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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. if we stop and think carefully about the bombings last night, and then scrutinise other bombings, it becomes rather obvious that the Bangkok bombs were designed not so much to cause carnage,but possibly a ploy to create chaos and fear.

    As stated by others, if this was the work of hardened killers, then they could have done a lot more damage than they did. Small bombs, mostly planted in relatively obscure areas do not get the results that are wanted by serious extremist killers.

    If we look at the similar situation in the Philippines, where, like Thailand the Southern part is on fire, the extremists there target heavily populated areas such as crowded buses and such places as Airports (Davao) This is an obvious desire to kill and maim.

    Again if we look at last night and think deeper, Phuket, Pattaya, Patpong, Sukhumvit would have been crowded with tourists and a prime target. The thoughts of a good size bomb going off during market hours in Patpong or at the right time in Walking Street, Pattaya leaves me cold !

    If these actions were the work of islamic extremists then I fail to see why they selected the "sparser" targets as they did !

    The news this morning of a bomb reportedly being set off in a mosque in CM also diverts the thoughts that this is Islamic orientated.

    To me this situation smells of something more and sadly I lean towards the political situation here in Thailand

  2. I heard a rumour that Marlboro are made under licence in the Philippines, and the manufacturer was found to be, how can I say, hmm telling porkys when submitting his tax returns !!!!

    Result, Phils Govt closed down that side of production !

    as I say a rumour so please dont shoot the messenger !

  3. Fire fighters have a difficult time at such fire ground scenes, but it must make it a lot more difficult to have senior paper pushers sticking their noses in attempting to look important.

    What on earth does the Deputy Bangkok Governor or the Director of Pathum District know about Fire Fighting ??

    Oh and by the way, the report I read in the Nation said that Firemen were fighting the fire with water guns - must be warming up for Songkran !!

  4. I have flown with them on a number of short haul routes. They are a low cost carrier with very few frills, however aircraft were new and everything was clean and comfortable

    as for classes on board, I am not sure about the longer hauls but short hauls only had one class - cattle !!

  5. best scam I have encountered was in Manila many years ago. The meter was wired up to the horn, everytime the horn was used the meter jumped one Peso.

    Far from being upset, I was actually quite impressed with the cleverness of it, and at the end of the trip I explained that I thought his scam was very clever and then knocked 20 Pesos off the price !

    Look at things this way, everyone has to survive and taxi driving is not the easiest preofession !

  6. Two Irishmen were walking down a London high Street, when Paddy stops and says to Murphy " Pinch me if i am wrong but does that shop sign say what I think it says" Murphy stops for a moment then reads out loud "Gents two piece suits GBP 1.50 and mens shirts 50p"

    My god says Paddy,go and get the truck we can make a killing in Dublin. So as Murphy goes to get the truck,Paddy enters the shop and says, "I will have 100 mens suits and 500 mens shirts.Do you take cheques?"

    The shop keeper looks at Paddy and says "are you Irish" to which Paddy replied "yes how did you know?'

    we are a dry cleaners was the reply !!!!

  7. A very loud, unattractive, hard faced woman walks in to Asda in Dumbarton with her two kids in tow, screaming obscenties at them all the way through the entrance.

    The door greeter says " Good morning and welcome to Asda. Nice children you have there-are they twins?"

    The fat ugly woman stops screaming long enough to snarl: "Of course they bloody aren't !. The oldest, he's 9 and the younger one,she's 7. Why the hel_l would you think they are twins?....... Do you think they look alike, ya bloody <deleted>?"

    "Absolutely not," replies the greeter, "I just can't believe anyone would shag you twice"

  8. sad story made worse by loss of income. been there got the T Shirt, but one piece of advice if I may. Do not let your life spiral out of control. Keep away from the booze and focus on stopping the spiral.

    You dont mention your work history but if you were legally employed then you are entitled to severence pay. For example over 3 years work entitles you to 180 days salary on severence. Check it out please !

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