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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 7 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

    I hear you. But. Trump broke the law to avoid being drafted. Another criminal act committed by Trump.

    so, good on him!!, why should i fight people i have no issue with and potentially die because of some old mans ego.
    i wonder how many politicians calling Trump out dodged it too ....quite a few i expect.

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

       so he's not a patriot -agreed.   Calls vets suckers and losers ,great attitude for a CIC.   Did we lose when we had to rescue your countries from Fascism?   Nope    .Now you promote it.

     So it's unpatriotic to not want to goto Nam, but being patriotic these days, wanting America first is now racist and fascist?...make your mind up!
    and where did i call anyone suckers or losers?  But yeah, you LOST against a bunch of farmers..and most recently to guys in caves!!

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 4/24/2024 at 8:03 AM, Tug said:

    Or when a president believes our enemies over our intelligence agencies humm??or when a president insults pows who were tortured for years as said pres rode daddy’s  limo to the disco a nursing those bone spurs hummm??or how’s about this he was so worried about smearing his MAKEUP he wouldent speak up for the proper safety protocols quite possibly costing hundreds or quite possibly more American lives hummm??? How’s about when he said it was fine for Russian to attack our nato Allie’s I could go on and on …….

    re. bones spurs..... why should someone go and fight a war for politicians? if you want to join the forces fair enough., if you don't, thyen fair enough, i don't see the Vets getting much after care from that same Government they fought for!!... it's been proved since the yanks joined Vietnam under false pretences.....many innocent died, and you LOST and had to be evacuated!!!!

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    Example, taxi with meter sign on roof, has no meter then takes you to hotels you didn't ask to go to, then owner trys to book you in at overpriced rates 

    there are no meter taxis on koh tao, never have been, they are all privately owned 4x4's. only in recent years have they had to actually have a taxi sign & number.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    and had death threats

    she claims with no verification!

    24 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    Koh Tao has problems both of perception and reality – and the people on the island who are for one reason or another reluctant to look at th evidence.


    If anyone has doubts about KT, just look at the posts of frank83628 and you’ll get an idea of the weakness or rather total lack of the arguments of the denialists.

    Instead of arguing to the contrary they are reduced to attacking the message rather than the messenger. Every time they do this they weaken their position as they show they have nothing to say


    Whether their denials are because they are conned by the Chao Pho or they just too blinkered to get it or plain and simple cognitive bias I couldn’t say. Once they have started down the road of denial it’s hard to admit they are wrong….especially if they are intellectually challenged and can’t form an argument.

    Anyone applies critical thinking to Koh Tao will see there is something wrong there – it’s not unusual as it exists all over Thailand, however here it is pushing the envelope beyond. Defining what exactly is going on is more difficult.

    writing like you are addressing an audience makes you start to sound a lot like Ian yarwood!

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    If people are interested in getting more info on notorious Koh Yao, I'd suggst listening to 

    The Curse of the Turtle - The True Story of Thailand’s “Backpacker Murders” by 

    By: Suzanne Buchanan

    Narrated by: Eileen Buckley


    It's available on Audible and some other outlets too.

    ah, so the very same woman that has sensationalised all the stories about Tao originally has a book out, no 'vested interests there whatsoever!!, she in profiting form these deaths, no wonder she wants them in the news

    • Agree 2
  7. 22 minutes ago, impulse said:


    I don't know that it's the number of deaths.  It's more the incredulity when the cops announce the results of their investigations.  When there is an investigation. 


    Admittedly, this coming from someone who just reads the reports and has no desire to go anywhere where buckets of booze are a thing.


    there was a big influx of police since 2014, they do what they can. unless signs of foul play is obvious what are they supposed to do, they send the bodies for an autopsy and wait for the results, they don't have to make information public on every single incident that happens, although a couple of people seem to think they should, those people then try to sensationalise things, claiming the police are covering things up,  which unfortunately due to social media and connections and they have been able to do many times in the past, and people are gullible enough to believe it!

  8. 13 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:

    They were the only guests in the hotel and they had requested that it opened for them. It had been closed during Covid.

    There was a problem with their previous hotel - I cannot remember what it was.

