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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. i had a friend here in Sydney in his 60's coming back from the pub one night 2 years ago to see a couple arguing both seem to be british backpackers ,he intervened and tried to help the girl ,the young guy ended up punching him to the ground and the girl who he helped stole his phone,the cops ended up finding them at the backpacker hostel
  2. your another one who has a "hate" against your own farang
  3. Dont you get free govt healthcare in the US? What happens if your on a disability pension or old age ,dont they have free hospital there ??
  4. Egg....vegetables......and beer ?? ..................i couldnt imagine eating a boiled egg with beer or broccoli ????
  5. I have anxiety and dont like to walk thru crowds particularly drunken ones on walking street and also i hate crowded baht buses,the incident your referring to i probaly would of minded my own business i try not to get involved
  6. Have you ever felt unsafe or in danger from crime in Pattaya? particularly from other farang? I had a work colleague recently ask me areas to avoid in Pattaya when it gets busy again and i mentioned Walking Street ,the danger being drunken farang I have had some incidents over the last 20 years so as i get older and ready to retire im more cautious. For many years i avoided Walking Street particularly at night or in the early hours after some East European drunk guys shoulder barged me its not the thai people im cautious of in pattaya but the drunken tourists and that something i will have to think about when i consider retiring there and areas not to live close by Many younger Aussies,Brits and europeans forget when they're drunk and its early hours and they think they are still in their home country and start fighting and looking for problems,i remember seeing this a few times at Mcdonalds in the early hours up at beach road, Last time i was nearly attacked was 2016 when two farang guys blind drunk probaly in their 30's and shaped up to me as i was walking past,that was on beach road in the early hours
  7. Today i went to the supermarket in Sydney (we are still in lockdown) .....I overheard a conversation between a elderly woman and another talking about travelling again to Asia. So here i was looking at the baked beans and listening in on their conversation ,the elderly woman probaly over 70 said to the other she cant wait to get back to Bali once the borders are open now her husband died and she could even live there she wished............strange how thoughts come to my mind and i looked her over quite fut and tanned and thinking if she might hire younger men over there???? She caught me looking,probaly thought i was looking at her handbag. Obviously i take it she had travelled numerously to Bali when her hubby was alive so she knew the place But i thought are times changing now? Why isnt we see older Western women retiring to Asia ? Is it happening more ? I wish i had gave my late mother the oppoertunity to travel to Asia when my father passed away but that was a different generation and they wernt travellers like us Is there any farang women on here ? What part of asia do you live in ?....and farang couples too ? I guess places like Bali are more attractive to Aussie retired couples or single women than say Thailand .\,but despite being close here to Australia i have never been to Bali,it just has a bad stigma to it,i think of the low class type Aussies partying there a bit like Phuket i guess
  8. What's the baddest thing you have done in Thailand/Asia? I know many of you are holding secrets and wouldn't admit it or probably not even want to remember it . I was sitting here just thinking about all my trips to South East Asia over the years and I done some stupid things , probably I wouldn't call them bad but.... About 12 years ago around 2008 /2009 I was walking one late night around 3am thru the back sois of Yensabai in Pattaya and these sois had speed bumps which continually had young middle eastern guys going berserk on their rented high powered motorbikes They had no care for others walking and used to fly past them without a care for accidents so here I am one early morning coming back from a bar walking dead end a lone Soi when all of a sudden a high powered motorbike roared past and the bike toppled over the speed him sending the young men middle eastern guy off Now there was only me there and no one else was around . He lay there on his back looking up at me without saying a word with his bike on the ground next to him .....I saw his wallet keys phone and cigarettes laying on the ground next to him...so without even saying a word I quickly took his wallet and phone which during those times I recall it was a blackberry... I then quickly walked off and managed to get away Other than that I have never really done anything that bad , I remember skipping out on a hotel bill back in 2015 after the owner refused my request to fix the air conditioning down in jomtien....I took off during the early morning and managed to hail a passing taxi before I lay down in the back seat so I wouldn't be sighted
  9. I remember about 20-25 years ago reading up & meeting many farang particular from Australia living on their aged pension. Many were living very good . But can it be done nowadays? I'm looking at the aged pension from Australia and it's around 50,000 baht a month..of course you would have to have the 800k in the bank to meet the immigration requirements. Not sure how much the other countries pay their aged pensioners but ...who here lives on their solely aged pension and any difference from before in terms of living in Pattaya I know I can be done in other parts of Thailand but I'm particularly interested in Pattaya living .
