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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 9 hours ago, Alainpm said:

    A French dive instructor who formerly worked in Koh Tao for several years told me that 10/15 years ago there were already quite a lot of killings there, unsolved.. 

    and 15 years ago i was told there were amphetamines in the sam song buckets...turned out to be untrue also!

    there is 1 story that goes around from about 15 years ago, it has something new added each time, usually by the person telling it.





  2. 23 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

    According to the Guru , he left beause he had to do a visa run

    Elise didnt actualty stay with him as a partner, but provided accomadation when she was there

    He was aware Elise intended to return home to find some money, and return at a later date

    He also said she appeared content 

    where is this posted? do you have the link please.

  3. 1 minute ago, longtom said:

    I have read that too but can't really believe that this has no connection to her death, whether it was suicide or murder (I think accident can be excluded in this case).

    yes, i could agree with that, but it could well be nothing more than a coincidence ... or the maybe contents of the article from the samui times did not have the proper turn of events before publishing.



  4. 3 minutes ago, longtom said:

    No worries, I was glad for the information, forgot that they were building a new road 5 years ago and that it would have been finished in the mean time.

    Anyway I just wanted to get nearer the truth about the burning of the bungalows in the other resort she stayed, 'cause this made me believe there was something fishy with this case. This and the fact I just can't get my head around a young woman choosing  hanging as a suicide method. 

    i have read in the comments section of the samui times article, that the owner is dutch or belgain and said the fire was  started by an electrical short, 

  5. 51 minutes ago, longtom said:

    Is it confirmed they found a gasoline bottle beside her body? If so that would leave only 2 possible scenarios imo. Either she went to Tanote on a motorbike (pretty tricky to drive btw) and not with a pick-up taxi as most of the locals and tourists do, or she had something to do with the fire at the bungalows where she stayed previously. The latter would raise some new questions.

    brand new 8m wide cement roads all the way across to to note bay now, part of a 3 year project 

  6. 1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

    Just been doing some online research myself.


    It seems this woman was heavily involved in a cult and according to reports was living with the guru there under an alias of Elise Dubuis. She had the cult symbol tattooed on her arm. Now it seems the guru, a German has done a runner (WHY?).


    After the body was discovered it appears the police have just written this case off as another suicide, nice and convenient, case closed.


    The obvious first port of call should be those who were living with her in that cult and the so-called guru, who must know something, but it seems no investigations or questioning of persons who knew her have been carried out. Also who or which authority lets this cult operate in Thailand and have their activities been scrutinised by anyone?


    As I said; we need to know exactly what this woman was into and with whom? I don`t believe she just decided to visit Koh Tao on her own on the off chance, she must have had connections there, so who and what are they? And what exactly are they into? Lots more to the background then we are being told in the news. There are some weird goings on, on that island that needs to be brought out into the open instead of only being given garbled information, like a jigsaw puzzle with many pieces missing. Otherwise all this becomes a guessing game, which is exactly what it is.



    but the samui times along with many posters here are so obsessed with pinning it on  Koh Tao they totally ignore the other odd facts and information....


    the mother said she thought the cult were involved 


    there was an article from 7 june 2017 in the newindianexpress.com regarding a 'suspicious' death of a 30 year old female devotee of the very same cult...who was found hanging.....(he same article is quoted in the news.com.au....for anyone that would be open to a suggestion or some actual detective work...maybe there is more to it than the KT bogeyman



    no matter how much people are convinced its Koh Tao strikes again..dont these things not even deserve looking into...you know...just incase???

  7. 17 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

    Is it possible you could be mistaken, 

    I thought the death only became public knowledge recently, so would be very interested if the Belgium press was reporting on it several weeks ago

    i believe it was, the girl was cremated within 14 days and the mother left with her ashes, also stating that she believed the cult were involved in her death... its only since the samui times has spun it into a koh tao story that its posted everywhere


  8. ....newindianexpress.com  ran an article on 7th june about the 'suspicious' death of a 30 year old woman found hanging, a member of the same sect/cult the mother initially said she has fears were involved with her daughters death.

    it seems the mothers words were glossed over once the sensationalising of Koh Tao took precedence!



  9. 27 minutes ago, smedly said:

    I believe there is an element on that Island that is praying on young western women, on islands you have Thais mixing with farangs, they socialise in the same bars, that doesn't really happen in other holiday cities like pattaya for example were Thais have their own areas for social encounters away from the farang areas, on koh tao I believe that there are groups of Thai men who actively seek out targets in the local bars and night entertainment venues and when they are told to sod off lose face and become angry, some of these men have established themselves in positions of influence and feel the need to take things further when their advances are refused, this then leads to revenge attacks and possible rape attempts as they try to recover face, it is evil and cowardly as they prey on young innocent girls who don't realise the danger they are in, I believe these people will stop at nothing to get their way and feel that they are above the law.


