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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. They can give it but not take it. Create their own echo chambers
  2. The meaning of woke has changed from what it was.
  3. If using a mobile press&hold on the link, there is an open opinion.
  4. That's a great move, escalate the situation with talk of Nukes to the country with the most, way to go froggy
  5. They do, but they hold Trump to a different standard to everyone else. That way they can post crap like the OP has here
  6. Ah, ok, was just imaginary, no war happened at all. The main Yeah, he is making changes, just likenhe saidnhe would, don't like it then blame your own side for not getting out and voting more. You will be moaning daily for the next 4 years, I I were you I'd log off, gon and spend time enjoying your twilight years
  7. you gotta stop projecting your thoughts and feelings as though its how his voters think, trump has been In office 1 month, those that voted for him are getting exactly what they voted for, its you, the woke left, Democrats and anti trumpets that don't like it, you do not speak for trump supporters, whether voters or non voters. Change the record.
  8. NATO had no purpose since 92, then the us used article 5 to drag everyone into their illegal war with Iraq after 9/11.
  9. It never was, just dragged your relatively neutral country future wars with china with you weak politicians getting on their kneewls to the previous administrations isince 9/11
  10. What, then invaded Iraq illegally? Are you for real Iraq had nothing to do with 911
  11. Yes, sensible words rather than the WW3 wanting pensioners, sitting safely in their Thai condos
  12. Pretty sure Nick was being sarcastic
  13. Shame there aren't more Trumps to go round, one is certainly needed in the UK,
  14. Trump always said he was ending the war you'd never accept any result other than Putin losing, which was never going to happen. Time to face facts and pull yournhead out of the sand. BTW, How's your Zimbabweans friends getting on?
  15. All in a mainstream media sheeps head, when in reality....
  16. I hope it is all exposed, however I doubt the diehards here will ever accept it, een if put right in the faces in black and white. DOGE is needed in the UK too, and most western governments to be fair, the west quick to point non allied nations as corrupt while doing exactly the same only less obviously.
  17. no, and if you read my comment properly you'd have known that. i said 'non Thais'. i was referring to the non Thais on social media, the same woke tits that bang on about cultural appropriation.
  18. i was slightly disappointed, though for a minute it was an AN member
  19. the Don said that about Epstein actually, but don't let the truth get in the way of you commenting!
  20. the feeling is mutual, trust me on that.
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