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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Chiang Mai, kindly read the post. Manila to HK and Manila to Bangkok is hardly "half way round the world". For your confirmation, Cebu Pacific do not fly UK to Manila so he will obviously not be using them on that leg.

    Your attempt to connect Philippine Airlines with Cebu Pacific is also a little unfair, a bit like comparing TG to Phuket Air

  2. This arrangement has been in place since about July. previously greeters could wait outside either gates A B or C. No longer as the areas outside of the gates have become "sterile" areas and all incoming passengers are directed to the new meeting area at entrance door number 3.

    For the original poster there are adequate signs directing people. A side effect of this is the fact that escalators/lifts etc in a number of areas have been suspended so as not allow people to get down to the sterile area.

    As for your wife not being allowed to the arrivals level i cannot explain, but would suggest it was a misunderstandig and she couldnt find the escalator to get down to arrivals level.

    This arrangement has certainly made the arrival level a lot less congested but has the effect of spreading the taxi touts all over the upper floors

  3. Is there any such animal as a true budget carrier, what with fuel surcharges and taxes etc plus Air asias fee for check in baggage !!

    Ok for a heavy travel schedule these LCC may have the advantage but for me I still prefer the scheduled airlines

  4. And your point is ??????????????? please explain the religious majorities in Singapore, Beijing and Jakarta who all follow the Christmas trends.

    I have just returned fom Beijing where many areas have Xmas lights etc. The word Boycott somehow turns me to thinking of spotty Chinese youths standing outside Carrefoure shouting the same word over the French decision to give aid to Tibet.

    so do some Christmas lightening up yourself

  5. Thanks, I will contact him.

    Is there any website for ATV for sell in Thailand...?

    Far from being an ATV expert, I can only give my experiences. Firexpress is a Danish fire fighting company with a plant in Chonburi. One of their products is a fire fighting ATV. We spent months sourcing ATV's in Thailand but after finding two local manufacturers we realised that their units were underpowered, poorly maufactured and expensive. Expensive because the manufacturers realised that all imported units were subjected to very heavy import duties, and used that to their advantage.

    Firexpress always use Polaris, which is generally accepted as the world leader but the import duties would have killed any customer interest in Thailand, so what they did was import them into the duty free zone in Laem Cha Bang, modify them to fire fighting units then import them into the local market by paying import duty for a fire fighting unit which is only about 8%

    These units have attracted a lot of attention from fire brigades in Thailand, but as you have asked and realise it is not easy to get them road registered. Firexpress did manage this by fitting a roof, seat belts high/low light beams, seat belt, rear lights etc etc. but it was difficult to get the Land transport Office to accept. In other words think of a Tuk Tuk and understand the ATV needed the same modifications.

    In your location, I am really unsure whether you would be required to modify to the same extent, if at all,even Pattaya seems to have quite a number of basic ATV's on the road.

    I will dig through my files and see if I can find the details of the two local manufacturers

  6. What a lot of crapola from the OP. In Manila Christmas starts with the month ending with BER. for the mentally challenged thats September when Xmas music is on the radio and decorations go up. Do I care ? no, when in foreign countries one has to bend with the wind !!

  7. I know this is not Thailand related, but last tuesday I was having a smoke outside my Beijing hotel when a taxi pulled up with three Farangs (Gweilo) passengers, they paid the driver and went into hotel, the taxi drove out and within minutes it returned and the driver leapt out and ran into the hotel.

    It transpired that the passengers had taken the taxi from the airport and mistook the 100 Yuan notes for 10 yuan and the driver handed the excess back - humanity does exist in good forms

  8. Kwong is correect, avoid the Lo Wu (the main border crossing) or the others at weekends, it is chaotic and busy.

    Taking the KCR railway from Kowloon to Lo Wu is a doddle and crossing the border is also easy, but dont forget you will probably require a China Visa.

    I note you are staying 5 days, if I may make a suggestion, why dont you stay one night in Shenzhen, the hotels there are very good and much cheaper than HK

  9. I have an idea that might work and also kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

    You know all those expensive fire trucks that are mothballed somewhere in the city. Why can't the police just get a few of those loaded up with WATER and do the old pre-songkran routine on the protesters?

    Once in use, the fire trucks can then be distributed to various firehalls in the city as a show of goodwill.

    Result: Firetruck scandal - off the books because of the good deed in helping to end the crisis

    Result: Crisis ends as PAD realise that it was time for a shower and go home.

    Result: Stockmarket rebounds, we all get back to work.

    Result: High season is saved and James is granted PR status.

    You are welcome Thailand.

    good one James, I could get them released for you tomorrow, unfortunately with the present economic climate, the storage fees would break the BMA - so they will have to stay where they are for now :o

  10. Unfair to place the blame for CAT on the airline, it happens regularly and can be lethal. Sadly for CI this is not their first encounter as has been mentioned, however more than a few years ago the same airline on the same route had the same problem and if my memory serves me right, there was a fatality.

    as a frequent flyer I would tend to place the blame more on the cultural attitudes of groups such as the Chinese, they take no notice of advice from cabin crew about wearing seat belts whilst in flight and If I had a Baht for every incident I have seen of people standing and getting overhead locker luggage out when the aircraft is flaring on landing, I would be very rich

  11. Although loads of questions posted here, mine is a little different- at least i think so.


    Have been working with a Thai company, all legal etc, with a WP for 6 years. In July, the company was going through a bad patch, so I found myself another job. Last month I went to HK to get a three month Non Imm B visa using the documents of the new employer.

    after working for the previous 6 years I decided to take a month to unwind etc and had planned to use the Non Imm B to get a WP early next month.

    In the meantime, the old original company has bounced back and now want me to rejoin them

    Obviously to return to the fold, so to speak, I will be using the original companies docs to process the WP BUT is it possible to do this. In other words is it acceptable to use one companies docs for the Non Imm B visa and then apply for the WP with a second companies documentation.

    For the record the "new company" although disappointed have no objections

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