    It is believed that the lady went to the pool, slipped and fell in. The husband then tried to save her.

    Neither could swim (according to their son).

    yes i heard 1 got into difficulty and the other drowned trying to save them, which way round i don't know. 

    not sure about the hotel being closed, but were many covid restrictions then and very few tourists so possibly running on skeleton staff etc. i saw photos from the Rescue team, the was a huge machine pool side, heart monitor, assisted breathing apparatus, who knows, but it wasn't from the rescue team. one of them had serious health issues.

  9. 5 hours ago, kwilco said:

    As a reminder, here's the list of incidents on Koh Tao in the last 20 years or so.....

    List of some of the deaths rapes etc. on Koh Tao. It isn’t necessarily complete but it gives some idea of the situation there.


    2002 – Viret Asaiachin shot dead in broad daylight – an organised crime like assassination.

    Japanese tourist died after drinking game


    2004- The case is of a woman named Yoshie “Sharlyn” Sazawa that lived on the island for 12 years and worked as a scuba instructor before her untimely death. Put down to suicide.


    2006 – SAMUI -  as missing 21-year-old backpacker Katherine Horton, from a small town near Cardiff. Beaten into submission with a parasol on Samui's Lamai beach the previous evening, Horton had been raped twice before being left to drown in the sea near to the resort where she had been staying - https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2006/apr/08/travelnews.weekendmagazine


    American engineer Kris Perkins, who's been running a bar in the main beach resort of Chaweng since 2003. He was critically injured when he was shot twice by a Thai gangster after remonstrating with rowdy party-goers at a guesthouse above his bar.

    It is clear that at least earlier in this century, Samui itself suffered from the same “gangster-style” shootings rapes and murders. Surely as the island became more and more populated those sorts of “chao por” moved back to other islands


    2012 - Ben Harrington,32, died when he crashed during a moped ride – allegedly robbed


    2013 - Tony Cordullo - owner of the Lotus bar


    2014 - Nick Pearson, 25, from the UK. On New Year’s Day in 2014, he was found floating in a bay beneath a 15m cliff. He had no broken bones. Police ruled out foul play but his family believe he was murdered.


    2014 - Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, from the UK. In September 2014, the couple were found bludgeoned to death close to where they were staying. Ms Witheridge had been raped. Two Burmese bar workers were found guilty of their murders the following year and sentenced to death.


    2016 - Luke Miller, from the Isle of Wight, was reportedly found floating in a pool on the island.


    2015 - Dimitri Povse, 29, from France. On New Year’s Day in 2015, he was found hanging in a bungalow. Police ruled his death a suicide but couldn’t explain why his hands were tied behind his back.


    2015 - Christina Annesley, 23, from the UK and born in New Zealand. In January 2015, she was said to have died of natural causes after mixing antibiotics with alcohol. No toxicology report was conducted. Her family are suspicious.


    2015 - Valentina Novozhyonova, 23, from Russia. In March 2015, she vanished from her hostel, with her mobile phone, passport and camera left behind. She is still missing.


    2016 - Luke Miller, 24, from the UK. In January 2016, he was found at the bottom of a swimming pool at the Sunset Bar at Sairee Beach. His family has accused police of a cover-up. 2016 - Luke Miller, from the Isle of Wight, was reportedly found floating in a pool on the island.



    2017 - Elise Dallemagne, 30, of Belgium. In April 2017, she was found hanged in the jungle. Questions surround her death. - Police said Belgian tourist Elise Dallemagne committed suicide on Koh Tao but her family believe otherwise


    2018 - June 2018 - German Bernd Grotsch's body was found at his home deep in the jungle in the Mae Haad part of Koh Tao. He had recently returned to the island after building up a motorbike rental business.


    2018 – August – alleged  drug rape of a British teenager. Cops refused to investigate, then threatened to prosecute her for leaving the island


    2018 - October 9, 2018 - Alexandr Bucspun, 33, from Moldova, was found dead in the sea off Had Sai Ree on Koh Tao on Tuesday,.


    2018 - 17/12/2018 - Rocio Leticia Gomez 39 from Argentina was lost at sea, rescued but died 4 days later. Another tragedy kept quiet!!


