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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. its not an attack, don't play a victim, that just highlight what i wrote.
  2. no, its in your head, i only have 1 profile and 1 account. i did have another due to forgetting login details, but an ex mod was obsessed with me and search my personal information and removed it. luckilty he's gone now and speech is a bit more free. i did enjoy Legends comments though, certainly shut a few of the usual whiners up!!
  3. Democrats are done, they committed political suicide, put themselves out of the race. There isn't 1 person they have that has any clout, Tulsi & RFK were their best names bur they screwed them over..... maybe Clinton can try again
  4. @simple1 you were concerned about US Social security weren't you.
  5. Some supporters.... 2 ....your comment makes you look even more pathetic that i imagine you to actually be, you're an 80yrs old man, acting like a 14yrs old teenage girl bitching about another girl in class. They were 2 unverified claims make by other posters. If you said a group or Union, like the NYPD have said they were tossed under the bus that that woold have some credability, but a screen shot from an redacted social media post.... GTFOH.
  6. You said the same yesterday....so where is all this dirt you claim?? Oh, a 'grab um by the pussy' audio clip and some business bankruptcies.... WOW, evil sex pervrt!
  7. Yes, becoming the potus is a fading point in his career
  8. Show me some laws that have been broken then, you must be well versed in US law being British
  9. There is a right shirt everywhere that the woke BS and immigrants over citizens is being is pushed.
  10. I can't believe people take maddow seriously, she is so false. when she pretends to get emotional, well up and is about to shed tears is the worst fakest acting ever.
  11. She looks great for 51, better than big mike and Dr Jill that's for sure.
  12. No no no no, only Musk does that Nazi stuff
  13. Being as weak of a man as you are, i expect pee-wee hurman is butch compared to you.
  14. I don't use truth and didnt look at X for a week, I don't need to to know no laws have been broken. I know whatever any of you guys write the truth is the opposite, so as I said, NO LAWS BROKEN
  15. Trump has not stopped anyone looking at the files, the opposite in fact. If there was dirt of Trump it would have been used to get him out of the race. As for people on the Thai border, wtf are you babbling on about refugee program stopped? Every word you posred was total nonsene
  16. Hahahahahaha, goodbye you racist race baiting lying sack of shat,
  17. Everyone should be independent, regadless. The US cost Germany and Eurpoes energy bills to triple by blowing up NORDstream.
  18. 82 Hahah, go on then...
  19. Good this comes up just when democrats are questioning if Trumps caBinet picks.... it gets better and better each day.... som nom nah!!
  20. Many other media there that isn't Russian, Jeffery Sachs, heard of him? Arron matte, Matt tiebi, the late John pilger. Many out there understanding the other side of this Ukraine conflict, only you guys that bury your heads in the sand... look how many times you have been proved wrong here, 3 years of saying Russia was losing, economys doomed, threads with180 pages full of MSM links, and look where it is now, Russia has exactly wanted in the first place. You were lied to nonstop and lost. All you had was corrupt Biden administration and MIC laundering money through Ukraine with no arttempt to stop the conflict, while creating 100,000s of dead at the same time
  21. But Putin isn't a dictator, Russians are free to do what they like. Just because the media you watch tells you he is, and you repeat it, doesn't make it true. Putinbhas overwhelming support in Russia. Nobody even knew zelenskeys term was over nearly 1 year ago until trumps calls him a dictator a few days ago
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