  10. I always wonder what this fearful myth is of " be careful" acknowledging other farang ...they want something whether to borrow money from you or tell you a sorry story or whatever ...be careful saying don't hello back...they will bite you etc etc ..they re obviously after something I recall once walking with a newly arrived friend in Pattaya and we are walking in East Pattaya and I'm buying a coconut he is standing on the street a taxi pulls up and the farang passenger is seen talking to him my stupid friend is ignoring him before it drives off...I asked him what was going on..."oh he was pretending to ask for directions to a hotel...but probably wanted money ...I read it on the internet .. don't talk to stranger farangs !! Just bloody bizarre some of you lot ...fearful and anxious over oh they could ask to borrow money ...oh they could tell me a sorrowful story ...in reality they probably won't ...you know why . Because it's a urban fear myth Now as I'm getting older and some farang talks to me or acknowledge me passing by or whatever I will talk or acknowledge back ...so what if they ask to loan money I will say no...there's no need to ignore someone ...just because they could ..they might...possibly ask for a loan ....just ridiculous.. some of you must walk around Thailand with your head down making no eye contact hyper vigilant to other farang ! I remember being in a small beer bar in about 2010,in jomtien and saw a wallet in the toilet ..I knew it was the guy that was sitting with his mates nearby so I walked up politely ..hi ...I said .. I was just about to tell him before he looked at me with a sour arrogant look.. and said " do I know you !!! I recognised his accent as my own Australian and I stopped for a minute before his friend sitting next to him said something like I was trying to sell real estate... before this old C used his hand to shoo me off . So I walked back in the toilet and took the wallet Moral of the story don't be arrogant
  11. This topic may have been covered in some ways but now im getting over 60 plus had 2 work colleagues die in the last 3 months im thinking how valuable life is. One colleague Bob was 68yo and kept talking about retirement,he died at work on the nightshift,(hospital wardsmen)just went to have a nap on his break and never woke up,that was in August,he kept saying how he would be travelling Europe when he retires blah blah blah,supossed to have retired last December then it was July then it was this December,well now he is gone ,left probaly a million in retirement funds ,his kids will get it. Now my question is mostly related to those over 60 ,those old farts like me,or should i be politically correct ,and say mature aged guys ,the thing is,are you aware you will probaly die between 78 & 83yo? Are you doing everything to enjoy this time you have left ? are you going to get your goals completed ,enjoy that time you have left ? I said this to a work colleague last night whilst working, he is another oldie who wont retire at 77yo,still fit is a hospital cleaner ,hasnt taken a sick day since 1992 and proudly boasts about his 2 million in retirement funds that he pays into and how he is going to travel the world when he retires..... ....yeah right he was extremely offended last night when we spoke of Bobs death ,i said to him your 77 what are u planning o do in the next 6 years you have left ? He was shocked ,what do you mean he says puzzled ? I said mate you are 77 you dont have much time ....to a puzzled look by him before he stormed off . and thats where this past few months have made me aware,i have about 20 to 25 years left,if that,if im lucky ,that means not wasting it The point im trying to make is some of you either forget or just think your going to live forever ,im sorry to be blunt ,but as the financial planner said to me the other day ,most ill live up to about 83yo 84. Its a sad i guess morbid thing to talk about ,i used to try to talk about this to my late father who used to get angry ,but the point is i have planned to about 80yo financially and after the deaths of my 2 colleagues i have decided that the next 20 years i have left to , Grow old disgracefully ! sorry if this topic offends or hurts some of you but its no use pretending its not going to happen
  12. Living in Australia and now in my 60"s i remember the days of people smoking on TV ,cafes etc and TV comedies that are now banned etc. Maybe im getting old or im reading too much of this facebook and tiktoks social media but i see people are offended by everything . looking at tiktok a man and his filpino wife have posted videos,he seems to be about 60,his wife 20's,i see comments from both men and women calling him a pedophile etc and saying they are offended . i work in a workplace environment now where the newer generation hardly talk to each other and if we older ones do we have to be careful and no more calling women "darling" etc and no "leering" at women etc. we arent allowed to say man or woman,in case of pronouns someone could get offended , I think this PC has also come to Asia and dont get me wrong some things are good but some things are i guess "crazy"......for eg my next door neighbour is a school teacher and works in a school and if a child falls over in the playground he cannot assist them etc , i guess other things come to mind , about 2 years i accidently stared at a asian girl probaly in her 20's walking across the park here in Australia power ,walking with tight leg trainers on and headphones ,a lady standing next to me probaly in her 40's waiting for the walk signal shook her head at me in disgust, so i apologised to her for looking at the girl across the park,no idea why didnt even know her but i did,then she said "please dont look at young girls anymore ", ...Sorry " i said back to her before we got the green walk signal after that and she walked her separate way. ,i actually felt very guilty looking at women nowadays,obviously i remember those days back in the 80's on constrction sites where tradies would wolf whistle etc.,which im glad stopped in a way. but now if your a older male your considered a "pedophile" by westerners if you go with a younger lady and that even means if she is 30yo i guess if your older than her,well thats what i see by these comments on tiktok etc when some older farang guy posts videos of himself and his asian wife who is younger so theres absolotely no way i would tell anyone i travel to asia because they get perceptions and may get offended , Even telling people at work or socially about going to thailand has stopped ,i remember having a chat to a younger guy who i thopught was a true man with his tattoos etc once on a construction site job about a year ago and i he asked me about thailand and seemed excited and all i told him was i loved going to the bars there and even watching the ladyboy shows, he asked what they do in the go go bars etc and even though he looked like a real "blokey bloke" type i was surprised and shocked at his response ..."i find that so offensive ! he said ,those poor women ,forced to do this ,i find that so offensive and derarogortory he shouted ,i immediately had to stop talking to him and walk away I guess this kind of thing will arrive in Asia as it becomes more modern and newer generation . As i said dont get me wrong,some things wernt good before PC ,but now it seems everything is "offensive,maybe im getting old
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