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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 1 hour ago, Humpy said:

    So the US/UK Forces lost hundreds of lives fighting the Taliban to no vail. When will the West stop interfering in these walking dog vomit countries ? 

    the war was illegal, so those politicians and anyone that supported it are to blame and the blood is on their hands, they sahouyld be held accountable..will the be...not chance, but the masses/sheep move on and willingly cheer on the next war.

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  2. 2 hours ago, stevenl said:

    Can you please translate?

    "How has Russian cooperation with the Trump campaign has not been proven?"


    The FBI helped the Trump campaign tremendously with Comey's statement about the reopening of the Clinton email case on the eve of the election. A statement made against bureau policy.

    so, if that's the claim, then its logical that the Biden campaign was helped by the 'hunter laptop' being basically removed and censored by twitter & fb and the MSM all calling it Russian disinformation?


    • Confused 1
  3. 2 hours ago, charleskerins said:


    This post is chock full of  worn out cliches and misinformation .   "weaponized"  "duly elected"   right out of Fox News  

    "Start with the 51 intel agents "   nope that's not what they said.

    This post is typical of how propaganda is successful.     

    Not going to bother correcting the rest of it.  Waste of time there is no reasoning with these people .They deserve no respect .


    Laptop   v insurrection.



    anyone been charged with insurrection?

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  4. 7 minutes ago, transam said:

    You didn't watch it then, but of course you wouldn't, in case a KGB minder was watching you...................😂

    i did, (did you) but as i said above it was exactly what i expected from him and CNN. i used to watch cnn and laugh at Fox, but since Trump took office i saw how much they lied, then covid.... don lemon, chris cuomo, brian stelter anderson cooper...what a line up they had all spewing non stop lies,  absolute s**t show, no wonder their ratings plummeted.

    • Haha 2
  5. On 6/5/2024 at 5:17 AM, HappyExpat57 said:

    For the most part, I'm staying out of this nonsense thread any more. Cultists keep throwing Faux Noise as their source and this is a waste of time.


    The latest bs - three Faux reps are talking to Don the con shortly after his conviction. During this spew of crap, the convict says "I never said 'Lock her up.'" AND NONE OF THE REPS CHECKED HIM ON THAT! They just looked on, dumb and stupid. They are knowingly ignoring his lies. Liars supporting liars.


    All of them guilty.

    yes, thats annoying isn't it, perhaps you might have a little insight into how the Trumps fans feel when sleep joe is never fact checked, allowed to lie on the debate stage, given a pass, or soft ball questions. while cnn and all trhe left msm media scrutinise and fact check Trump literally every second.

    • Confused 1
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  6. 9 hours ago, Presto said:

    You lack the capacity to view an interview and make up your own mind? Instead you resort to throwing childish badly spelled quasi insults around? How unfortunate. For you.

    i watched it, did you?  i wouldn't have expect anything else from cnn. basically every second breath saying Trump/reps are lyin, the case was fair and above board, when it's clear to many it was a political attack., like everything else they've tried overe the years.


    quasi insults...you guys need to lighten up a bit, i bet you're great fun at parties. you understand what sarcasm and factious  mean right??

    • Confused 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Maldives is in good company:

    Why would you  want additional countries to join is such a blatant act of Jew hatred? 

    i think you'll find it was the


    3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    for bombing thousands of women and children to death.

    rather than the fact they're Jewish..... 

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  8. 8 hours ago, Roo Island said:

    Yeah. The dodgy right wing media has a huge responsibility for misinformation being spread. Too bad maga cult members are too lazy, or afraid, to fact check

    and you use cnn, Rachel maddow, Don L'emon, morning joe and MSNBC as your bastions of truth....oh, hang on, there is always whoppy on 'the view' thats a great show for all your political needs

    • Sad 1
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  9. 12 hours ago, Roo Island said:

    And his son proudly served and he never called veterans losers. Stunning you support a man like that.


    Reported by John Kelly. An exceptional military man

    so what? i don't have any issues with anyone skipping out of going to fight a war for politicians that themselves start, yet do not fight in!.

    how about make it compulsory that every politician that votes for war, has to send their children over 18 off to the front line first!

  10. 20 hours ago, steven100 said:

    very suspicious,  43yrs old is not old,  they found drugs in his room but drugs don't make you jump from your balcony. 

    They need to look at CCTV and verify who went into the room last and what time they came out.  



    RIP poor guy.


    thats a wild assumption, you have no idea of any of the circumstances, drugs, alcohol, depression, mental issues, health issues, only the brief info given. but straight away go for  'suspicious'

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