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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. Plenty of other counties to give aid too. You concerned about AIDS in Africa like one of you fellow anti trumpers bannork was sonconcerned about Zimbabweans.... for 1 day. Why not set you avatar to an African flag,
  2. Cultural sensitivity by stupid woke tits not actual Thais, the fact she's speaking Thai has a Thai bf says she knows far more than any virtue singnalling social media troll.
  3. You just couldnt help it aye. You couldnt help yourself could you, had to make it about Trump, you got the SDT bad. I dont think you will ever recover from it. I know rational thinking goes out the window with you guys, but have you ever stopped to actually think logically about this. Given the scrutiny Trump is under 24/7, do you think for 1 second if there was any dirt on him it would have been exposed instantly, they've tried everything to stop him, if there were girls out there he'd been with the media would have been all over it. I am sure Trjmpnhas been at parties of Epsteins, they are part of the rich crew, they all mix together, there isn't any thing wrong with association, until Epstein's conviction that is. I womd bet money on any there not being any dodgy Trump ties, remember, he is tee total too, no drink or drugs and the bad choices that can go with them. I think many other celebs and rich people are bricking it, and for good reason, I didn't see any on Team Biden trying to get it released.
  4. •STARTING on day 1, you all keep omittng that key word.. purposely! Everyone not suffering from TSD knows that prices were not going to drop on the 1St day, just like the Ukraine war in 24 hours,he meant it will get done quickly.
  5. Well that's it then, Trump shouid tell Elon to stop, pack up and forget about it. This also proves Trump shod stand down too, give American to Harris. 🤡
  6. Yes, of the millions that have travelled, how many in last 10 years, 20 years even, have been attacked? By comparison Thailand is miles safer than many western countries. I live here over 15yrs, can you elaborate on the crime I am unaware of, no tourists have disappeared or been trafficked otherwise we'd know about it very quickly, just like the few guys gone missing the last few months.. Of course be cautious have have you wits about you but to trust no one and be fearful is nonsense.
  7. Are you going to spend your next 4 years of retired life obsessing over Trump & Musk?
  8. If Trump said everyone with 2 legs get 5000usd , you'd cut 1 off.
  9. Fealty seems to be you're favourite word. You add it to every comment you make
  10. They speak a lot more truth and common sense than any of you pompous mainstream following unhinged SDT sufferers. A refereshing change.
  11. They support Palestinians not hamas
  12. But it dossnt shock America, it shock those that lost. Stop posting crap articles.
  13. So no direct quote from Putin or his military heads
  14. Hummm, According to 3 years of MSM coverage Ukraine have been winning this war from day 1 and Russia was on its arse... but now elections are mentioned the country is under siege and millions displaced. Seems like a bit of a flip-flop to me.
  15. Its a sad sad bitter old man that makes a thread like this
  16. You seem to commented on quite a few political threads recently for someone that doesn't get involved in politics
  17. It might have happened, who the perpetrators were is a different story. Like I said, there is propaganda on both sides, remember you have been lied to before, many times and its been proven... but you go ahead, believe what youre fed without question. The Ukriane never had neo nazis, Azov or was the most corrupt country in Europe.🐑🤡.
  18. Awe, keep the ignore button going to create your perfect echo chamber
  19. We like it here, certainly shutting a few of you sheeple up, remember you don't talk for everyone.
  20. Seen it before, and again, there is no proof of anything, of what benefit is it for Russians to kill civilians, Compared to the benefit is of for Western USAID CIA funded media to say Russia killed civilians?. you remember when Assad supposedly gassed his people.. it was proved fake, you remember, wmds, anthrax, babies in incubators.... come on, wake TF up
  21. Those are not my words, I was replying someone. I am firmly on the side laughing at crybaby libtards, the frothing DTS crew and the pompous headline readers.
  22. And a photo shows you undeniable proof right?.. you know the people tied up were ukranian and you have proof that Russian soldiers shot them...think logically. Can you not see how propaganda works right.
  23. I'd forgotten about Greta, wonder where she went. 😃
  24. No, There is western propaganda version of events, which we now know is funded by USAID, there is Russian propaganda version, you believe 1, I believe the other... how you going to prove the truth?
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