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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 5 hours ago, Bannoi said:

    You are correct NATO was created to contain the old Soviet Union and should have just naturally faded away.  Unfortunately Putin seems hell bent on recreating the old USSR it making NATO just as relevant today as it ever was. The only thing that will stop Putin is an overwhelming show of force if he thinks he might lose or get a bloody nose he will not start or back down just like any other bully.

    ok, so how long has Putin been in charge and how  has his 'hell bent on recreating the old USSR' expansion gone so far? the only bully in the world in the US of Arse.  

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  2. 1 hour ago, charleskerins said:

    Frankie it wasn't a hoax  but your talking point are straight outta newsmax?  Breitbart?   

    "G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia

    A nearly 1,000-page report confirmed the special counsel’s findings at a moment when President Trump’s allies have sought to undermine that inquiry."      see they colluded with the Russians        traitors

    did Trump face any charges of collusion or receive any conviction?

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  3. 5 hours ago, charleskerins said:

    Can you imagine if Hillary did half the things donnie did ?she would have already been executed/lynched.

    no, she get a pass just like she did over her emails and funding the Russian collusion hoax. Same as Biden over the documents he had and Hunters laptop. the Dems always do get a pass, Pelosi and her blatant insider trading. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Trump does not directly threaten anyone, that's not his MO.


    But you knew that before you posted, because you love trolling.


    Perhaps you can stop trolling long enough to tell us how Trump intimidates his targets and political opponents, what are his techniques?

    so if he doesn't directly threaten ,then how does he do it? or could it be just peoples imagination, you know, like 'bloodbath' the other week many here apparently 'knew what he meant', even when proved wrong..... 

  5. 21 minutes ago, IslandLover said:


    I would hope the next of kin and the victim's relevant embassy/consulate would be the first to be notified when a foreigner dies in Thailand.  I've no doubt the family of this latest victim already know of his demise.

    Yes, that is the down side to social media, people can post whatever they hear without any regard for next of kin or family, i just hope the usual 2 scumbags don't try and stick their noses in trying to claim foul play, as they have done previously.

    i originally heard this was a female and a wall fell on them. 

  6. 1 hour ago, xylophone said:

    Like these you mean.........LOL, the guy couldn't run an ice cream cart!!!! His mental state has been in decline for some years now and is getting worse!


    TRUMP HAS FILED FOR SIX BUSINESS BANKRUPTCIES and has had many failed businesses:-
    The Trump Taj Mahal in 1991 
    Trump Castle Hotel & Casino in 1992 and Trump Plaza Casino 1992
    Trump Plaza Hotel 1992 
    Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004
    Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009

    Not forgetting many other failed businesses…..
    Trumped!, Trump Steaks, Trump Network, GoTrump, Tour de Trump, Trump Airlines, 
    Trump Vodka, The New Jersey Generals, Trump Mortgage, Trump: The Game, Trump Magazine, Trump Ice and not forgetting Trump University!!


    still a billionaire...and you are.....?

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Have another go:




    Trump conspired to overthrow the 2020 election result.



    I’ll wait while you come up with evidence of Democrats conspiring to overthrow the 2020 election result.



    wait right there...if i'm not back in 10 minutes just wait!

  8. 3 hours ago, IslandLover said:


    A few weeks ago, the arrest of a British drugs dealer on Koh Tao was reported in the news.  It was reported in the press in Thailand that incidents involving tourists on Koh Tao were being suppressed to avoid further bad publicity for the island.  Fair enough.  In this latest incident it is not known what really happened because the press haven't picked up the story.  Social media is saying the gentleman may have fallen into a storm drain but who knows for sure (do you?) since the information is not being released. 


    there have been a few bike crash deaths that haven't been reported too.  not everything needs to make the news, there are no media on the Island so who are the police or rescue going to tell? do you not think the families should be told before things are plastered over the press? the dude that got caught with drugs went to Samui court, thats why he was in the news.

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  9. 23 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I’m inclined to take him at his word.


    ’I will be a dictator on day one’.



    *only on day 1 .is what he actually said,  and it was tongue in cheek..however., seems the libs don't do humour! and take ecverthing he says as literal!

    • Confused 1
  10. 1 hour ago, IslandLover said:


    Yes, there has been another tourist death on KT.  Details are sketchy because the news is being suppressed by the powers that be on KT.  It has been reported on social media that he died after going on a pub crawl.  He was found the following day near a dive shop wearing the pub crawl t-shirt.  There are photos of him attending the pub crawl with his girl friend.  It may have been an accident but who knows?

    surpressed, says who? if someone dies is it really anyones business but the families and British embassy to be contacted first or do you think it should be reported to Ian cockwood or the hippo Suzanna so they can try to spin into something it's not?

    from what i understand the dude fell in a storm water/drainage channel that goes behind a few businesses to the sea, this was after being on the pub crawl, unfortunately people can make bad judgements when intoxicated

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  11. 49 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    I am trying off the top of my head to think of any sports where men and women could compete together at an elite level and not have the women be wiped out. Archery perhaps? Shooting? Bowling? 


    The problem happens when money or opportunities enter the picture. Women lose both to greedy and conscience-free men who don't have what it takes to win in their own lane.

    darts or sweing

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