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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 13 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

    Are you suggesting that Ukraine is to blame for the Russian invasion of its lands or that Russia didn't invade Crimea in 2014?


    Do you think that Israel hasn't ignored the lines drawn up by the UN or annexed additional land?  Are you saying that there is no such thing as the 'Occupied Territory'? Which country do you believe the Golan Heights actually belong to?


    I don't think there's another country on Earth that's ignored so many UN resolutions regarding the extent of its lands.  The International Court of Justice is currently hearing arguments on the legality of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories.


    Just a few examples - interesting to hear your thoughts.

    no, i blame the US, they have interfered in the whole Ukraine thing, they were responsible for the coup in 2014, leaked phone call by Victoria Nuland proves that. not saying what Putin has done is right or wrong, but it certainly was provoked by US & nato, Stoltenberg even said so recently. Peace talks were on the table in April 22, the UK put a stop to it,  Clinton saying the war should be prolonged to crash Russian economy, same as sanctions which of which failed.
    The map proves how Israel have expanded illegally, they ignore evertyhing and nothing is done about it because they are backed by the US & UK. 
    Golan Heights is owned by Syria, does it just so happen to be an oil & as rich area by any chance? last thing i read was something like that.

    so for all those pointing the finger at Putin for a 'land grab' really should look in their own direction, how about the US illegally occupying the oil fields in Syria?
    so much hypocrisy and double standards from the western side.

    • Confused 2
  2. 11 hours ago, candide said:

    Again it's not what you claimed in your post. Few people believe Trump's claim that the 2020 election has been rigged. Most people have been laughing about it.


    About your new claim in this post, if you consider "many" as equivalent to "a majority", this is certainly not the case. A minority of far right people, plus some Brexiters in U.K. ( at least initially) liked Trump.

    Trump is a lot more popular than you think, or perhaps than you like to admit


    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, candide said:

    I have no doubt that many people are despising the U.S. WW, and it's not a new phenomena.

    However, it's not what you claimed in your post. You claimed that many people WW believe the election was rigged. I call it B.S.

    (Of course, excluding Russia and China.)

    i would argue that to a degree, based on people i have spoken to over the years, many were happy Trump won, if nothing but to give the middle finger to the globalist, obama, clinton war mongering elite, they were tired of the same old BS. however there are always the percentage of the brainwashed headline readers out there too,  this site is proof of that. 

    • Confused 1
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  4. 1 minute ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       The reality is that no one is actually bothered about some aid workers getting killed in a war zone .

    The aid workers dying in Russia shows that .

    But when aid workers get killed in Israel by the IDF , the anti Semites, anti Israel people come out in force saying how bad Israel are .

       But they don't care about the deceased , they just use the deaths to attack Israel .

    I wouldn't be surprised if they celebrated the deaths, as its more ammunition to attack Israel with 

    there are enough Putin haters on here so surprising it didn't get more traction.


    • Confused 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Here is a news report of two French aid workers getting killed by Russian drones in Ukraine a few weeks ago .

       No one seemed to be bothered by it , no one seems to have even noticed .

    Was there a 7 page ASEANNOW thread with posters condemning the missile strike ?

    Or wasn't anyone bother because it was nt Israel ?




    "Two French volunteer aid workers have been killed in a Russian drone attack in the southern Ukrainian region of Kherson, Paris has confirmed."




    yes, very surprising it wasn't picked up on, perhaps everyone was withdrawing their pension money that day

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