The teacher, if proven guilty, will find lots of 'action' in prison. If let out of prison while still relatively young, she may develop a new career in such places as Pattaya. She won't be teaching again.
My auto correction on either my phone (iPhone/ IOS) or desktop (Microsoft) works immaculately well, even underlining the words that we speak of. Of course, I could just ignore it, which is what I suspect is happening. A speedy finish is probably also a culprit.
These are one of the most common mistakes in written English. I am Canadian and participate on a forum that consists mainly of other Canadians. I see your examples multiple times daily, and many others. It always behooves me. To/too, here/hear are a couple more examples. I often wonder if it's poor education, fast keyboarding or what.
If Thailand was expecting 5 million Chinese tourists in 2023 and only 3.5 million showed up (as projected to the end of 2023). that's 1.5 million less chances of that new virus coming to Thailand.
A silver lining perhaps. A blessing in disguise.
Well, it wasn't necessary but I just read your post again. My comment stands. And BTW bud, my reading and comprehension skills are quite good. There is no justification for this many multi-fatality bus 'mishaps'. Yes, 'mishaps', not accidents.
And of course everything that comes from the mouth of tRump and his team is factual. NOT. Definitely NOT. 30,000 lies and counting. Probably 50,000 by now.
Your "point" sounds like you are justifying this horrific 'accident'. That is sure to "confuse" other members. There is no justification. Such frequent 'accidents' are unnecessary.
He looks like he will be popular in jail, where he will have lots of spare time to ponder how he will pay for the 20 vehicles that got damaged in the chase.
Note to Indian tourists: When visiting Thailand, it's best not to bring your bling along, especially if there's a chance you might 'tie one on'. The girls and ladyboys will still luv u long time even with out the gold and latest iPhone.
I see an awful lot of large luggage (in the full article) being taken along considering this was just a tour to a "well-known restaurant". Perhaps the tourists were anticipating various contingencies. Welcome to Thailand. Be prepared.
So then he didn't enrich himself while PM like all the other PMs do? What legitimate, pre-prime minster businesses did he operate to make billions (after paying taxes)?