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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. For those of you who are making comments on re someone's financial situation at 65 , Of course you must remember compulsory Super wasn't in until 1991 . Then there was the Recession we had to have with millions unemployed 1991 to 1994 Not everyone paid extra into Super.
  2. I think it's around 43/44 K per month with the exchange rates , I don't think you get the allowances
  3. My blood pressure is 163 My GP in Australia wants me to take Aldoprome 5mg a day to see if it goes down Whilst in Thailand I prescription 150ml a week of testereone,my Australian GP is not in support of that and suggested it's no benefit to me only in raising my Blood pressure, I have cut it down to 125 a week Injections He suggests cutting out the testereone to see if it goes down, the BP that is I find taking the testereone addiction and I can't stop as it gives me high energy a few days after taking it until I feel tired again indeed more , I am finding I get short tempered but I feel good I think he has it wrong , what other things could be causing my high BP? Did anyone else get high BP taking testereone? Could it be something else? Salt ?
  4. Any Aussie on here who is on DSP Disability support pension and trying to get portability,,I notice a forum specific for that. I won't post the link but you can google it Disability support overseas forum, DSP overseas proboards
  5. Does anyone know the history of this 2 year " jail term" ? Obviously it started when the Liberal Government was in power . How long has it been in for does anyone know? Was it Howard or Morris or Tony who brought it in ? I could even be wrong and it could be Labor who brought the Law in with Julia or the other guy Kevin Anyway let's hope that Albo's left wing Goverment removes it !!????
  6. You can use a caravan park address ,plenty of people ( thousands) on unemployment benefits in caravan parks , they are actually called mobile home villages nowadays A lot up on the coast even in Sydney Parklea etc You can also get rent assistance if your living in a caravan park/mobile home village,you are paying rent for the site ,
  7. Ironically I was just googling housesitting for the Mount Druitt area , I don't live out West but grew up out there Some wanted Security guard licences ????????
  8. I'm not sure about Rents in a park Kenny but sounds like a fantastic lifestyle. Would you come back at 65?
  9. Love your posts mate. ???? they bring positive energy to the forum instead of all the negative, great stuff and obviously you are a fantastic person for them to ask for you !
  10. So your a house sitter Have you tried Mount Druitt? You could add to your resume that you take on challenging situations and like to meet interesting people ????
  11. A expensive gym near the low class Flybird Condominiums????
  12. Love your positive post ???? I guess you have to take into account also that some may not have the finances to come back especially to Sydney,they may not have worked in the past or saved up. So if they come back to Australia say at age 65 I think it's the dole they can only claim for that 2 year period ? I was just talking to a friend last night who was at a Centrelink office up at Woy Woy and he was saying there was more young people there to claim unemployment benefits than old people so not everyone will have enough for their future ,
  13. The conclusion is , I couldn't live in a studio , the ones that look like hotel rooms would be the worst . Watching TV from your bed everyday . Sink outside in some ,in fact some have only the bathroom sink Nope ... couldn't do it I have empathy for you guys doing it ,is that what you wanted in life to end up in a small bedsitter ?
  14. He has, wasn't there a 1.9 written?
  15. The question I should ask is ,what happened to all your money you saved in your working life to cause you to come back for the aged pension? You didn't pay into Superannuation? Aged pension is not a right . You are supposed to save during your working career How did you end up lining up at Centrelink for the pension?
  16. I didn't say you were ! If you read the last 5 threads or so you can see one poster calling another poster BS He then went into say he heard opposite and that a person got approved for portability because he told the appeals court he couldn't afford to live in Australia and apparently according to him they said that's ok your approved and we both know it's nonsense
  17. I'm not from the US and secondly I read the appeals cases mostly to do with denial of Disability support pensions and portability All the cases are on the web and easily accessible I can assure you saying that you can't afford to live in Australia is not a defence to not waiting the 2 year period for the aged pension portability , and nor have I heard anyone winning based on that reason, unlike the poster above who claimed he heard this and they arrived and went back to the Philippines immediately Unfortunately on here no matter what you say ,you will always get someone who wants to write opposite even making up a story , similar to another post I saw on here where the poster disagreed with the OP and said he had a "friend" who hadnt been to Australia for 7 years and received the aged pension portability immediately and went back overseas same day I have no idea why people make up stories just to disagree
  18. I'm looking at real estate in Pattaya now ready for my future I did stay in a 1 bedroom studio ( separated wall ) 28sqm in Arcadia waters condominiums which was great for a short period but could I do it longer ! Studio is good for single busy man I guess Studios , rooms ,bedsitters that's the names they call them. Judging by the real estate sites the majority of for sale are Studio apartment ranging from 16sqm to 38sqm ,my question is who here lives actually lives in a studio apartment/ room /bedsitter ? Do you have a real cooking kitchen or a hotplate setup Do you use the bed to watch TV or actually have a lounge chair? How do you find it for living ? Are you sick of it ? I could not live without a balcony and I saw some for sale without ,one was 16sqm for 300,000 baht
  19. The only post your writing is absolutely nonsense! Sorry I have to call you out on this one , it's not fair on genuine guys wanting help. You told the other poster (4myego) he was writing BS yet you post a claim that someone you heard about was denied the Aussie pension then used in his defence he can't afford to live in Australia and was granted it based on that ! And you know it's not true And you give people on here false hope, when you know it's not true I can assure you no one is granted the pension overseas because their defence is " they can't afford to live in Australia" I put it to you that you made that story up . You cannot provide me a link nor a name not even a year date. Absolutely rubbish and it supports my post above where someone always has to "go against the grain " and knows someone who was granted it when everyone else was denied it His defence according to you is that he "cannot afford to live in Australia" so they granted him the pension ( and same day he arrived too ) You calling the other poster BS but yours is true isn't it But....you dont know who it is...you heard about it though ????
  20. Yeah I know a bloke who knew a bloke who stayed away 50 years came back and got it immediately,he said I can't afford to stay in Australia Electricity bills ,water bills , cost of beer and worst of all cost of women ! Immediately granted same day ????
  21. You have a link? It's ok saying yeah I know a guy who got it yada yada yada but no link or evidence Give me a name I will do Court search Do you remember the year? But you will not because it's BS Doubtful he got it " because he can't afford to live in Australia" .....we would all be using that defence!! He said ' I can't afford to live in Australia! And they said what ..."oh ok then we will grant you the pension ! ???? Just like that
  22. But not should you want to act old . I'm seeing more & more guys in their 60's even younger riding mobility scooters FFS get off to the gym and stop drinking alcohol
  23. Actually I learnt break dancing just a few years ago !!!
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