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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 10 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Jeez........"Hurt feelings" indeed, when the parents of the children killed were going through a grieving process, and at that time other nut jobs were knocking at their doors accusing them of hiding the children because they were not actually dead!!!


    IMO anybody who thinks that this sort of harassment is simply "hurt feelings" needs to get real, and some, and I personally think your post is disgusting.

    boo hoo. i think your post is irrelevant, as are you

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  2. 15 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    You can fool some of the people all of the time.


    Jones either coined or popularized many of the moonbat conspiracies and conspiracy-related terms that now pepper the realm of the crazed and forlorn demographic. Not sure if he coined "Crisis Actors", but he certainly made it go mainstream. He pushed the silly 9-11 Truther thing. He once stood outside a Bilderberg Group meeting and screamed that the group's dinner was babies roasted in gold leaf. I would not be surprised if he was the inspiration behind "Q" and the entire QAnon silliness.


    No better example of how gullible and simply ignorant his followers are than his success selling supplements. Jones is a guy who looks 10-15 years older than he is, is a guy in horrible physical shape, and yet he can entice his goobers into buying snake oil that he claims will make them healthier and more virile.


    I don't know it for a fact, I just know it's true that he likely owns the entire Incel demographic. I will also guess he has among his followers exactly zero Biden supporters.  He peddles the kind of physical and ideological nonsense that captures the kind of people who support the convicted felon. I'm a little surprised that he, too, hasn't yet schlepped NFTs of him as an astronaut or a fighter pilot.

    did he not say the twin towers would be hit by planes way before it happened?

  3. On 6/13/2024 at 5:17 PM, Eric Loh said:

    Debatable and irrelevant only when the facts are not in the favor of Trump. He lied about the low gas price and you lapped it up and regurgitate his lies. Trump boast that gas price was $1.79 a gallon when he left office. Facts from data collected by the Energy Information Administration state that average gas price was $2.38 or 28% higher than what Trump said. Lowest gas price under Trump came during plunging demand due to the pandemic. He also mismanaged the pandemic and caused massive unemployment. This is undeniable facts that you can check. 

    ok, so he got it wrong 1.79-2.38,...what are they now, under Bumbling biden/??

    undeniable facts.... covid shut down the economy.... or do you deny that? what would you have done? 

  4. On 6/13/2024 at 3:15 PM, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    Biden trounced King Baby..sleeping in his basement.....and will do it again but even more so


    Still waiting for EVIDENCE the last election was rigged....anybody that believes the grifter felon is free to prove me wrong


    bet me money..think of the Maga hero you will be.....also remind me whos paying for the Wall......thanks

    you managed to get a few consecutive words there in your rant, next time try to get context to that word salad... no wonder people vote Trump if 'hysterical libtard' is the other option! goof ball!


  5. On 6/13/2024 at 3:17 PM, transam said:

    How can I, I don't know what he was thinking, nor do you, I find McTrumps antics more amusing.......🤭

    As for the White House, they are probably in fear of a possible McTrump comeback, the most embarrassing President the USA and World has ever known........😌

    you are a cretin, (google it), you have nothing constructive to add to any of these  threads, better stick to you 70's car and 70's outlook on life. 

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  6. On 6/14/2024 at 8:04 AM, Tug said:

    Then YOU would be 10,000% in stopping a criminal like putin as every one knows you can’t appease someone like putin you surrender if you like not I and I doubt America will either.letting putin wreck Europe will not bring peace and you know it it will bring ruin

    peace negotiations were on the table in April 2022, the UK and US put a stop to it. where do you get the Idea Putin wants to invade Europe?
    you wont surrender....what are you talking about?, i think you're still living in the cold war era!

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  7. 27 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

    Obama punked little Vlad             Are you the only person on here that posts lies ?          Rhetorical  


    and Vlad was more afraid of Hillary hence he helped donnie in the 2016 election and he is helping him now.         Today's challenge for Magats   post  a fact.    Word on the street is that after Obama punked him  he had to change his briefs and ordered a poisoning of one of his underlings because he felt so emasculated.The little Russian bully got owned.





    yeah, Mr P got punked, dream on, Barrack was caught out, groveling!

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  8. 20 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

    Members can post the truth about public figures Frankie   give it a try

    my comment got deleted for not using the correct way of spelling a public figures name, Hillary or Obamma, whereas all you guys can call the orange one what ever derogatory name you like and it stays up. i couldn't care less what you call someone, i'm not fragile that it would offend me, unlike some. i just notice the double standard !

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  9. On 6/10/2024 at 12:42 PM, Roo Island said:

    No collusion. But lots of interference in the election. If you don't agree with that, you didn't read it

    so, NO COLLUSION..fact!.., but, rather than admit you were wrong you move the goalposts to 'interference', but again, nothing that you cannot narrow down to anything specific?!


    basically... NOTHING. you and your lefty cult denied the 2016 election result




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  10. 1 hour ago, Roo Island said:

    Ya can't handle the truth.



    you're flogging a dead 'nothing burger' horse, if you can pin point actual evidence as to how Russia interfered in the 2016 election? then prove it?

    i welcome it, actual facts, not sweeping statements like 'micro targeting'....

    who turned their vote to trump rather than killton..... US claims to have the best intel in the world..but seems they cannot give direct facts, just blanket statements.

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  11. 6 hours ago, Roo Island said:

    You did not read the report. Guaranteed

    i remember the run up to the Mueller report, and how, according to MSM and all the anti Trump social media pages, it was going to be the nail in Trumps coffin , then it was revealed as a nothing burger it dropped from the news instantly , only the die hard goal post movers kept on with it , flogging the already dead horse!! (like a number are members here), grasping at straws when the rest just brushed it under the carpet and moved onto the  next 'we've got him this time'

    Can you elaborate on 'micro targeting', anything substantial, names, dates, actual black n white evidence?...no didn't think so


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