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Everything posted by chilli42

  1. Yes, that was certainly my experience as well. Perhaps they have become more zealous in verifying that what’s inside is the same as what is claimed in the shipping document. Of course this only happened on 3 packages so far … maybe an outlier event.
  2. Nonsense, of course it has started. UPS and DHL never charged for envelopes and/or items below 1,500. It started in January and it was confirmed to me in person by the friendly customs staff of the change in January as they collected their fees.
  3. So far, in my experience, they are opening all packages … even A4 size envelopes.
  4. Very timely reporting … this change to the law has been in effect since January. At first, all packages had to be picked up and duty/tax paid at customs or post office … depending on the shipment method. I made 3-4 trips to get my packages released and I am done with all importing. They were letting small packages (large envelopes) through until this month. Now even items with a $20 value are being assessed tax, duty and handling. As an example I had to pay $10 for tax, duty and handling to DHL for a $20 item. UPS and DHL have taken a bit of the pain out of this by allowing you to pay for tax and duty online before delivery. I travel a good deal so now I just have packages delivered to an address in the USA that I then bring back with me.
  5. Can you imagine where this money would go once it’s collected? If you think it will be spent on improving infrastructure in anything but a token way with “friends” then you are mistaken.
  6. With all respect to you … how long has it been since America was a democracy?
  7. This is already well underway and is to include Japan, Korea, Philippines etc. The Empire is building its counter alliance to China/Russia. Good luck getting Thailand to commit to a military alliance that is a thinly veiled counter to China.
  8. Riding scooters anywhere is a bad idea, they are high risk particularly if you are not an experienced rider. That said, insurance companies suck … and the lawyers that write those obtuse contracts.
  9. I completely disagree … it’s the 5th best tourist destination in the world within 150 km of Bangkok.
  10. I have been in Thailand 34 years and I still have not been able to work out why there is zero impulse control. Things just go from emotion to action with no filter. Is it the lack of consequences, a behavior based on what they see in TV, parenting issues …
  11. Quick thinking lot on the beach. They diagnose the problem quickly, grab their handy vinegar bottles, do CPR and call 911. Poor girl would have been as dead as a Dodo if I had been in the case.
  12. I wonder what their definition of bad tourists is? That is quite a broad brush that would benefit from more focus. Also, if the are intending to enhance the tourist experience, they really need a good deal more effort in looking for the bad Thai’s and sorting them out.
  13. Just in case there was even the slightest doubt that Thaksin was back in charge
  14. Seriously? Do they think everyone is an idiot? He will be staying in quarters reserved for voting generals (lots of those in the Thai Army(
  15. How many studies have to be published to confirm that face masks don’t stop the spread of any virus.
  16. There are covert Chinese police stationed everywhere already … USA, Canada and Europe. The purpose is to keep a watchful eye on criminals and any Chinese national that thinks they can say what they like. If I were Chinese I would get no comfort or sense of safety from people spying on me.
  17. Clearly their job is surveillance of Chinese nationals and reporting back to the mother ship. It’s a monumentally bad idea to give up your sovereignty like this. What is wrong with the xenophobic leaders of Thailand? Wonder if this decision was taken before or after the Chinese threatened Thailand on the matter of Taiwan media coverage?
  18. I really hope that the Thai government and media tell China to get stuffed. I fear though that what will happen is the government will quietly tell the media not to cover Taiwan. Just look at the covert government interference in the USA among the social media companies during Covid. Why would we be surprised that the same thing would not happen in Thailand?
  19. Why has this taken so long … just to get to the point of “proposes”.
  20. Well I do know a handful of people who did go back … perhaps unsurprisingly they were all Australian (I am not). As for myself, I have been in Thailand since 1990. I retired 12 years ago and spend half the year in Thailand and half in Canada. I thought Thailand was just fine when I was working full time. Once I retired I came to realize that it is in fact boring here. If it were not for my Thai wife I would have left years ago. I think it’s a personal thing. The things I like to do to engage in life are just not here. What little there is here that I enjoy doing is too limited.Then pile on the traffic and pollution. Just thinking about it is depressing 😏
  21. Most proper vacation/short term insurance companies offer medevac as a standard option (local Thailand insurance companies). I have gone on two modestly adventurous holidays in the past year. The tour operators would not accept your booking unless you had medevac insurance. All said though, I would not be eager to put the policy to the test. There is a huge price difference between the local medevac insurance policy and that purchased in the USA
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