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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. title should read ....israel and the US have been provoking ww3
  2. the 'tell me you got TDS without telling me you've got TDS' youtube clip
  3. and yes, just how many of those politicians encouraging the Ukraine war have kids that are actually on the front line...i would hazard a guess at none!!
  4. according to all the western propaganda he was dying of cancer 2 years ago and numerous other illnesses!
  5. seems to be a lot more US bases round China then there are Chinese bases around the US. how many countries have the US invaded in the last 30rs compared to Russia and China? keep Russia and China as the evil dictators to the public with lies and propaganda, it's called manufacturing consent.
  6. sorry, who was the one that turned to insults and abuse ??
  7. Nato was not supposed to expant Eastward, that was the deal back in 97... so nato moved closer to Putin. and if you knew anything. about Ukraine you would know this did't start 2 years ago!
  8. there would be a lot less dead had Boris Johnstone not scuppered the peace talks that were offered in April 2022.... blood is on the UK hands!!
  9. check for any charges or convictions given to Trump while you're at it
  10. you should fact check your copy n pastes
  11. ok, so how long has Putin been in charge and how has his 'hell bent on recreating the old USSR' expansion gone so far? the only bully in the world in the US of Arse.
  12. did Trump face any charges of collusion or receive any conviction?
  13. exactly. Nato has no purpose, basically those joined countries have to jump to whatever the US commands.
  14. how has Putin effected US petrol prices?
  15. no, she get a pass just like she did over her emails and funding the Russian collusion hoax. Same as Biden over the documents he had and Hunters laptop. the Dems always do get a pass, Pelosi and her blatant insider trading.
  16. so if he doesn't directly threaten ,then how does he do it? or could it be just peoples imagination, you know, like 'bloodbath' the other week many here apparently 'knew what he meant', even when proved wrong.....
  17. i think walker should change his profile photo to this though
  18. Yes, that is the down side to social media, people can post whatever they hear without any regard for next of kin or family, i just hope the usual 2 scumbags don't try and stick their noses in trying to claim foul play, as they have done previously. i originally heard this was a female and a wall fell on them.
  19. apart from the screaming liberals, it was!😎
  20. still a billionaire...and you are.....?
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