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Everything posted by neeray

  1. He seems to be already for a quickie. Maybe he's a man who doesn't like to waste precious time disrobing.
  2. I hadn't thought of "nappys" as it relates to incontinence but you raise a good point. I'll go for either interpretation of nappys (although I was originally referring to a nap.)
  3. I would disagree with your last sentence. While Biden's hands may not be totally clean, the stories run 99 to 1 against Trump because the crimes committed by Trump compared to Biden are 99 to 1. So yes, more Trump stories.
  4. Trump is most familiar with the feelings of ‘desperate and flailing’. He may not know these BIG words but he sure knows the feelings.
  5. Somebody will identify this wimpy looking perv. The sooner, the better.
  6. " ..... land that was expropriated from private landowners for the Blue Line train project to be used by the condominium for access to and from Asoke Road." (from the article) Why not offer further compensation to the persons whom the land was originally expropriated from? It could be a win/win.
  7. She: Might have been a little bit naive. He: An enterprising smuck. (or if he wasn't selling it, maybe he's just a braggart).
  8. I doubt that "the people" would hold the manipulation which was exercised to keep Pita from forming a government, against MFP.
  9. What I am going to suggest, jak2002003 already suggested and you say you've already tried it, with no improvement. My 6.5 year old Golden was vomiting, a little bit frequent when I first got him at 3.5 years. As it turned out, I had been giving him too much dry food all at once. I cut it back to two, half-size feedings and never again vomited. I wish you success in solving this issue.
  10. Quitting would be a wise decision for Prawit. This would clear the way for more daytime nappys and time to admire his many time pieces. Go for it Kun Prawit.
  11. Better late than never. I'm sure MFP, especially Pita would agree.
  12. That would mean 10 more months of status quo but then possibly a path to the people's choice.
  13. No need for a police investigation. You've got it all figured out.
  14. PM selection sitting this Thursday now in limbo.............. Good. Keep it in limbo until you figure out which end is up.
  15. "Everything is going to be better". Of course it's going to be better, because you're going to be gone Prayut (hopefully).
  16. Maybe the re-rod got pilfered and sold for scrap during construction.
  17. I'm always amazed by how some commenters feel the need to be so argumentative or abusive to others. Is this where we're at today? Or is this just a case of "angry old men disease"? Mother used to say, "live and let live". Good advice Mom.
  18. Oh Steven please. Enough already. Just like the USA political debacle, time to move on. Problem is, Prayut's rigged system torpedoed the chance to move on.
  19. Thank you. I guess 8 years is somewhat beyond "newbie" status.
  20. I'm sure it didn't take much TIME for many of us to notice. On that note, I sure wish the CASE of the watches would be opened again. It's about TIME.
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