a one year multi entry. Unfortunately was only granted a 3 month single entry but was told by the very helpful Thai staff that :-

    1). No Embassy / Consulate was approved by Thai Govt to issue anything more that a 3 monther.

    2). The paperwork required is not as is mentioned in the DFA web site, no company profile needed, no proof of finances needed AND no WP 3 needed.

    3). Reasons given for the 3 month only visa, was that the Embassy could not verify that the documents supporting were accurate or real or fake and only immigration in Thailand could check and double check.

    4). If documentation stands up to scrutiny then Immigration in Thailand would issue the one year extension.

    As I say the Thai Staff in HK deal with all Visa applications (unlike Manila where a local controls it all) they took time to sit and tell me everything and were helpful and polite. On top of that the Consulate is quiet and procedures were very quick. When applying was in and out in 15 mins

  7. yes impressive, but both my Chinese friend and I were disappointed as it was to chinese. i thought the sound system with sarah brightman made her sound very tinny, and the song was not that exciting compared with the song she sang in Barcelona (friends for life).

    My BIGGEST bitch was the continuous taped music for the athletes parade, it must have looped over 100 times during the march in, and BAG PIPE music ? Even my Chinese friend had to admit China never invented that musical instrument.

    Have to admit the your girl who sang at the start was very impressive and it was a nice touch to see the young earthquake survivor in the Chinese team line up

  8. A Chinese friend is taking her mother (70 yo) and two daughters to the Ankhor Wat tomorrow, via the border crossing at Poi Pet. They intend to take a taxi from there to the Wat.

    This group although well travelled are in my opinion vulnerable. I do remember reading somewhere on TV a posting from someone who recommended a Taxi driver on the Cambodian side.

    Does anyone have a good taxi driver contact for this trip ? OR what other alternatives are there

  9. I cut in half and welded back together car poses a serious safety issue!!!

    How much is your life and the life of innocent passengers/bystanders worth to you???


    Totally agree with this, however, the major dangers are when chassis are "sliced" and then re welded (how many vehicles have you seen here crabbing) In my distant memory I seem to remember a mini does not have a chassis but two different sub frames ! So possibly a Mini may be able to have body work sliced and then reattached

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