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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. what lies is that, she has flipped between the 2.... as trump said, as in the clip i posted, i get it totally, she flips-flops for votes playing identity politics. it's amusing when you call Trump or supporters liars, when you and the MSM were lying about Bidens health nonstop, until the debate that is... then your lies caught up with you, and in good old left wing/democrat style you flipped, abandoned your hero and now routing for queen Kamala, i would hazard a guess if the dems decide to go with someone else before November you will flip the whomever that is.
  2. you're the one who mentioned the pussy grabbing not me, 1 seems to be acceptable to you the other not.
  3. so totally ignoring that Biden showered with his daughter... a prospective US President, that was already in US politics...humm, ok then
  4. but not in the OP post, it's omitted so as to seemingly distract from the reason why this has occurred. not that it's right, but given more context at least. perhaps the OP is not from the UK and doesn't know the full details.
  5. like AOC with her Latina twang, didn't Clinton try it somewhere too?
  6. thats not the point is it, she flipped from stating she was Indian, playing identity politics..as the Democrats do. what do you think is worse saying 'grab um by the pussy' or Biden taking inappropriate showers with his 11yr old daughter??
  7. peaceful.?? didnt they cause 1000's of pounds in damages and threw historical statues in the river.
  8. Tensions have been particularly high following the tragic killing of three young girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance party in Southport, Merseyside, earlier in the week...by ................? why not say who did the stabbing?
  9. damn it, i exposed myself....i will get back to my swastika filled basement
  10. no no no no...she was never the border Czar, apparently that was the Republicans that called her that, it definitely was NOT cnn, msnbc, msn, and every other msm channel that exists out there!! how they can actually deny this now is mental.
  11. here is Kamal Harris 4 years ago cooking indian food, at 1:25 they are talking and she says she is Indian, Southern Indian, But now she claiming to be black so Trump was correct....AGAIN
  12. if Harris was a DEI hire surely that is good thing no? thats what the left have been pushing, or is it bad now?
  13. they don't, its pushed into their programmed news feed they get a little blood rush down below, then eagerly regurgitate, without hesitation, as fact
  14. they were from Yahoo, so did they copy HP or HP copied yahoo, who actually writes the script for everyone to copy these days ?
  15. i want the war to end and have made that perfectly clear, you on the other hand do not, so why don't you get out there and stop pesky Putin. but you wont, because you know all you can can do it spout nonsense 1 line comment on here.
  16. is that when you were born? there weren't any computer keyboards back then for you to hide behind. surrender? how so, because i want a war to stop? you don;t because the bbc tells you putin is evil...go n put you money where you mouth is.. bkk-Ukraiine, 15,000bt, how much of your pension is that? see ya in a few weeks
  17. some headlines form the totally un bias press, yahoo.......look at the wording of everything, race baiting, racism, and divisivenessm and you lot think trump is the one who sows division in the US of Arse! wkae up you deluded sheep
  18. i've taken many over my time....and what...you still wrote nonsense
  19. i am 35+yrs away from the grave.. unlike so many on here. i think the tally is 5-1 in Russias favour, if you want to make light of the war as most of you do. shame all those live lost could have been avoided if your blonde baffoon, BOJO hadn't scuppered the peace talks..but you don't care, you're living out your pension and dont care about people needlessly dying.
  20. it was a multiple reply. read it again. my reply to you was the ?, as your post didnt make much sense.
  21. i couldn't care less, it's a an online forum of nobodies but i doubt you'd be so loose lipped in the real world. the loudest never are
  22. ? might be a bit dated now as quite a few things are, but it was good. worth a go. i haven't seen it since it was on TV
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