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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 49 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Was you there on the night of the murders ?

    Were you actually there on the beach when they got killed ?

    Did you see them being murdered ?

    so you ignored the part where i said he slept in the open, not seemingly too scared of so called mafia!


    i was on Tao at the time, i made that pretty clear i thought, i was on the beach the next day watching the goings on, along with half the Island


    what difference does that have to me knowing Sean is full of s**t?


    if he was on the beach and can point out the murderers then it's even more important that he gave statements to police rather then be escorted off the Island by Sky news.

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       The two Thai guys were on that footage as well .

    Min and Mon or what ever  there names were .

    The guy who showed up a few days later in BKK with the fake video of him being in BKK at the time , he was seen on the 7/11 CCTV footage threatening Sean on the night of the murders . 

       They knew about the murders even before the bodies were found in the morning 

    i think you are getting things mixed up. go n check your info again.

  3. 3 minutes ago, MangoKorat said:

    Regardless of innocence or guilt, there are very few courts in countries with a fair and just legal system that would have let this case get off first base.  Denying the defence the opportunity to have their own DNA testing done would automatically lead to dismissal.

    i would be slightly skeptical just how true that whole denying dna testing thing was, there have been so many lies and misinformation printed in the past from certain people that involved themselves, i would like to hear 1st hand to confirm anything related to this case.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       I am going to take a guess that you have a business on Kao Tao which is reliant on Western tourists and the bad publicity harms your business and so you are trying to convince all potential tourists that there isnt murders and killers living on the island being protected   by the police and freely kill at will whenever they want .

       Bad publicity for your business ?

    this is old news, i would hazard a guess that half the tourist coming to Tao were still at school when these murderers happened and are totally unaware. but the as the saying goes 'no publicity is bad publicity' the Island never suffered, maybe some gullible folks stayed away, but since covid the Island get more busy.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       OK, the video footage that showed the the two Thai guys outside the 7/11 on Kao Tao on the night of the murders is lying .

       The 7/11 CCTV footage told a lie by ......................I am a bit stuck now .

    How can CCTV footage lie about something ?


    so, now you are misquoting me Ian.... i said Sean was Lying. the cctv is real.

    Sean was loitering around Ac and other bars close by and was trying very had to get involved in the situation, from what i was told that night people were suspicious of Sean and wanted to know where he got the cuts to his arms and why his clothes and guitar were covered in blood.
    he ran off and then hid in the 711, after his FB post he left the 711 and slept the night on a sofa, out in the wide open..not something one would do if in fear of his life, why not goto the police? the station was much closer than the 711.

    • Confused 1
  6. 49 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Are you claiming that the video footage is lying ?

    You are telling untruths to cover for a murderer and keep two Burmese boys, well now Burmese Men in jail for a murder they didn't commit .

       You aren't in a position to point fingers at other people saying they are full of <deleted>

     yea, knowing Sean as i do.. he's full of <deleted>. you keep on believing him if you want. if his life was in so much danger why did he sleep the night on a sofa in a very popular bar, in full view of any mafia hunting him down?? i was there..were you?

  7. 50 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:

    David Miller from the UK was one of the people killed that night on Kao Tao 

    Luke Miller also from the UK also died on Kao Tao in mysterious circumstances three years later .

    It could be possible that the Kao Tao mafia were informed that a British young man with the surname the same as the deceased had arrived on the island and they may have thought that he was a family member seeking retribution .

       Luke was found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool with bruises on his body and no witnesses .






    "Luke Miller death riddle takes another twist as Brit bricklayer’s family says Thai cops tried to cover up his Koh Tao death

    Luke was found at the bottom of the pool in Thailand in January"







    haha, here we go, out come the sensational Samui times stories .. 'he had the same sure name so was bumped off'. jog on 


  8. 1 hour ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       The video Shaun posted showed the two Thai suspects at the scene , they were both seen on video on the night of the murder outside 7/11 chasing Shaun around trying to hang him and  he would have committed suicide because he was guilty of the murders (was the plan)

       They faked a video to provide as evidence in Court that they weren't there and they were in BKK.

    I did ask you, why would they make a fake video with a fake date stamp ?

    Reason being that they were on KT at the time of the murders and the fake videos provided them with an alibi 


    so you believe Sean without even knowing him whatsoever? i know the dude personally, i guarantee you he is full of <deleted>

    • Sad 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Wasn't that faked ?

    The video surfaced a few days later and the date stamp had been altered to make it appear that he was in BKK , as I recall .

       No one could contact him  for a few days after the murders and he suddenly appeared in BKK with a fake video/ fake time stamp

    these stories all fall apart when scrutinised. ok, so if the family are so rich n powerful and well connected, why why incriminate themselves with a shoddy faked video? 
    any flight logs of his plane to bangkok? 
    where as on the other hand the B2 were at the scene, had Davids phone.... 
    and ifor the record 'm not accusing anyone, just highlighting that it seems in desperation for it to be 1 person, other things are being ignored or goal posts moved to suit.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Do you remember the Scottish guy hiding in 7/11 on the night of the murders ?

    He live streamed that the two suspects were chasing after him and that they were going to hang him /kill him and then claim it was the Scottish guy who murdered the two . He said that of hes found dead, then the real killers are blah blah blah

    i knew Sean personally, IMO he was an attention seeking c**k, he was a wannbe that was desperate to live on Tao, he used to claim he was big drug seller and owned bars to naive young tourists while hanginig around the pub crawl dressed as Jack Sparrow
    the day of the murders i watched him walk round a bar asking various people if the police knew anything, personally i dont think he was invloved, but he sure was tryign to get involved, after claiming to have known David and was supposed have arranged to met him that night i think he should have at least been questioned. instead the press escorted him off the Island.

