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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Omg you showing your young age son. Bee Gees were a fantastic 1970' s band from the UK I'm not surprised by your question though because todays young people don't know even who even the Beatles were believe it or not I was watching a game show last week "who wants to be a millionaire" , as young girl about 19 was a contestant she had never heard of the Beatles !😳😳
  2. This is a serious question and Australian people are reminded by adverts in TV and signs in the malls "Don't be a Tosser! But I'm wondering how many of you especially in beautiful places such as Pattaya where it's hard to find a garbage bin throw your rubbish on the street !! I'm sick of seeing tossers especially in beautiful areas such as Jomtien I know every morning there was a volunteer farang who used to pick up after the tosser There should be "Tosser Council" Rangers like there are in Australia With Tosser patrol written on the front of their shirts
  3. So your saying the signs in the shopping malls and garbage trucks "Dont be a Tosser ! Are saying to Australians don't be Wxxxnkers 😳😳
  4. No idea ,any other Australian people on here knows ???
  5. Well remember Australian people on here think you means tossers ,it's a $200 fine written in the side if the big garbage trucks Don't be a Tosser $200 fine ! Don't be a Tosser , no idea what your meaning is which I gather is derogatory
  6. Your the one using the word "tosser" which in Australia means rubbish thrower, A tosser is a litter bug ,there are signs up in the street "Don't be a Tosser ! I'm not using the Queen's English as I have no respect for the Queen or monarchy , so please use the word in its proper sentence and meaning How do litterer"s wear nice shoes and no socks ? Don't be a Tosser , and ....have a shower
  7. I think they are wearing the "ankle socks' These are the new version where you can't see them Anyone can post a pic
  8. Who wears these socks you can't see ? Dreaded ankle socks !!! Lately I have had a fascination with socks , 2 days rostered off from work I have spent it looking at people socks in the street and looking at pics of socks I even visited the Sock Shop All colours 🌈 Please post pics of your favourite socks ,ok let's go into times change around SOCKS ! Now years ago at school and at work if you wore shorts you had to wear LONG SOCKS ! I walk past a group of bus drivers recently,shorts on with ShORT Ankle socks showing hairy legs! Doesn't do anything for professional image 25 years ago they would of had to wear long socks Pull your socks up ! Socks with sandals ,I saw this in Pattaya, black socks with sandals 🩴 🧦🧦
  9. Because you are wearing those dreaded ankle socks !!
  10. Interesting point Brian I wonder if Bali tops the retirement destination for Australian retirees ? Bali is number 1 for a holiday destination for Australians but is it number 1 for Retirement?
  11. As this is not just a exclusive Thailand centric forum anymore I want to know how many guys here are expats in OTHER countries such as Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesian,Bali , Vietnam,Laos etc I know Philippines is probably the second biggest foreign expats after Thailand and to a certain degree Cambodia or would Vietnam now beat that? Well Bali is up there too as a retired destination and the World is changing Cambodia was once second I believe in retirement but now I think Philippines then Vietnam
  12. As the OP I just want to clarify this is a tooth in right side upper area like 3 teeth towards the right from the front Root canal and metallic crown with health insurance still quoted around 70,000 baht in Australia Some say that's ok Any Philippines expats here ?? What's the price in Manila?
  13. I once thought about learning how to pick pocket ,I'm not where the best countries are to learn Romania??
  14. I will send you the printed quote they gave me at my last appointment, No one said $5800 ! You don't get 50% off with health insurance !!! No idea what the full cost is ...but ..I will get the written itemize on Monday and send it to you and I have the Top cover AND I'm using the health insurance dentist ...HCF Gap fee for HCF dental with Gold cover $2880 for root canal & metallic crown for Gold cover insurance then you can personally apologise to me ,and that's for ONE tooth upper right side ,3-4 visits HCF dental
  15. Yes two bad experience is in Pattaya Hot a teeth cleaning he broke my tooth going too hard Had to get it repaired back in Australia!!!
  16. The worst I see is in cafes in Australia,taking ya bloody dog to sit under the table !!
  17. It could even be considered racism. I wonder if dogs can get gay?
  18. So around 20,000 baht ! Great price,I don't think I have seen I cheaper How many times did you have to go? Was it like 2-3 times ?
  19. If only I could read Thai 😊but I better it was 15k with the crown?? Wow !!! Great price ! Bangkok ,??? Isaan ?
  20. Paint it pink ! To make the boys wink !🩷🩷
  21. Yes it's the humane thing to do I noticed when walking around a Isaan village back in 2017 There were dogs in packs that were street dogs cared by the temple mangy cut disheveled dogs some angry barking And others left out the front of their house that had owners No bicycle riders are allowed , No one that wants a leisurely walk and SOME of these village dogs have OWNERS but hey they don't care if their dog is out the front of their house NO FENCE and it attacks you as you walk or CYCLE past , just don't hurt their dog they say !!😳 So no one could WALK or even CYCLE past without being attacked by these cretins
  22. These dentists in the West are bloodsuckers ! Probably same in the UK Are dentists expensive around the World? What about places like Poland and Hungary? I heard in Australia their hourly rate as a employee iof a hospital is $200 an hour ! I have decided I might get in on this dentistry myself with that kind of money !
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