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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. It was me who posted on monday about a large gathering of red clothed thugs on the slip road off Viphavadi Rd to the Transport office, and I suggested things were about to kick off. About 4pm yesterday I had to take the same route (this location is about 300 metres from my office)and surprise surprise about 200 metres from the scene was a gathering crowd of yellow shirts who appeared to be armed the same as their opposition, with pangas and wooden staves. What did surprise me tho was that the PAD thugs were well organised and even had white clothed medics with red crosses on their shirts in attendance.

    It is now widely publicised what occurred later and let me tell you it was scary when I passed by, anyone who voluntarily gets mixed up in gang warfare like this should expect no sympathy at all.

  2. Driving along Viphavadirangsit this afternoon, I wondered why the traffic was so heavy. transpired that a group of thugs (thats what they are) wearing red bandanas and armed with clubs and chain etc had closed the slip road towards the Government transport offices.

    I saw at least one car hit by these thugs when the driver probably argued his case to use the road.

    The traffic was blocked, people were having their cars attacked and yet not a policeman to be seen.

    Seems as if the recipe for bloodshed and violence is almost ready for testing

  3. Are we misreading this news report ??? The amount of smuggled items quoted surely did not come from this one lady !! There was a warning on TV a couple of months ago of increased X Raying of incoming baggage at the Airport. I can confirm this as three times in the last two months that I have returned to BKK every suitcase going through has been checked and not randomly but without exception.

  4. I was up in Kanchanburi yet again last weekend, this time with a Chinese lady, her genuine grief and non stop tears at the cemetary made me realise that such horrors are not bound by borders.

    Unfortunately it was a large tour group of elderly Europeans who really let the side down sloppily dressed, smoking and noisy. They were very firmly put in their places by the Thai Cemetary Warden- Well done to him.

    Final sour note was at the River Kwai restaurant/shop next to the brisge where my companion was sold a DVD of the Bridge over the River Kwaimovie and was promised it was an original for 300 Baht.

    She got it back to China to find that only the first 30 minutes of the movie was burnt onto the DVD B**tard

    If anone can tell me where I can get a decent copy in Bangkok I woul appreciate it

  5. Ok situation is as follow:-

    Non Imm B visa valid until November 24th 2008, Work Permit same. Went to Immigration last Friday to attempt to extend Non imm B for a year, was rejected as paperwork incomplete.

    Today Office HR lady told me that all paperwork now complete and she would go to Labour Dept to renew my WP for a year.

    Question, I always thought that WP followed validity of Non Imm B Visa or has this changed ? Surely extension of Non Imm B must be the priority followed by renewal of WP.

    Seems that the Left Hand does not know what the Right hand is doing

  6. That's because they are sent for approval in batches. The sign says to allow at least 30 mins.

    sorry dotcom but that is an incorrect statement, there are two workers in the re entry section, one does the checking of your application and then hands over to the officer who stamps your passport.

    The forms are done in front of you and are not "sent for approval in batches"

    As for the 30 minutes sign, I agree with you on that, however if they took the blasted TV away from the staff then that 30 mins would decrease big time

  7. Thanks people, including Mr twilight for your responses. Did what was suggested and found my timing setting for GMT +7 (Bangkok, Hanoi etc was correctly set.

    By the way, I didnt mean my postings are showing the wrong time BUT ALL

  8. cancer or no cancer, this guys timing is immaculate !! Signs the contract for the BMA/Steyr fire trucks on his last day as BMA Governor then departs for "medical treatment" in the States a couple of days before the Corruption Committee sit to discuss the BMA deal !

    But must admit the pictures of him at the Airport show he is not a well man

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