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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. yeah, so Russian soldiers are so poor they dont have toilets in their homes, do you ever read what you write and expect people to believe you?
  2. you know that Putin was up for peace talks back in April 2022, but the US and UK stopped it...so the US,UK and nato continuing this war. answer my question, how has Putin effected your lif in any way whatsoever?
  3. wow, that is proof right there. case closed, Putin bad, cause your mate said so
  4. to be honest my earlids closed after the 1st sentence of your post..yawn, what evidence do you have of andy of the nonsense you wrote?.... and while you're there, think about the usa and their CIA backed coups, illegal wars etc etc. but yeah..Putin bad M'kay
  5. Putin is your enemy, tell me how he or Russia have effected your life?
  6. hahah, jeez, so, your 'facts'; are from western media.. no personal experiences!
  7. which is your opinion based on your Western media, aka propganda
  8. warmongering reigme? haw many illegal wars the yanks been involved with in recent history?
  9. and what exactly is happening in the USA now with regards to Trump running for office? poisoning and shooting people, well take a look at your own CIA, and what if Russa were a dictatorship? you don't like Putin or Russians so why do you care?
  10. yeah, the dude is being all tough from behind his keyboard, whats hateful about me pointing that out?
  11. perhaps those people don't have any reason to speak out against Putin. as much as you scream & shout, people like Putin! you really do spew a lot of venom, anger and hate in your posts,
  12. call them out from behind your keyboard..... what a manly man!
  13. is that becasuse murican would see they have been lied to about Russia all this time?
  14. yes, they're fed up of all that in the US and getting away from it !
  15. why, because they want to live life elsewhere? where do you live?
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