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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Hi guys Just a quick question I need luggage storage,somewhere in Pattaya , preferably near jomtien to store a suitcase Thanks guys
  2. Sure, but it beats my why and I'm saying in his case ,but why spend money on bars, tipping , etc and then get the bus to the airport, going thru all that trouble in the heat. Can some of you guys enlighten me? As for the route the taxi took to me 3 hours ,can you guys advise what route he took so I don't need to go thru a slow painful 3 hours and I can assure you he definitely didn't get a tip!
  3. About 3 years ago I remember ordering a taxi from jomtien to patpong Bangkok, the driver took forever to get there,left at around 1130am and arrived about 230pm It was a long ride ,I don't want to repeat that considering I got to Pattaya in a hour Is there 2 ways to Bangkok? On another note I can't fathom why farangs get the bus from jomtien to airport just to save a 1000 b? I spokr to a guy yesterday, no baht buses coming along so he is telling me he is going to bus station to go to airport,anyway waiting like 10 mins some didn't stop some overflowing so he started walking sweating walking up the hill going towards the bus station from the jomtien complex wheeling his luggage carrying his carry bag , looking back continually trying to get a baht bus to go to the bus station..so he will pay 10b for the baht bus ( if he got one yesterday afternoon they were non existent) then another 140 b for the bus ! Wouldn't it be easier just to pay the extra 1000 b for a air conditioning car to the airport? I mean some of these guys tip in bars frivolous but won't spend a extra money on getting to the airport comfortable
  4. Sorry to push the question guys, but is there any clinics in jomtien area? They must issue this fit to fly certificate though, I can't just get any clinic , I need the antigen one but issue a certificate to fly
  5. Thanks so much ...I should tip you Sir
  6. I want to fly to Phillipines soon, unfortunately I need a Antigen test 24 hours before flight . I have googled and Bangkok Pattaya hospital comes up but want 3500b Compared to Bangkok skin clinic at 1500b but that's in Bangkok. Anyone know any smaller clinics who don't advertise that do fit to fly antigen certificate in Pattaya ?
  7. No never been ,but they tell me the service is fantastic there .
  8. And be kind to your mother . But.. talking about buying low..I just bought shares on the ASX at low price,it was flight Centre travel shares , they went even lower ! But do expats living in tourist areas actually tip everyday for every service ?
  9. True , I was a fool !!! Absolutely! And I soon learnt in those 5 days why ? Why I need to tip ? But....... Look, if the service was great ,eg the waitress went out of their way for you ,or the taxi driver waited a long time for you or you are maybe going back to the same place everyday then yes tip,but doesn't have to be a lot because I soon found out if you tip a lot they don't remember. And....don't be like my mate and tip everyone ! Ridiculous because he feels guilty As for regular places 20 b is sufficient, yes absolutely I was a fool the last 5 days,I doubt expats in Pattaya Phuket etc tip everyday anyway I thinks it's tourists that tip, I can't see expats especially pensioners tipping everyday !
  10. Of course I'm sure it's different in non tourist areas
  11. The last few days being new in town for my holiday I have stupidity tipped,worked out last few days around 5k. For what? No thanks,some just look at the tip and walk off ,couldn't even acknowledge it,so Fk it no more ! Tipped the taxi to Pattaya a few hundred baht he took it ignored me and kept talking on his phone waste of 200b never see him again. Tipped the waitress 20b she looked at me in disgust, oh I'm sorry should I tip you more I should of asked for bringing a plate out ? Picked up my laundry,a ladyboy serving me 190b gave her 200 b keep the change, started screeching !! A massage woman half way through the massage ,how much you tip me she says ? For Fcks sake I said you ain't even finished the massage Starts telling me she has rent to pay ,100 kids 7 dogs etc etc, I ignored her Gave her 100 baht tip she wasn't happy no thanks So you know what yesterday I went to different places, cafes , used taxis, bars, and didn't tip once ,not once AND they thanked me ,I actually got a wai as I sat there and waited for my change ! Now I have a mate here in Pattaya who tips everyone because, Yeo,he feels compelled, tipped the girls at Subway last Monday when I went with him and you know what they didn't even give a rat's ass about him,no thanks nothing Wasted 50 b he could of spent that on some thing else ! You know the ones who don't tip get better respect,the Russians the Indians etc Today I will do the same no tip Of course if your going back to the same place everyday I guess better to tip say 10b or 20 b but no need to go overboard just because you feel compelled. People tip because they feel guilty Yesterday I got a Grab from Pattaya to jomtien 105b , the driver telling me how he came a long way to pick me up etc,he didn't actually I only waited 3 minutes, when I got to jomtien gave him 120; tried to make me feel guilty ,that's why deep down you guys feel guilty and compelled we must tip, Several reasons for tipping 1. You are with mates are a bar ,you feel compelled to tip in front of them. 2. You feel guilty U must leave something even they ignored you on arrival whether that be a bar or cafe or whatever but you feel compelled to do it 3. They ask you beforehand or half way through a service eg massage or waitress ,how much U tip me ? So U feel compelled you must tell them you will tip them even if they <deleted> on you 4. They make you feel guilty eg they have had a slow day ,no money etc Why should you have to tip the owner of a laundry when you pick up your clothes ,no tip? The transexual asks, no tip? No tip for me ? <deleted> you already overpriced my laundry now you want a tip? Keep the change I said 10b,then she started screeching like a ......? Oh I'm sorry I should of said, here's 100 baht us that sufficient for you even though you look more wealthy than me,would you like me to kiss your ass too ?
