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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. This topic may have been covered in some ways but now im getting over 60 plus had 2 work colleagues die in the last 3 months im thinking how valuable life is. One colleague Bob was 68yo and kept talking about retirement,he died at work on the nightshift,(hospital wardsmen)just went to have a nap on his break and never woke up,that was in August,he kept saying how he would be travelling Europe when he retires blah blah blah,supossed to have retired last December then it was July then it was this December,well now he is gone ,left probaly a million in retirement funds ,his kids will get it. Now my question is mostly related to those over 60 ,those old farts like me,or should i be politically correct ,and say mature aged guys ,the thing is,are you aware you will probaly die between 78 & 83yo? Are you doing everything to enjoy this time you have left ? are you going to get your goals completed ,enjoy that time you have left ? I said this to a work colleague last night whilst working, he is another oldie who wont retire at 77yo,still fit is a hospital cleaner ,hasnt taken a sick day since 1992 and proudly boasts about his 2 million in retirement funds that he pays into and how he is going to travel the world when he retires..... ....yeah right he was extremely offended last night when we spoke of Bobs death ,i said to him your 77 what are u planning o do in the next 6 years you have left ? He was shocked ,what do you mean he says puzzled ? I said mate you are 77 you dont have much time ....to a puzzled look by him before he stormed off . and thats where this past few months have made me aware,i have about 20 to 25 years left,if that,if im lucky ,that means not wasting it The point im trying to make is some of you either forget or just think your going to live forever ,im sorry to be blunt ,but as the financial planner said to me the other day ,most ill live up to about 83yo 84. Its a sad i guess morbid thing to talk about ,i used to try to talk about this to my late father who used to get angry ,but the point is i have planned to about 80yo financially and after the deaths of my 2 colleagues i have decided that the next 20 years i have left to , Grow old disgracefully ! sorry if this topic offends or hurts some of you but its no use pretending its not going to happen
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