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Everything posted by chilli42

  1. I was thinking the other day … what would happen to the dog population if it were found they spread C19? It’s nice that we are the top of the food chain but it would be nicer if we used that position responsibly.
  2. Wonderful, nothing new here. What is going to be done with these facts? Continue cringing with fear and begging for our vaccine.
  3. Before any of this is going to work Thailand has to get over the delusion that people are desperate for a holiday in Thailand. They have made everything absurdly difficult and nobody is going to subject themselves to these inconveniences on a holiday. Time they got a dose of reality and figure out how to make it as easy as possible to enjoy a holiday in Thailand
  4. Nothing. No symptoms, no C19. Just rinse and repeat until you have symptoms.
  5. I would take a deep breath and count to 10. Thailand, at present, is more trouble than it’s worth. The visa situation is problematic … or at least a pain in the backside. Do you really want to pay all your cash for a small apartment unit? As others have said, borrowing money without a PR is difficult. I could go on but Thailand is just not foreign retiree friendly. Honestly, before I would consider buying anything in Thailand I would first rent a condo unit for 12-24 months to understand if I can even abide the place.
  6. Reading this over, I realize that it may appear to have been recently. My residency was obtained in 2016.
  7. These are not proper human clinical studies. They are trying to demonstrate equivalence with short term studies. It reminds me of my working life when the Global VP of clinical research said to me “just tell me what results you want, I will get them and have them published” … he was good to his word.
  8. I got mine in 12 months but it’s likely that Covid has slowed things down. For what it’s worth, nobody asked to see my work permit once all the documents had been submitted.
  9. India has had to deal with the Delta variant longer than any other country. If you take a look at the trend line for infections and deaths there has been a massive decline. Some of this has been the number of vaccinations. Though the level of vaccinations alone does not explain the scale of the decline in infection and death. So perhaps there is a point at which immunity in the general population is attained. One supposes that Prayut is hoping for the same in Thailand https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/india/
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