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Posts posted by frank83628

    Koh Tao is as safe as anywhere? The article below must be "fake news" then Frank? Below is a section, but the full article is worth a read:

    "Christina’s body was discovered just a few months later, in January 2015, in the same location where David and Hannah Witheridge were found.

    British Backpackers Nick Pearson and Luke Miller, along with Belgian Elise Dellemagne, Swiss Hans Peter Suter and French Dimitri Povse were also found dead. Russian Valentina Novozhenova is still missing".

    Yes it is...and copied from the same original source as all the articles are.

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  2. You’re totally correct they’re not hiding in bushes they’re in plain sight but tourists don’t know that and they might be very vigilant but probably won’t consider that a drink purchased from a bar could be drugged
    You say people are desperate for this to be the case I think it’s more a case of desperate for Koh Tao to be made safe
    Koh tao is as safe as anywhere, you'd know if you had ever been there....same as 90% of TV posse.

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  3. I dont need to read between any lines, i know exactly what you and other posters are desperate to be the case, but unfortunately for you there are no serial killers and rapists, motorcycle gangs and what ever else hiding in the bushes waiting for their next victim..every single article thats about a 'suspicious death' on tao is from the same source.... the 'suspicious' part of that has been added by them..and that is fact.

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  4. It doesn’t even have to be anyone powerful doing it. Murder and rape are bad for business. It could be some average Joe or Joes doing horrible things - doesn’t matter. The people who run the island don’t want the bad publicity so they have it covered up or dismissed. 
    Ironically for anyone who may be covering up crimes to save face or their bottom line, they’re actually just doing irreparable damage. 
    So....if its bad for business and the people running the island are all so powerful then why would they allow some avarage joe to ruin that same business?

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  5. I believe her and IMO getting off the island before trying to report the alleged rape was completely understandable and sensible, at least she is alive.
    The comments on here against her are shocking, any wonder some rape victims just suffer in silence.  Yes there needs to be an investigation but who on here hand on heart trusts the KT police to do that ethically.
    I love traveling in Thailand and really like the Thai and Burmese people however there are a lot of Thais on Koh Tao who are different to the vast majority of Thais.  They are at best rude and unhelpful and at worst dangerous.  People supporting the girl are not against Thailand or the Thais.  I personally just want the well known KT criminals to be dealt with so tourists can be safe and the island prosper.
    Point proved!!

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    The point being made by the writer was a simple one. He doesn't care what nationality the accused is, as long as there is a professional and honest investigation. In other words serious detectives whose only objective is discovering the truth and ensuring that justice is served ... and not in protecting vested interests or the reputation of the country. 
    And it should be, However via st, fb, tv its already the same people!
    Ive not read 1 comnent on here from any of the tao bashers to say maybe it aything other than the so called 'tao mafia'.
    Its case closed as far as they are concerned

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  7. 23 minutes ago, Media1 said:

    They are offering nothing but lies and bullshit. Don't come talking bla bla..Why is the bar still operating that refuses video footage. I are to intelligent to be fooled on the street..its my forte. These Thais are guilty rotten things. 2 Burmese rotting 

    Save your Thai loving for someone that's semi retarded ok.

    quick diversion there!!..given the link..ignores..shifts to talking about something else

    • Sad 1
  8. 17 hours ago, shillhater said:

    who said it was a Thai?  i can not recall any poster claiming the rapist was a Thai..i see you are another poster who should put away the big wooden spoon

    your comment is really not worth replying to, a quick read of many posts here suggest the posters are insinuating it's a Thai.
    the ST even posted photos!

    even the post above this insinuates it, 

    • Like 1
  9. I would assume her 4 male room-mates would be first in line as possible suspects, especially the one at the beach with her.
    But all the posters here seem to be looking for a Thai attacker.
    I can't believe the number of posters hating on Thais.
    Hate Thai police, hate Thai government, hate Thai bar owners, hate the Thai receptionist.
    Guys, move somewhere else if you don't like the locals.
    I dont think anyone has stopped to even consider if anything did actially happen it could have easily been non thai...its certainly already a closed case for some.

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  10. "She has not accused any specific person".
    Good point and that`s because there is no specific person or people to accuse. They simply don`t exist. The woman cried wolf rape and it`s gone much further than she had anticipated.
    So who is the mystery guy that was lying next to her or standing over her smiling on the beach? No description or details given. Another point, after raping, why would a rapist hang around on the scene after the deed so he could be identified or even apprehended? No evidence, no names, no possible suspects, no nothing. And that`s exactly what the police have to work on; NOTHING.
    For the time being lets call him Phantom X
    Indeed, the st 'broke' they basically accused sunnie the 'smiling' barman.. as though he hung around after raping her?
    Then days later it comes out she was anally raped conveniently tying it to the D&H case, surely such a big connection as that would have had the st chomping at the bit to print...then the story as to what she did after changed....
    The fact that the st were involved at all i'd say it call bs, never mind the changing story.

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    Are you our resident Full Moon Party expert ... pontificating on the drug habits of young people from your bar stool? Young people can be foolish but they are not blind to the drug rules in Thailand ... the majority go to drink and party ... some don't drink, just party ... and a very small minority stupidly take drugs. Bear in mind it is well documented that people get set up by Police informants, who sell them something and then tip off the Police. Some fools get caught, most are aware and don't get involved.
    I say a lot more take drugs than you may think.

    People used to read up on places like thailand in the lonely planet books etc, now a lot would just go from what they see on fb posts, none mentioning any dangers..just party photos.

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  12. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

    Of course you would. You'd have your daughter on the front page of every newspaper in the world.


    Have you any idea how your daughter might feel if she had been drugged and raped? Do you really think she would want to be sat in front of journalists answering their every question, some of which would be designed to provoke and humiliate her? Do you think, ever?



    do you?

    • Sad 1
  13. Yes you are.  You should know by now that this is Thailand.  That is a basic.  If I were her I wouldn't come within a million miles of the place.  The locals there have already come forward about one particular person of interest who the cops are not interested in and everyone knows why.
    Who is that?

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  14. 6 hours ago, Media1 said:

    Where is the CCTV security footage 

    I can assure you these systems do not tape over you Thai clowns. This is year 2018. You neglected to even investigate and your corrupt jokers. Big Joke is very fitting title. 


    CCTV rewrite over themselves after a certain peroid, this can be set, the period as mentioned previously can depend on HDD space and quality of cameras...guess you're the clown now aye!


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  15. 3 hours ago, jimmynewbie said:

    How do you know if they have? why such a delay? why no results?  try German media the original source, they are still asking questions and not getting answers!

    The family were promised results by end of July it has not happened!

    Will you defend every incident on the island? I wonder....


    7 hours ago, jimmynewbie said:

    Because Kate they have not announced cause of death, if it was snake bite it would be easy to diagnose, THAT is what is fishy! why is it taking so long? why will they not release the body?

    maybe they have told his wife here the result if she's next of kin?....

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