    2019 - June– Samyak Choudhray – drowned whilst snorkelling


    2020 a tourist was attacked with a knife by a well-known character of the island


    2021 - A millionaire hotel tycoon and his wife have been found dead in a luxury resort on Koh Tao, colloquially known as Death Island.



    2023 - Nicholas Giblin passed away in his sleep. This is probably true. He was apparently a perfectly healthy person with no known illnesses. But his death has highlighted the problem of Koh Tao, which now has a reputation and the local police do nothing to alleviate this.


    you have got a few things mixed up in that post, so apart from the Samui reference the only deaths that were not normal were Hannah & David. scuba accident and a drowning while snorkeling are hardly proof of a dodgy Island, the others in your post are not worth commenting on, they have been argued to death on here, no pun intended!

    The 2 rich Indians, well, the were traveling with some serious medical equipment, so one of them (he) i believe had health issues.

    there are 
    i personally knew Buro, Tony and Neil, nothing suspicious about their death what so ever..... if you are her and know the facts, not 5000 miles away making up stories to slander the island due to a personal grudge..
    i'm pretty sure you could make a list from any holiday destination in thailand and have a much longer list.


    PS, i asked for personal experience not a copy n paste list.

  10. 50 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    You started the argument - I just made some observations - you seem to have a very low level of deduction. What are you implying?

    Lots of people drink og KT, but they don't suddenly disappear and turn up dead.

    However people are more likely to get into trouble with other people after drinking and KT is famous for suspicious deaths and poor police inbvestigations.

    the deaths are not suspicious if you live in reality world. 


    and yes, 1000's of people drink nightly, to excess, unfortunately  1 or 2 will have a accident or worse

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 1 hour ago, kwilco said:

    It would seem by this facile comment that you are totally out of touch with the issues surrounding Koh Tao.

    You've asked me several cryptic questions but in the end I think you are just trying to conceal your ignorance.

    i live on Tao, have been here nearly 20yrs, i think i have a lot better knowledge of the island than you, but please elaborate on how the 'islands hierarchy' works and how it's relevant  to this thread, from your 'personal experience' of course!!


  12. 15 hours ago, kwilco said:

    so you already know?...and you'd know wht sharing experiences is not something I'd want to do - but by all means go ahead.


    14 hours ago, kwilco said:

    I find it a repeated source of puzzlement when people who claim to have lived for any length of time seem so unaware of many of the basic facets of Thai life and culture

    Almost all of Thailand’s islands were sparsely inhabited until the tourists came along.

    The inhabitants were largely fishermen and farming families – the land wasn’t surveyed it was basically squatted.

    Within the space of a few years many of these people found that they were occupying very valuable land – hotel resorts bars anything to do with tourism. Some also managed to take over a lot of extra land.

    Thailand’s tourist areas were largely subject to untrammelled development and it was all pretty lawless – see the lack of infrastructure.

    As there was no real official law, the families used their own “influence to protect their newfound wealth – some legitimate and some not so. Nowadays, they usually have legal businesses as their front.

    The model for this exists in most Thai provinces – it’s “Chao Pho” – it translates as “godfather” and also refers to the organisation under them.

    It’s a characteristic of the Thai “mafia” that it is very fractured and localised.

    Its estimated that over half of Thailand’s provinces still have these “local mafias” operating in them. Often in plain sight. Many have connections with the “Red Wa” especially in the South

    In their own area they exercise control of all aspects of life.

    Immigrant workers (in particular Burma) are a source of income ,local businesses pay dues and will need their blessing to start up in the first place. Local police are often either family or in their pay. They can often control prostitution, drug trafficking, illegal gambling and other legal enterprises. Their influence extends into local politics often being represented on local authorities and even can affect elections in the area.

    Obviously they will use violence to protect their position especially if they feel they have lost face and they will also protect their own interests and members..

    If they feel they have to protect the reputation of a family member then they are in a good position to do so as they care quite capable of influencing any official investigation.

    Most of the heads of these families are outwardly very popular people with high visibility, but they are not to be crossed.


    Paradise has a dark side

    what has any of that got to do with this topic?

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