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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Nah, you’re just here to attack those who have a different view than yourself.


    Add zilch to the discussion beyond name calling.



    well, i scanned the comments, it was the usual crowd commenting the usual nonsense,  you think a bit of banter is attacking someone one, do you need a safe space?
    pretty sure if we go through your comment history we will find a few names calling posts!

    • Confused 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    More falsehoods from you:

    Does an Image Show Ocasio-Cortez Fake-Crying at a Migrant Camp?

    A picture taken in 2018 captured Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, before she was elected to the U.S. House, protesting a migrant-detention camp in Texas.

    "But the claim that got the most attention, pushed by viral conspiracy and junk news websites, made unfounded accusations that the photographs of Ocasio-Cortez were fake and that she was actually crying over an empty parking lot. Russian state media outlet RT and ZeroHedge were among junk news sites taking a cue from Alex Jones' InfoWars network in that regard. The latter posted an unfounded story on June 24, 2019, that posited the "empty parking lot" conspiracy theory."


     So, the  Snopes 'fact check' is that it's the entrance gate and not to an empty lot??  regardless of gate or lot, she is still dolled up, clinging to the fence with crocodile tears for the 'photo shoot'.... just capturing her at the right moment.... oh and not a Child in sight!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 19 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    Your missing the part where he became separated from the GF, and friends, something happened, that's not being said here. 

    Owe I know, ran off and committed suicide. 

    It's no joke, I don't know why people go there and drink buckets of alcohol, snort nitrous oxide a and drink shots of tequila and whatever else, it's maddnes to go there. 

    And locals can get away with anything there,. Burmese should leave immediately. 

    showing you age there keith, people got there as

    A, it's part of the backpacker route

    B, it's the cheapest place to get your open water diving cert
    C, it's an idyllic island to get IG photos, pissed out of your brain & laid!

  4. 2 hours ago, impulse said:


    The problem isn't what we read.  It's what they're not revealing.  Like a cause of death, a toxicology result, or even a statement whether they suspect foul play.  Zip.  Nada.  Just that it's an open case.   Is there any surprise that social media is filling in the blanks with wild conspiracies, especially with the Burmese duo making the news? 


    Solving the case is just one of the jobs of the police.  The other is to communicate with the public, especially on an island that counts on tourist money.  Gotta wonder how many British holidaymakers have changed their plans since the news hit.


    very few at a guess. the Island will not suffered in any way from this news and didnt from previous sensationalised stories, kids don't care and if anything it's put the Island on the map for older crowd with families.

  5. 17 minutes ago, IslandLover said:


    No it wasn't reported in the UK press a few days after.  Stop spreading misinformation.

    if you look at the thread here about the burmese guys appeal you will find a link in there to a uk site regarding Theos body being found, i believe it was the mail online who ran the story back then, maybe the 1st or 2nd April. i cannot remember exactly, feel free to check.

  6. 7 minutes ago, IslandLover said:


    The information I've seen is that the GF is Australian and has gone back there.  She appeared to have been travelling around SE Asia before this happened.  Now we hear that she is a teaching assistant in the UK, which is news to me.  Her posts in tribute to Theo were on Instagram which I presume has now been made private.


    The news of this death was most certainly suppressed and the British press have only recently been tipped off.

    incorrect Sue,  it was already in the daily mail days after it happened and a thread on here.

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