  11. 42 minutes ago, mokwit said:

    Apparently there are two? main family groups running bars etc there and you can avoid supporting a certain family group by carefully selecting which establishments you patronise. The family that had a son gunned down in broad daylight are not believed to have been involved.


    Drawing on info from the CSI whatever facebook here, not direct personal experience, but the point was made that by avoiding KT altogether you are punishing others who were not involved.

    there are way more than 2 families, which own whole sections of the Island, not just bars. they lease out buildings, land & houses to whomever want to live or set something up on Tao. 
    you're are correct about A 'boycott' of Tao, it is quite pathetic in nature and certainly hasn't worked because the place has been full since before Christmas.

  12. 44 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    Why are you so reluctant to even slightly entertain the possibility that the murder was committed by a Thai?


    Do you have vested interests in Koh Tao?



    i have not said anything regarding who did or didn't do it,.
    I was there at the time and have followed it closely since.  i watched the whole thing unfold,  the media frenzy that descended on the Island, so much gossip and misinformation posted as facts, from press desperately trying to get the 'breaking news', The police should have controlled the situation properly and made official statements as and when the case unfolded.
    the Island was never shut down, 4-6 boats had left Tao that morning carrying up to 1000 people, so potentially the murderer/s were long gone.
    the dude you accuse was on CCTV in his Bangkok college at 9am the next morning, he gave dna, but was all dismissed as a 'cover up' by Samui Times and other internet Slueths as they already had their man and it couldn't possibly be anyone else.


    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, smedly said:

    look, most of us frequent most popular areas were falang rarely interact with Thais, not so islands like koh tao, they are right there mixing with falangs but they are only interested in young females - getting them drunk and taking advantage - Hannah wasn't  playing the game, a young beautiful blond who decided to go home, she was raped and killed in the most horrific way possible, the way she was left exposed like that says it all, ## cowards ............ you know who you are and so do I


    the Burmese guys were sitting on on the beach playing guitar - no way did they do this, it takes a special kind of evil to do that................shark tooth ring coward

    David was naked when his body was recovered from the sea, The position of Hannahs body behind the rocks, in a dark and secluded spot, it's highly possible they were having sex and got disturbed. that area is know as 'king Rama rock', it's also possible that someone took offense at them disrespecting the K...  hence the ferocity of the attack!
    how about Sean Mcanna, possibly a suspect, or at least a person of interst, put himself in the picture by claiming to been meeting David that night and knew him from Uni, used to sing and play guitar, had various cuts to his arms,  however SKY news (i believe) escorted him off the Island after his 'mafia' claim, in total disregard to the Thai police investigation, he subsequently vanished, last know to have been in Milan, it's a shame the Samui Times was so desperate to pin it on a family she had links to rather than have an open mind on other possibilities.

    • Confused 1
  14. 1 minute ago, sambum said:


    Hang on! "You guys?" I am not accusing anybody of anything - I merely pointed out a comment by the cop in charge at the time, which to me implied that the investigation was not exactly off to an impartial start.


    And I stand by my original comment which was to say that  "EVERYBODY knows who did it" is a ridiculous statement to make!

    apologies, must have got my comments mixed up, thought i was replying to another poster

    • Thanks 1
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  15. 1 minute ago, sambum said:


    At the time, many people were saying "EVERYBODY" knows who did it!


    Ridiculous comment.

    and where did 'EVERYBODY' get their info from... The Samui times?
    do you know the running man footage cctv footage came from a family member of the person you guys accuse? hardly think they'd incriminate their nephew aye, but thats been totally left out of all the sensationalised Samui times stories.

    • Confused 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Crash999 said:

    Anyone who was paying close attention to the case isn’t so sure of that. There was the Met police investigation, the changing timelines of the defense, that the man’s phone was found at the Burmese residence (despite them saying they left before the couple would have walked past), the defense declined to retest DNA after it was possible, the testimony of the third Burmese, the running away and changing appearance before anyone accused them, and so on. 

    Reason people didn’t hear about this stuff is that the Samui Times was on a crusade to free these two despite what the facts said. And international media assumed ST was a local news source instead of a blog being run from overseas. 

    The court verdict and more importantly statements by the father who attended the trials explain everything. 




    the owner of ST was in the country at the time, she has since fled, an arrest warrant has been issued for her!
    but you're right about the overseas media thinking it was a local news source, she lived in Samui and had not been back to Tao for over a decade, apparently she left rather quickly after upsetting a number of people through bad business and also had a failed marriage, she has a personal grudge with Tao thats for sure... oh, and lets not forget money she is making from her book she'd had published about the Island! vested interests much!!
    The families have seen far more evidence than anyone here has, The Miller family agreed with the verdict, Davids mother Sue Miller has been verbally attacked by Suzanne Buchanan,  ST owner) and her group of Tao bashers, i have read some of these attacks,  accusing her of being paid off, among other quite disgusting comments, considering it was her son that was murdered.  


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  17. 4 hours ago, John Drake said:


    I don't know why you're hyperventilating so much. The position of my argument is indeed for Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to go their own way and follow China. That's their decision. I don't begrudge them doing so. At the same time, I don't know why they would expect the US to maintain a existing trade agreements with them, support FDI, and give them special export exemptions. But the severing I'm talking about is something I'd expect you to like, instead of get all hysterical about. Let Thailand be Thailand and fall completely in China's orbit. I have no objections to them doing so. But they'll need some other country than the US to provide them with the trade surplus they now enjoy that cancels out the trade deficit they have with China.

    who's hyperventilating, can i not make a reply to yours?, perhaps you misinterpreted my comment. 

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