  12. Yes thanks,do you know where I can buy this androgel from in Pattaya or Bangkok?
  13. Ok guys please help. I'm in Pattaya now, I'm 62yo weight train everyday but feel tired and not much muscle mass even though I lift heavy. Question is I'm thinking about going to this Maximum TRT place for their 15000 baht test injection,but I know nothing , is one injection going to do anything? And second question someone said they buy test from a "ocean" pharmacy and go to a clinic and they inject it ? That maybe cheaper for me ...but what do I ask for , ? How much should I buy ? I know nothing !!!!
  14. I'm 62yo and I think I may need a testereone shot but I have no idea about it There is a clinic in Bangkok offering a T shot for 15000 baht , it's says it's a nebido shot ? I have no idea what that is , a brand of testereone? My questions to you are is one shot ok ? Is there a difference in testereone shots ? I have absolutely no idea guys so if you can help me out
  15. I found a place in jomtien who scraped the skin of my heel, she wasn't that good though . What about a 24 hr gym? I luv that jomtien gym I went to today near the traffic lights, lovely Iranian guy runs it
  16. Ok so I'm in Pattaya now , don't want to start a separate thread for every question so here they are . 24 hr gyms, ? They used have Tony's , any around now? Sauna? Now yesterday I went to a sauna in jomtien called Mari Hari jari or similar,it was 380 b no free water and only 2 sauna rooms open. Won't be going back. Anymore you know of ? P-shot , Is there a clinic in Pattaya that does a penis shot ( P shot ) or do I need to go to Bangkok ? Foot heel On my foot I have a excess skin on the heel ,where can I get this scraped off ? Any recommendations?
  17. i wonder if that will change though as you get young people 18-19yo going to party places like Phuket etc who dont care and start filming and taking selfies to put on tiktok etc,these younger people what i seen dont seem to care what /who they film. The world is changing i have been on city buses/trains on a friday night seeing groups of girls filming themselves on tiktok completely oblivious to others
  18. about 15 years ago i was in a internet cafe in pattaya talking on a webcam to a relative back here in Australia. I recall a farang seated behind me shouting to the owners that i was filming him, etc , I recall many my age (over 60) scared of being filmed . so we fast forward to 2021 and the world has changed,young people everywhere taking selfies etc ,recording every detail of their lives,as theyre walking in the streets etc. in fact many are walking around with those tripod things,even im being filmed by familes as a hospital orderly ,i dont mind,im not paranoid ,nothing to hide. I have also been watching these "audit" filmers in england on youtube filming people,amazing how some people have no idea about filming. im not one who films or even uses a camera,but my question is, are you a photographer or video filmer who does that and do you get problems with paranoid people thinking your filming them ? nowadays i see many people walking in the streets talking on phone cam ,granted most are young people and not paranoid old farts ,the worlds changing i think for the better .
  19. hate to sound silly,but what does that mean? im only a hospital orderly
  20. Not sure why everyone is mentioning about gyms in several posts ????....I use the gym everyday and I'm poor !
  21. Poor Thais? A lot of these baht buses are driven by the owners during the day . I was told over 10 years ago that a baht bus registration plate was over 2 million baht, that was 10 years ago so not sure the price now to buy into it.
  22. I have decided I will extend my stay in Pattaya, I will try to take 6 weeks leave from work to go for dental treatment So , originally I was going to stay in a hotel , price was average 700-800 baht a night , 4 star in jomtien complex but, I'm thinking Airbnb maybe better ? I have no experience in staying in Airbnb , are there any benefit price wise in staying in a Airbnb, say compared to a hotel ? I guess staying 6 weeks I'm thinking Airbnb , but I don't want to pay separately for electrical or water ?
  23. Yes the Dental Hospital in Sydney is public hospital, it's in Surry Hills heart of the city, you must be on social security benefits to access the services and even then I heard there is a long waiting list As for working people,dental is not covered by Medicare and U must pay......a lot !! Even having private health insurance you still pay a " gap " fee , insurance doesn't cover 100% of your bill unfortunately.
  24. No ..no free dental for working people, if not working you will be on a waiting list for a government dentist. As for private health insurance,I pay over $230 a month ! the "gap " fee is around $1500 AUD ...so despite paying insurance we still pay a "gap" fee ! Went to the health insurance own dental HCF ,still paid $51 gap for a filling, how much normally is it I asked , $100 he said Ridiculous! It maybe cheaper if I just had emergency medical insurance rather than the "extras" such as dental
  25. I didn't know , looks likes 2 visits then, may only have to get one done perhaps. I googled a few dentists but I don't want to waste time if they can't do it and I need to see a specialist dentist .
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