    This particular incident of the missing Russian girl is interesting because the one sure way to cover up an evil act is to make sure there is absolutely no evidence left behind to investigate, this particular incident will go no further than a missing person unless a body is found, IMO she is buried in a hole in the ground and will never be found. 

    fantasy land

  10. 5 hours ago, Khun Han said:


    Well, actually, I do think that Luke was murdered. But in the sentence you quoted, I used the word 'died'. That he died is a bald fact. Or are you insinuating that he's not dead?


    Anyone else noticed that the Koh Tao mafia apologists struggle to refer to the assorted victims of the Koh Tao 'jinx' by name? They can usually go through a full, lengthy post referring to the deceased/missing as 'he' or 'she'. I find that quite telling: it's much easier to be disingenuous about somebody when you de-humanise them.

    well the corner doesn't, so i guess her professional opinion has more clout than your TV one


    the whole 'mafia apologist' thing...it doesn't bother me in the slightest, however, it makes you look a tad immature.



  11. 4 hours ago, Khun Han said:


    It was the Gissing siblings who attended the morgue and secretly took photographs, some of which they said showed handprint-style bruises. Whilst I have no doubt Caroline Sumeray is an excellent coroner (though obviously naiive about the ways of Koh Tao's 'Deliverance' police), the best thing Luke's family and friends could do is get at least one other professional opinion on the injuries.

    and of course you know better than all the police, coroners or anyone else that has had to make a report, statement or actually been involved ....from behind your computer screen!


    the coroner is a professional and made her report based on what she saw and read....you however are not and haven't seen anything other than Facebook comments and some internet articles




  12. 11 hours ago, robsamui said:

    But with five debatable deaths over a three year period,  plus one blatant and undeniable rape and double murder, and including one inexplicable complete disappearance with no body having been found (only four months ago), any thoughtful person has to ask . . .  on exactly which planet is this considered 'normal'?

    apart from the obvious case there is nothing to suggest anything suspicious unless you want to see them that way


    the french guy who was at a 3 day pay trance festival (alcohol, mushrooms,LSD) commits suicide, leaves a note written in french to his GF or family..but..oh no....he was bumped off because he knew too much!! (you can use google to find reasons for tying of hands and many case of it)

    nick pearson, was blind drunk and had to be assisted home and put to bed, no way that he could have woke up still drunk, decided to get up, go find his folks, go for a cigarette, go to find another beer, go for a swim..many possibilities...but no..he was done in because he talked to a girl in a bar.


    christine anasley...posting on her FB how wasted she was getting, doing buckets and tramadol....but no way that could have been an accidental OD from a cocktail of the 2...oh no, she was done it too, because she was at the same resort and found naked.....(in her room, on her bed..of all the places!!)

    and luke miller...again, posted about getting hammered, lots of drinking until the early hours.....but was done in because he had the same surname??


    i don't know who the 5th one is. these deaths are over a couple of years, no deaths are 'normal', but with the amount of alcohol consumed and the behaviour that follows from some,  i'm surprised there are not more.

    its funny how people here can state pretty much as 'fact' what and how these people would behave or do while drunk...


  13. 1 minute ago, carmine said:

    All the points you make are fair ones.  I agree with you.  The drunken idiotic behavior of many tourists here just asks for problems and compromises their safety.  Whilst true, its also true to say that the amount of "unusual" deaths per capita of foreigners on Koh Tao is absolutely astonishing and in a first world country would prompt a national outcry followed by a huge public inquiry.  However, things are all the way they are and are not going to change.

    not really if you know the amount of tourist the come over the year, 8 boats per day, even if you calculate them all half full its still 500,000 people..luke miller's accident was 18 months ago, i've not heard of any 'suspicious' deaths since?


  14. so the guy is posting about how wasted they were all getting, etc etc, but people the are wasted can in no way heighten their potential risk of an accident happening?


    there are people hobbling round on a daily basis covered in bandages from drunken bike crashes,  people are drinking excessive amounts of alcohol every night but hey.. they would never do stupid things while drunk??



    it is a hotel, it has a hotel style block of room and also bungalows, with the pool overlooking the beach.


    its funny how in this case and the others trying to be linked together the fact that there were drug and alcohol involved and in some cases bragged about....but ignored by the koh tao bashers to suit their positively factual definite assumptions!


  15. 22 minutes ago, bannork said:

    You say 'rampant and continued killing.'  Who has been murdered apart from Hannah and David?

    ' slaughtering any tourist'- what are you talking about??

    I see your name is robsamiu- presumably you live there- and you call the tourists who go to KohTao  'cattle (who) keep coming to be milked'.- you don't happen to have any interest in a business in Koh Samui by any chance and feel miffed at tourists for preferring Koh Tao?

    yeah, i saw the pretend naivety, then 'rampant and continued' , just another samui resident/business owner trying to deter some tourists.


    it doesn't work, Koh Tao has become even busier in the last few years, maybe its due to all the publicity its got, even though most have attempted to made this bad, 





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